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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. My guess is because after 4 years we are going to have to pay Luck about 20 million a year. I believe our thought process is to surround Luck with everything we can and then in year 6, he is going to have to carry the team just as Peyton did.

    The length of the contract has little effect on what the potential cap penalty is in the event of a release, but it does affect the way the signing bonus is divided. If you have a $5m signing bonus on a three year contract, the bonus counts for $1.67m against the cap each year. But if you have the same bonus on a four year contract, it counts for $1.25m each year.


    I'm not sure exactly why they settled on four years for most of these contracts (Cherilus got five, Toler got three, Sidbury got one; I think everyone else got four). But in terms of flexibility moving forward, all of these contracts are somewhat team friendly if someone gets released or traded at some point.

  2. I like how we are front-loading contracts.

    From Spotrac Gosder Cherlios


    Contract:5 yr(s) / $34,500,000 Signing Bonus $10,000,000 Average Salary $6,900,000

    End Year:2017


    $15.5 million guaranteed (signing bonus + 2013 base)


      Year    Base       S. Bonus Misc.      Cap Hit      Dead $$

      2013  5,500,000    2,000,000 -    7,500,000   15,500,000

      2014  1,000,000    2,000,000 -    3,000,000   8,000,000

      2015  4,000,000    2,000,000 -    6,000,000     6,000,000

      2016  7,000,000    2,000,000 -    9,000,000     4,000,000

      2017  7,000,000    2,000,000      9,000,000     2,000,000


    We can cut him after year 3.
    But we would lose $4M of Cap space that year to get the last two years of his $2M per pro-rated signing bonus off the books.
    Cut him after 4 years and a $2M Cap hit.

    Here is the link to look at other player contracts.


    A link explaining dead $$$

  3. It sounded like Grigson and Pagano referenced him in a press conference last week about our free agent signings, but I thought AJ was a free agent. Maybe I just missed it, and we signed him or they are planning to bring him back. I don’t know.

  4. I was checking over these the other day, and agree with Bill on just about every player. I am intrigued why he left Greg Toler off of his list.


    Not sure how many of you guys have insider for espn so I thought I would post parts of what polian said about the guys we signed. The article is dated march 11. Im not going to post every player but i will post the ones we signed and how many players are in each of his tiers. Here is the link http://insider.espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9027405/2013-nfl-free-agency-bill-polian-ranks-top-free-agents-tier

  5. Cruz is a game changer and would immediately impact our offense. He can play in the slot or outside. That said, I don’t know if any of these rumors have any validity. I do know he will cost a lot of money whether it is coming from the Colts, Giants, or any other team’s checkbook.


    I can understand why a fan would not want the Colts to spend the money, but I can also understand why the Colts should. I believe Cruz would be a huge asset to the Colts offense. Giant’s fans do not want to lose him, because they know how talented he is.


    We dont need another slot WR. We have Hilton! This would be a mistake in my opinion giving up a 1st rounder when that could be used on a pass rusher to replace Mathis or a big WR like Keenan Allen round 1.

  6. We’ve got to love Jim Irsay. He knows how to get the fan base excited. I believe that this is a bigger name, at least in the same ballpark as Vontea, because Jim has went far out of his way to make a big deal about this (more than normal). I would not be surprised if it is Victor Cruz. The Giants might not be capable of matching the contract that we have the ability to offer. Cruz would certainly add a dynamic to our passing game. On many levels Cruz makes sense, because we will be hard-pressed to find a wide receiver at #24 who can be as explosive on day one, as Cruz can be.


    The five days the Colts have been working on this deal is the most intriguing, because if that were not a factor then someone such as, Brandon Lloyd, would make a lot of sense.


    There are many variables to this leading me to think it could be any number of receivers; Jeremy Macklin, DeSean Jackson, Victor Cruz, Hakeem Nicks, Steve Johnson, Dwayne Bowe, Brandon Lloyd, Larry Fitzgerald, and so on.


    Do we want the baggage that DeSean Jackson brings? Or does his relationship with Ryan Grigson and his ability to act as a duo threat in the return game trump the baggage?


    Victor Cruz is worth the first round pick, and will add explosion to our passing attack. Would the Giants really let him go after losing Manningham last year, especially when it was so obvious how much the Giants underestimated his importance? That said, the Giants might not be capable of stopping it. The Giants might also realize that it will be very difficult to sign Cruz and Nicks next season, as both are in contract years, so the Giants might be shopping either of them to get something in return. Maybe the deal isn’t for a first round pick, but rather a 3rd and a late pick, or a 3rd this year and a pick next year based on performance (round 3-7).


