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Free Agency Day 1- Your overall thoughts and opinions- What's Next?

Legend of Luck

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I'm a bit disappointed because so far the Colts did nothing to improve the Offensive line. And I fear Grigson and the Colts will rely on guys like McGlynn and cheap, average players. But that's not gonna fix our problems!


I love the signing of Arthur Jones and that Vontae Davis is back with the team, don't understand why they keep Greg Toler and while Bradshaw is a decent back (if cheap) I expect both to land on IR again at midseason. I really like Adam Vinatieri and I'm glad he is back but I also fear we are spending a lot of cash on a 41 year old kicker. Money we could need for other positions. 


I hate the Jackson signing, because we spend a lot of money on an aging MLB who in my eyes is only average. Cutting Satele was a no brainer! Nice to have Pat McAffee back, he is fun and a great punter!

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I'm a bit disappointed because so far the Colts did nothing to improve the Offensive line. And I fear Grigson and the Colts will rely on guys like McGlynn and cheap, average players. But that's not gonna fix our problems!


I love the signing of Arthur Jones and that Vontae Davis is back with the team, don't understand why they keep Greg Toler and while Bradshaw is a decent back (if cheap) I expect both to land on IR again at midseason. I really like Adam Vinatieri and I'm glad he is back but I also fear we are spending a lot of cash on a 41 year old kicker. Money we could need for other positions. 


I hate the Jackson signing, because we spend a lot of money on an aging MLB who in my eyes is only average. Cutting Satele was a no brainer! Nice to have Pat McAffee back, he is fun and a great punter!


I agree that we need to start focusing on the O-line.


If it makes you feel any better, EVERY interview that I have read with Chuck and Grigson, they acknowledge that O-line is our biggest need. They likely have a plan, whether that be going after Alex Mack, or someone like EDS. There looks to be some good Guards available for us in the Draft as well. So we should be ok.

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So far- I love the Arthur Jones signing, but hope to see at least one more NT signing in the coming weeks.  I like the idea of Jones playing opposite Redding on both downs.  I think that really strengthens our run defense and rotation with Moala would be pretty formidable.  I just think Chapman needs someone to spell him

Signing Vontae- It seemed necessary.  He is near the upper group of corners in the league (but probably not a true lock down corner).  We sacrificed a lot to get him to the team, and our secondary would be glaringly weak without him or the signing of another top corner.  Plus, with the apparent huge bust of the Richardson trade, Grigson could not, realistically, let his second round trade-Vontae walk.  There would be alot of grumbling, especially if things turned sour in the coming years

I think the Jackson signing was decent.  The money is pretty decent for a starting MLB and I think he is a big upgrade over what we have had in the past.  He should bring some leadership to the middle and can hopefully help some of the young guys.

Bethea had to go.  He just isn't the same player.  Vinny is well past his prime but you can't hate the signing but maybe not a necessity.  Good moves on special teams so far, overall.

The Bradshaw signing was a surprise to me.  I figured he would be gone, BUT would assume (considering last year) that he must be pretty cheap.  PLUS I am not willing to hang this team's future on Richardson and think that Bradshaw will end up filling the Brown role next year and will carry the bulk of our running load

My hopes- Interior O-line help is needed, whether that be the top guys like Mack or get a couple of mid level guys.  Either way, we can improve the line significantly.     I think we need WR help alot more than most people do here : Wayne is a stud but is old.  TY is a dangerous guy but is not the posession receiver like Wayne.  TY can easily put up 200 yards a game and then the next week put up 25.  I think we need the route running, hands guy like Wayne for the future.  I am thinking drafting that is the best option instead of paying big money for a Decker type guy.  There are some interesting guys on the roster outside of our top two, but not anyone I would be willing to hang my hat on in the future.

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