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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. The players the fans were calling for were before the start of the season. No one knew Fries would be this good. So you’re arguing after the fact. The call for a RB was when Taylor was holding out and Moss had a fractured wrist. The Colts were very thin. Look, we’re all geniuses with the benefit of hindsight. I’m guessing the moment Taylor gets hurt in the next three years, fans who are not happy with this decision (not saying you) will start screaming what a mistake this deal was. It’s what fans do. By the way, my thought experiment about trading Smith for draft picks and also trading Kelly in 24 is gone just like that. Poof! Odds are overwhelming that’s not happening. It was hugely unpopular here and soundly rejected. I’m a big boy and that’s the market place of ideas. You’re not going to win them all, and I lost that soundly. And that’s fine. I think the Colts future is looking very bright today. I hope most here view this as a good day.
  2. 100 percent. Well said. The idea of Taylor in the same backfield as Richardson has to be scary for any defense the Colts face. Pick your poison.
  3. Of course, my comment about semi-tank mode had absolutely zero to do with Taylor, but if it will make you happy to believe that I’m wrong, then I’m wrong. By the way, I’m here over 12 years, and I’ve said every year that I’d always rather be wrong if it means it’s better for the Colts, and I think signing JT to this deal is better for the Colts. So I’m very happy with this signing. But to refresh your memory, our discussions about semi-tank had nothing to do with Taylor. It had to do with the team making zero moves when the fans screamed for the Colts to sign a veteran guard, a corner, a safety, a tackle, or a RB or a OT. That was our discussion point. So pop the champagne! Enjoy the weekend. Hopefully a big win tomorrow.
  4. First…. My comment was that it wasn’t Ballard’s decision alone. Irsay heavily involved. A decision this big is never Ballard alone. The Colts just signed him to 3/42 with 26+ guaranteed. So they know him far better than the fan base. You might be skeptical, but the Colts are a smart, well run franchise, and their decision would tell you they disagree with your view.
  5. The Colts know much more about Taylor’s health and attitude than they did a month or two ago. And a decision this big is NOT Ballard’s alone. This was done with full support of Irsay.
  6. Yes…. Eligible AFTER this season. But after tomorrows game there are still 12 more games to go. It’s still very early in a marathon season. And the team could always decide after season four if they wanted. But if the Colts want to decide, odds are the decision will be made on what KP does in the final 12 games and not the first 5. All I’m saying it’s that it’s still early, plenty of time left. That’s all.
  7. The Colts are about to play game 5 of Paye’s 3rd season. Why are you bringing up the idea of whether or not the team will extend Paye? A decision like that will be made well down the road.
  8. Good grief! Andrew Luck retired in Mid-August! There was no one to go get at that time of year unless you’re willing to grossly overpay! And Brissett was fine as the guy for a year. He was 5-2 in his first 7 games before he hurt his knee and played anyway. But do tell us what you would have done.
  9. 2003? Really? Wasn’t Peyton drafted in 1998? So it was year 6 of Manning’s career. Interesting….
  10. The guy is a career back up and somehow you think he’s ruining his career by being a backup for Indy? Minshew’s career is being helped, not hurt, being in Indy. If he does a good job mentoring AR that reflects well on Minshew.
  11. Your mention of the rumors about Woods being out of shape are the first I’ve heard about it. And the poster I was responding to didn’t mention it either, so I don’t think it was part of his consideration. But since you have stated it, that certainly gets my attention and would be hugely disappointing if true. Very disappointing. Thanks for the 411.
  12. Four games into a season and you’ve given up on a player. Unbelievable.
  13. McCaffrey and Kamara are at $16m per. Then there’s a gap. Then there are a bunch of RB’s all in the similar range of $12 to 12.5m per. I think JT belongs in that gap, and likely to the lower side because the RB market is shrinking so fast. So, I’ve pegged JT at roughly $13+m per. And that’s how I came to a contract of 3/40 months ago. Will JT accept a 3-year deal? Will he insist on a 4th year? And I always stress that the signing bonus and especially the total guaranteed are the real keys.
  14. Personally, I’m not expecting Taylor to answer many (any?) questions directly. I think he’ll deflect and/or give non-answer answers. It’s been my experience that most professional athletes do NOT want to be held accountable. They can say the dumbest things but don’t like it when the media points out how dumb the comment was. So I don’t expect Taylor to express much or any regrets for what he did or said. I don’t expect him to say anything bad about his agent. I think he’ll try to keep it light and positive and upbeat. I think he’ll say somewhat positive things about Steichen, Ballard and Irsay. I think JT will downplay anything negative as much as possible. I’ll be surprised if Taylor says anything that seems candid or blunt. It’ll be interesting to see what we get from him.
