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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. Now take your hatred for the pats out of it, and he try to be non-biased.

    Are you choosing the colts, 2 SB appearances, best QB of all time (IMO), average team, always wins 10+ a year, but in trouble if your QB goes down.


    The pats, 5 SB appearances great QB in Brady (just threw up in my mouth), had great defense when the won their SBs, always a contender. Now defense is average at best, and rely on Brady to much...no more SB wins

    Just cause you always have the #1 QB doesn't mean you have the best team, Peyton has always had to much pressure put on him to carry this team season after season....can luck handle that???? He better if Peyton is ran out of town.

    If Irsay really wants to change he'll keep Peyton and trade that pick so he can rebuild this team so it can contend even if the starting QB goes down...that's real change

    We have a foundation (Peyton) now let's build on it...

    If Peyton is healthy....

    My answer is what I have been saying since we started off 0-5 and was in the Luck sweepstakes. IF Peyton can play then we should trade that pick to Cleveland for what is now the 4th pick in the draft. IN return we would get the 4th pick, the 22nd pick, COLT MCCOY, and Cleveland's 2013 first round pick.

    We can take Justin Blackmon with the 4th overall pick. Best player available (preferably OL or DL) with the 22nd pick. We will have our backup QB in McCoy.

    And because this is LUCK we are talking about, we might even be able to get a lot more than that.

  2. Bill Polian is co-host of The Opening Drive on Sirius XM. He has had very kind words for Jim Irsay and the Colts. He is very thankful for his time with the Colts.

    He is adding some very good insight that we all wanted to hear while he was here. He is breaking down the game plan of the Colts and the Pats. He said the Colts just did minor tweaks to the Tampa2 from week to week for the opponent, but the Patriots change their entire game plan from week to week so you never know what they are going to do. He said they are probably the best in NFL history at game planning from week to week.

    He was asked by a caller if he thought Jim Irsay was planning to move on from Peyton and he answered that he might be, but it wasn’t something he and Jim talked about. With the wording that Jim Irsay has used about rebuilding it leaves things up in the air about Peyton’s future in Indy.

    If anyone has XM I highly recommend turning to channel 88 right now.

  3. It is funny how alot of us(myself included)demanded change, and gratefully we got it. So now that

    we have change we don't want it. We want to pick the coach the GM and now the QB. Now everbody wants to tell JIM I. how to spend his money and to let PM be the QB until he has to be wheeled or carried off the field. Other than an occasional goofy tweet, we are blessed with one of the better owners in sports,but yet fans are saying they will no longer be Colt fans if he does'nt keep OUR chosen QB. This has to be a gut wrenching decision for JI, It is very easy for alot of us to spend his money for him on an investment that could literally blow up in face come training camp and put this franchise years behind, because keeping both qbs is not a realistic option for the franchise, just its fans. So let be real careful on how we judge JI on this tough choice,which seems to be days or weeks ahead. Look at it this way, if this was your business, would you opt for the two more years of possible

    QB play with a aging hurt QB or a possible 14 more of what many experts claim to be his once in a generation clone. I know the short sided forum answer is to keep PM, but if this were your business

    I dont think that would be your choice either. GO COLTS.

    Peyton Manning is the reason why there is still an NFL team in Indianapolis and we are not the LA Express. The Luke should be named Peyton's Place. Without Peyton we go below 500 the last 14 seasons with no SuperBowl appearances.

    Just my opinion.

    Take care of the man who made all of this possible. It's not a normal business decision and it shouldn't even need a second thought. If Peyton can play then you pay him.

  4. As a long-time fan and supporter of BOTH men, I'm getting fed up with the spitting contest. This week isn't about Peyton, Irsay or the Colts. It's time for BOTH of you to be MEN, and knock off this childishness for the rest of the week. You are ruining the celebration for all of the fans that have supported you for years.

    My two cents' worth.

    I don't think they're fighting through the media at all.

    I believe it just boils down to Peyton letting everyone know that he was cleared by doctors to play football again (good positive sign for Colts fans) and Jim Irsay wanted to set the record straight that while Peyton has been cleared by his own doctors; he has yet to pass the Indianapolis Colts physical.

    Could things be worded better? Sure but then those words would be twisted as well. No matter what they say the media will take them out of context for a story.

    Peyton has stayed out of the media with this for a very long time. He has made few comments and has played his part perfect. What he said about everything changing in Indianapolis; he meant that. He has watched everyone leave and it doesn't feel like the same place. It doesn't feel like the same team to us fans either and we aren't even in the building. That was taken out of context too.

    No matter what Peyton and Jim say, their words will be twisted until a final decision is actually made.

    If they stay quiet then it's a story. If they speak then it is a story as well. Nothing they do until a decision is made will make anything better.

