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Everything posted by cdgacoltsfan

  1. The naysayers bashed Fries then moved on to Pierce. Who you gonna bash now?
  2. Maybe a backup type, if they don't resign Minshew, in the later rounds.
  3. Ummm...we are in the midst of a playoff run ..right now
  4. I don't think you should be a football fan. Try golf or tennis.
  5. You're amazing! My hero!!! You're the best!!!
  6. You believe? Or is it fact? Where did you see it or read this?? Link ??
  7. It's been reported that Frank wanted to take CJ Stroud with the #1 pick, but Tepper wanted Young. I wonder if the Panthers took CJ , do you think the Texans would have taken Young or Richardson?
  8. Apparently, you don't own a TV?
  9. It must be me but I can't stand listening to Adam Ant...have to have the game on mute.
  10. Happy Thanksgiving to my Colts forum friends ( and enemies too)
  11. I remember Darius Leonard...he was an awesome linebacker! Not sure who Shaq Leonard is. Wish him the best though.
  12. Levis is physically gifted but lacks the between the ears aspect. He stinks.
  13. How do you attach a pic for your profile? I've tried but the file size is always too large .
  14. He narrowly outbid me for it. I'm not happy.
  15. The Colts probably need to win 5 out of 7...there's the rub.
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