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Everything posted by Smonroe

  1. That’s what I think of when I hear the name. I did a lot of work with the Bradley.
  2. Those watching practice have said he’s the best looking TE. It would be a shame to lose him.
  3. Like it @GoColts8818 although I’ll be surprised if Winfrey makes the team. Unless he does everything that Dulin could and he’s there mainly for STs. He had a good preseason though. I though 34 looked really good. Really like those 4 TEs, but I doubt that’s going to be the group. They like MAC too much. I think we all hope there’s a couple guys that make the team who aren’t on the roster right now. hopefully Olinemen.
  4. True, what Chap said. AR probably wouldn’t make some of those throws if the game counted. Darn, I really wish JT was playing (like he did in 21). That combo would really make D coordinators sweat.
  5. I like that kind of humor. Sunny has been one of my favorite shows for about 16 years now.
  6. Pierce may have good hands but I’ve yet to see him get separation. His “trick” is to beat his coverage downfield and get the 50/50 ball. He needs to do more than that. Montgomery looked like the best WR out there tonight.
  7. TBF, as you said, Pierce hasn’t looked like he deserves a roster spot. I thought he was a one trick pony, jump ball guy. But he doesn’t get separation. If it were me, I’d keep 4 TEs and 5 WRs. Dump MAC, keep two bigs and two flex’s. But that’s a lot of youth, probably too much for the coaches.
  8. TEs all look good. Pitt and Montgomery are the only WRs that looked good to me. (Downs is going to be good, but he wasn’t tonight). D is going to be stressed. Playing against 2s and not really winning a lot of sets. But it’s going to be learning on the job for the DBs. Need Shaq back.
  9. Montgomery looked real good. Mallory too (TE room is stacked). Did Washington or Strahan play?
  10. We’re walking back to the hotel after the game. My daughter gets a text from her friend saying Luck is retiring. I just laughed at the not true. Then I realized why people were booing during the game. Ruined a nice family weekend. But life goes on…
  11. It may have been said in the dozens of pages of JT posts, but here's what I have to wonder. We all know he's a classy young man, in the community and on the field. I wonder if he's carrying the torch for all RBs, basically being a martyr for the cause. He knows he has no leverage, he knows it's probably hurting his brand, and he probably knows he's not going to get Kamara/McCaffrey money. But if he can get more than the now going rate for RBs, maybe he's doing this to elevate the positions monetary value for all of the guys who's careers are short and are never paid. Kind of a noble gesture. I could be 100% wrong, and it may all be about money. I still think he's a unique talent (when he's healthy) and should be better compensated. Just MHO.
  12. I think the popular belief is that a RB is not that important in the Philly offense. Which is supported by the way the Eagles treated their best RB from last season. But AR isn't Jalen (yet) and the Colts Oline isn't as good as the Eagles. No one can argue that JT isn't special. Having him in the same backfield as AR5 would make a big difference. And I agree with most of you. We have a few guys who could be playmakers. But IMHO, no one (besides JT) is as of yet.
  13. Agreed. I think our young CBs will get burned a bit early in the season, but there's enough promise of talent that with experience they could be a very good unit. The OL is questionable. Not sure we have a solid starting 5, and the depth beyond that is very thin. Those backups will play because injuries will happen. I hope it doesn't get as bad as it did last season. We don't want to see AR start with injuries and ruin another franchise QB.
  14. Obviously we’re counting on AR5, but he can’t do it all on his own. Who will be the guy that the other team has to especially prepare for each week? We may not have JT, so I don’t think any of our other RBs are scaring anyone. MPJ, AP? Good WRs, assuming the Oline gives AR time to let them get open. Hopefully Downs emerges. Potentially good TEs, but is there a Kelce? Not yet. I think you all see my point. We don’t have anyone besides AR (again, projecting that he’s that guy) who defenses really have to look out for, right?
  15. He makes a good point, losing JT isn’t the end of the world in an Eagles type scheme. That’s also assuming AR is a real passing threat too. But where any good RB will get you 4, JT will get you 6 and possibly a TD on any carry. No secret, JT (if he’s healthy) adds a bigger threat to any offense.
  16. It may be a bit rough at the start of the season. Learning on the job for a DB means a lot of opposition scoring. And the way Gus play, with our pass rush, those QBs are going to have time to scan the field. So, not only AR adjusting to the NFL, but really the entire D backfield minus KMJ is doing the same.
  17. I think our “veterans with value” are highly paid, and underperformed last season. So trading them isn’t going to be easy. The goal is to build a team to support AR in the future. We have a lot of young guys to do that. Stay the course.
  18. Leonard has been at every practice until he had the concussion! A little premature to count him out for the year, isn’t it? I’m glass half full on Taylor. I think he’ll be back and play well. Right now my guess is as valid as yours.
  19. DT is a hard position to learn. If you watched AA, he drives back the G but he doesn't shed the block. Once he learns to do that, he's plenty fast enough to do damage. And with his speed, he could even play on the outside if needed.
  20. Me 2! I'm hoping that Brents is playing a little slow because he's not 100% sure where he should be yet. That will come with reps. I think the future is bright with the Colts DBs. Lots of athleticism, but needing experience. I wish I could say the same about the O line, lol!
  21. I think 50% of you will be right 90% of the time. But seriously, I’m guessing the guys you all had in common are locks (barring injury) and I do hope there are a few roster moves to improve Oline depth.
  22. Meant Rush got beat for the TD, but it was a rookie mistake falling for the move. Brent’s seems to always be behind the play. It’s really hard to tell without seeing the All 22. I could be wrong.
  23. Remember, they didn’t just sit AR, they sat the first team. So did the Bears. Probably a joint decision. Most likely because of the joint practices, and an upcoming Thursday game.
  24. Yeah, that’s true. Maybe it’s time to turn it over to AI officiating.
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