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Everything posted by Smonroe

  1. Sole possession! At least for a week. I feel bad for all you Colts fans who wanted to tank so we could draft MHJ.
  2. It's pretty certain they're merging. They're looking for a new name now.
  3. His biggest issue is staying healthy. After setting the all time Ohio State single game rushing record with over 330 yards, he ran for nearly 200 yards against Clemson in the playoff game. Then got hurt at the start of the championship game against Bama. I'm not sure if he ever came fully back.
  4. He’s on the PS. His career has been riddled with injuries. I remember the year he played for the Buckeyes, and he was outstanding. Admittedly he had a great Oline, but he holds the all time single game rushing record for my alma. When you consider the RBs that have played there, that’s pretty impressive. If he’s healthy, he’s better than Funk or Jackson. Big IF.
  5. Last week Ogletree walked off the field waving to everyone like he was fine. He cleared concussion protocols early enough to practice later in the week. But they still kept him inactive today. Maybe they were comfortable with MAC, KG, and Mallory and didn't think they needed him. Or maybe they error to the side of caution. He is the future, they probably won't take any chances with him. Unless he's clearly ... clear..., they may sit him again. Especially the way Minshew played.
  6. Don’t they practice today? We’ll know the real story soon enough.
  7. Wasn't there just a whole thread on how Leonard is done? And he had how many tackles? Not so wild if you look around the forum. It's true that AP has been underwhelming so far, but it was obvious they weren't going to use his strength until they get AR settled in and confirm he won't get killed when attempting a long pass.
  8. A WR has to do more than just catch the ball. Not that it showed Sunday with the lack of a running game.
  9. If he truly isn’t suffering what could be a long term issue with the ankle, he deserves 3 years, around 40. Colts have the money and the cap will get bigger. But that ankle….
  10. Nice. As he said, you can only play against the guys they put out there. Going to be interesting to see how he does against the #1s. Darn, a healthy JT behind he and Q with AR holding the eyes of the LBs…lethal. If only…
  11. No one is going to pay any RB that. Especially when they're not a 3rd down back. 10 - 11 for two years would be fair.
  12. That's true, but it's normal to extend a player who's going into his last contract year. It's interesting how the Colts attitude changed in the last few months. When they asked Ballard about it he said - you pay your good players. They even qualified that with - even RBs? And he repeated that you pay your players that perform. In this case, the Colts have all the cards. But they also have the cap and IMHO should sweeten the deal for JT. I don't know the inside info, I don't think anyone does. If JT is asking to reset the market, then he's dreaming. If he's asking for fair compensation, say what Barkley got, then I think the Colts should work with him.
  13. My bad. I thought Irsay bought a new car. But it was a new RB instead. (I hope you know I'm kidding...)
  14. Remember, a lot of them picked the Colts to win the division last season. I had another thread that pointed that out. Are we worse than last season? Lost Gilmore and ….? So include their track record when you look at their predictions.
  15. In hindsight we would have had a GM who knew the value of offensive lineman and built the team to protect his franchise QB.
  16. Not sure about the O-line yet. RG is open for competition, Rainman showed improvement at the end of the season, new O Line coach, added depth. Also hoping for Q, Kelly, and Smith to return to form. So, while there's no certainty that it will be better, it's definitely not the same as last season. Heck, it improved just by losing Pryor. (Add in a mobile QB, which also helps).
  17. How many games were we predicted to win in 2012? I'm NOT trying to compare AR to AL. I'm really just trying to remember what the braniacs thought back then.
  18. I think it was Kevin Bowen who said it best (or Mike Chappel, not sure) - you could talk yourself into any of the top 5 QBs. All have at least one concern - size, age, accuracy, processing, etc. I'm pretty sure I'm on board with whoever we get. I think my order of preference is Young, Stroud, AR, Levis, Hooker. For what it's worth.
  19. There are probably 20 QBs in the last 22 years that could have the same thing said about them, lol!
  20. I'd take CJ over AR but would be happy with either. And if it's Levis, I'm good. I think Young is the best QB but I also don't think he can last. Eventually a few 300lb guys are going to fall on him one too many times. 2018 QBs drafted in the first round: 1. Baker 3. Darnold (remember how many people here wanted him?) 7. Josh Allen - the AR of that class? 10. Josh Rosen - ??? 32. Lamar - MVP, but he's kind of proving that his style of play may not be viable in the NFL. Can't say Crap Shoot more than that does.
  21. Wow, I can hardly keep up with all of these Colts FA signings! Do you think Ballard is sitting back laughing or just took the day off?
  22. Geez, I already have to wake up Green Day on September 30th. Now you too?
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