    If Irsay does decide to pay the 28 million then the media will be questioning whether or not he made a good business decision. If he let's Peyton go then the media will question his loyalty to a player who changed everything for Indianapolis.

    The only way for Irsay and Peyton to win is for Irsay to pay the money and for Peyton to play great in 2012.

  5. Where's OldUncleMark? I think it was him and someone else I went around and around with on the importance of Garcon. Looks like I lost.

    Garçon can block. We will need that to run the ball more. Plus he is cheaper.

    I would still rather have Reggie.

  6. I don't want us to cut Clark, but if you cut him in the 2011 league year, then you free up money on the 2013 cap.

    Yes, but it wouldn't really be worth it in my opinion. That's what I was trying to explain anyway. Brackett makes more sense because he is under contract until 2015.

    Player: Gary Brackett

    Signing Bonus: $12,000,000

    Years: 5

    Total Deal: $33,000,000

    2012: $5,000,000

    2012 Cap Hit: $7,400,000

    2013: $6,600,000 (+2.4mil SB)

    2014: $6,600,000 (+2.4mil SB)

  7. So, cutting Brackett and Clark would do what to the cap number? Wouldn't it accelerate their numbers for 2012 if we did that before the league year ends?

    Cutting Bracket would be a good idea in my opinion simply because it will be a wash this year and free up the money over the remaining of his deal. I don't think it makes sense to cut Clark because he only has two years left.

    Just my opinion.

  8. Glad to hear somebody who seems to know how to do the math. Now here's a homework equation for you. I'm keeping Manning, drafting luck and letting everyone on your original list go except








    How much do I have left to spend?

    Answering that question will take some time. I am pretty busy over the next few days but will get back to you on it.

  9. So my question is, could we afford bringing in a top flight OG in Carl Nicks if Peyton isnt back and still have plenty of enough cap to sign draft picks, retaining Mathis and Garcon, etc.?

    IN MY OPINION. Just my opinion! ;)

    I think that if we pay Peyton then we will not sign a lot of free agents (returning or new) to big deals. Because Irsay will be shelling out 28 million in one shot, he might close the check book up a little. Just because we are great on the cap, doesn't make the Colts books good to go out and spend 150 million this year.

    That being said, I can see us grabbing some of the second tier players and maybe one or two of the top tier players.

    If we cut Peyton then I think we might go on a free agent spree.

  10. I have apologlized when I treat somoene wrong you can ask MAC if you don't believe me. I am not however going to apolgize for offering my opinion which is what a forum is for just because others may not agree with it. I tend to clearly state that something is an opinion I am offering and I have no issues with people offering their own, if someone disagrees with my opinion or I disagree with someone else's I am going to do more than say i disagree I am going to tell you why which again is what a forum is for. There is nothing wrong with backing up why you think something in fact it's a good thing to do that. I am also not going to apoglize if I get my opinion wrong because everyone is wrong at some point which is why it's an opinion it's just the way you see things, there is no need to apoglize for that. I will and have admitted in the past when my opinion is wrong. So I am not really sure what you are wanting here. If you were trying to make a joke it wasn't funny at least to me.

    It was just a joke dude. Lighten up a little. I think we are all friends here. ;)

    I think you bring a lot of great insight to this board and I am not bashing you.

  11. Too many EGOS. Too many people who NEED the attention.

    People With Over-Sized Egos Are Doomed To Walk This World Alone. That or spend most of their life on a message board.

    Just some things off the top of my head regarding message boards:

    • If someone says, "In my opinion" - They are just giving an opinion. Either respond with your opinion or just move on. It is just an opinion. Maybe it is not yours. Get over it. That is what a healthy message board is for.
    • When dealing with message board bullies, who think they own the place, remind them that they don’t own this place.
    • When the board becomes more negative than positive – Take some time off from the board. It is not healthy to allow that garbage to be inhaled into your life.
    • When you see a person makes a good post then LIKE that post. Encourage good thoughts and good debates. If someone handles a certain situation, give the kudos to let them know you appreciate their mannerism. Be thankful for other people’s thoughts and they might actually be thankful for yours.
    • If someone says something so stupid you think they should have their posting privileges taken away – Just ignore it. Yeah we all know Peyton isn’t going to be the next great forward for the Chicago Bulls. There is no need to beat on the thirteen year old who posted it.
    • Avoid Nerd Fights. Sorry but anyone who fights on a message board is a nerd. I have better things to do with my time than fight with another person on a message board. I will play along for a little bit, but I have a life. So should you. If this board is your life then seek professional help.
    • And Doogan – The thing that has always been your issue is that your opinion IS NOT FACT. Stop guaranteeing stuff and if you do then at least be a big enough person to admit you were wrong. Have your opinion all you want. But you don’t have a crystal ball. By the way, how do you like those two offensive linemen being taken 1-2 last year? ;)

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