  15. CJ May have had better numbers than Peyton in college, I honestly don’t know. But here’s what he didn’t have. As much experience. CJ started for Ohio State for two years. That’s good. Peyton started at Tenn for about 3.5 years, and that’s fantastic. That experience was so helpful for Manning. Luck started for three seasons at Stanford. Made a huge difference for him. These days, all young quarterbacks are in such a rush to start their careers and make big money. They start for two years and often leave early. They sacrifice experience at the position where experience is hugely important. That was a huge concern for me with AR. But so far, Steichen and his staff appear to have done a masterful job with Richardson. Props to them. The Colts are fortunate.
  16. Four games into a career, and you’re already poised to pass judgement on the kid. And for Richardson, he’s only actually played about two and a half of those games. That’s it. Why you feel the need to make all these snap judgements is a mystery to me.
  17. Goodness gracious, what are you talking about? And where are you getting your stats? 1.5 receptions per game? Huh? Here are Doyle’s career numbers: Games played: 131 Games started: 84 Career receptions: 295 So if you divide the catches by games played the average catches per game is 2.25. If you divide the catches by games started, the average is 3.5. If you were still unhappy with either of those and wanted the average of both, the number is 2.5. So, where you got 1.5 is a complete mystery. It’s false and misleading at best. But all of those numbers are better than your 1.5 And why are you comparing Jack Doyle to Dallas Clark? Who does that? The Colts gave Manning a great pass catching TE and used a first round pick to do it. Jack Doyle was an un-drafted free agent. The Colts claimed him off waivers and it took him 4 years to become a starter. But his strength was as a blocker which is what the Colts wanted. And he became a 2x Pro Bowler. But, by all means, compare the two and convince yourself you’re making a fair argument. More Nonsense. Again, 42 catches for 594 yards and a 14.5 avg is not a bust. Period. And only a fan says a player is a bust until he proves otherwise is the view of a hater. You make arguments based on hate. They’re not hard to prove false.
  18. For your consideration…. I think Ballard was the assistant GM or something close to that for KC. John Dorsey was the GM, Ballard was either Dorsey’s version if Ed Dodds or Morocco Brown. So as Dorsey’s most trusted aide, he was given the task of doing a deep dive on Tyreke Hill. Turns out Hill was a very good prospect, but had a ton of red flag character issues. We’re they disqualifying for the Chiefs? Maybe, but Ballard had to figure that out. He wasn’t evaluating Hill as a player as much as he was evaluating Hill as a person. Hope this helps….
  19. Pierce could get traded tomorrow and that wouldn’t make him a bust. It would simply mean he’s no longer a good fit in the system Steichen runs. You toss around the word bust way way too easily. The NFL world where a rookie WR catches 41 passes for 594 yards, a 14.5 average is a bust simply doesn’t exist. Period. That’s Pierce’s numbers for his rookie year. There isn’t a “yah but” response for that. Pierce isn’t getting enough looks because the Colts are running plays to get the ball out of AR’s hand as soon as possible. The Colts have to do more to get him involved. Wayne wasn’t saying anything bad about Pierce, that’s just the way your mind works. Remember you freely admitted you hated the Pierce pick the night of the draft. And you weren’t even talking to me. Oh, and Jack Doyle SUCKS? You seriously believe that? Hey, you’re entitled to any opinion you want, but I’d be embarrassed to admit that publicly. That’s a fans viewpoint, nothing more. Sorry.
  20. Which of course misses the point YOU HAD PREVIOUSLY MADE! That you think I’ve somehow been predicting gloom and doom here for 10 years! That’s what YOU wrote! I simply pointed how how ridiculously wrong you’ve been. A decades worth of wrong about me. Again, supported by zero facts. Just your opinion fueled by your childish hate. It has yet to occur to you how many times we’ve inter-acted here just since the start of the season. And you try to tell me what you THINK I’ve said and I respond that my view is 180 degrees the opposite. That you couldn’t be more wrong. You live in a fact-free world.
  21. The funniest part about what you wrote is that you honestly believe it. It’s nonsense. You were wrong the first time you wrote this (draft night 2022) and it’s been wrong every time since then. But good for you, you believe your own viewpoint no matter what. Carry on.
  22. Second time: You were called out because you admitted you called Pierce a bust the night the Colts drafted him. That you hated him and didn’t like the pick. You wanted Pickens who wasn’t even available to the Colts when they picked 53rd. He went to Pittsburgh with the 52nd pick. It doesn’t even occur to you Pierce has had only one game with a decent amount of targets. That part of the problem is AR who is learning how to read defenses and some of the play calling. Wayne has already admitted they need to do a better job getting Pierce more opportunities.
  23. FWIW: You had predicted one of the best records for the Colts this year, but I don’t believe it was the best. I could be wrong, but I believe @Stephen predicted 12-5. If not him, I know someone else did. And there were others who also had projected more wins than you. Not a lot. But a handful or two.
  24. @LJpalmbeacher2 What is confusing about this post. Someone noted he was only a 5th round pick. I explained why and I also explained how I know. What is confusing about this?
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