    Steve Johnson signed a five-year, 36 million dollar deal last year, with $19.2 million guaranteed. This deal pays $24 million over the first three years, excluding one year which is complete. Maybe the Bills want to free up some money to sign pieces that fit a new philosophy. They have already dumped several other players, including their starting quarterback, Fitzpatrick. The Steve Johnson possibility makes sense because it might take five days to figure out how to implement his deal into one that works for the Colts salary cap; not just this year, but also for future cap years. I can see an extension with most of the remaining guaranteed money restructured as a signing bonus, and added a year or so to the deal.


    Dwayne Bowe was franchised at around 9.5 million. The Victor Cruz and Hakeem Nicks scenario similarly fit in this process.


    Brandon Lloyd was just released so this is not likely our current target, but could be a backup plan if the current deal fails to come to fruition.


    As much as I would really like our offense with Larry Fitzgerald, I just do not see him leaving Arizona. He is the ultimate team player, and from his words and his actions, he has made me a believer that he has no intentions of ever playing for another team. He is the ultimate loyalty guy.


    The one constant in my mind, is how much the Wes Welker deal has played into the Colts front office concerns, and may be forcing our hands to be more aggressive in finding a free agent wide receiver. Clearly Denver is the team everyone is chasing in the AFC right now.


    Sorry this is so long. I have been collecting my thoughts for a while.

  7. I will preclude this by saying that my numbers are not 100% straight from the Indianapolis Colts or the NFL and that I have no affiliation with them other than I bleed blue just like most other Colts fans. I have been keeping an excel spreadsheet of the Colts Cap for several years dating back into the 90’s and I am usually very accurate.

    As of now my raw cap hit, according to the rules of the offseason, is $105,543,273.

    Now this is including a lot of dead cap space which I currently have estimated to be $26,012,777. It goes without saying that this is by far the largest amount of dead cap space that we have ever had or that I have ever seen.

    What my numbers do not include are the rookies and anything that happens to Dwight Freeney. Currently Freeney is counting against the 2012 cap at $19,035,000. If in the event that we were to cut him then we would add on another $5,000,000 in dead cap space; however we would decrease the overall 2012 cap by $14,035,000.

    Also, some of the contracts I have been forced to use an estimated best guess at based on previous contracts because of the information not being readily available. Can I be off on some of those? Sure, but it won't be by much. Contracts are pretty standard in how they pay out and after you look at thousands of them then you see a trend. I use that trend to help me fill out the rest of the unknown.

    Just passing the info along to whoever might find it useful.

  8. We did sign Cota and Poole who used to play for the Ravens and signed Bennett who was a former Bill one of Polian's old players there. I recall us bringing in Burris who was one of Polian's last draft picks with the Bills. When he went to the Panthers he took three or four old Bills with him there too.

    That is just not true.

    Cota and Poole were Panthers.

    But yes, it is normal for new GM's and coaches to bring players with them.

  9. sketchy IMO

    I don't think it is sketchy at all. One thing about Peyton is that he has his own unique throwing mechanics and I would bet my paycheck that is him. If not then it is one heck of an actor. Everything about those throws says that he is making them.

    Now what I will say is that we don't know when that was filmed. It could have been filmed before the injury and surgery.

  10. Antonio Garay played for the Chargers (Greg Manusky) the past few seasons and is a free agent this year. He is “not likely”a guy who is too high on other team’s radar and could possibly be signed to a modest contract. I could see somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 million a year. He is 6-4, 320.

    Just throwing this out as an affordable option to help move the defense to the 3-4.

    It wouldn’t surprise me if we signed him.

    Knocks against him:

    He was fined 15,000 for a hit on Brady (oh well)

    He is a little flashy off the field

    He has been seen driving this:


  11. I have different data.

    My source for contract data :


    So far, I have:

    1) 31 players on 2012 roster that account for $88.59MM towards the 2012 salary cap. This assumes PM at current contract.

    2) 15 FAs who are off-contract in 2012. They are:

    Anderson, Brayton, Diem, Foster, Garcon, Gonzales, Lacey, Mathis, Muir, Richard, Saturday, Tamme, Toudouze, Wayne and Wheeler.

    Currently, they account for $0 to the 2012 cap.

    I don't have the past contract information for Hill, Pollak, and Simms. Can you please provide them to me?

    3) I think I can safely cut Painter from the roster, leaving 30 players for 2012, and $88.02MM toward the 2012 salary cap.

    4) I think I can safely add the #1 draft pick QB, and a QB3 at league minimum to replace Painter, giving us 32 players for 2012 and $92.62MM to the cap.

    5) Add in the remaining 21 players to fill out the 53-man roster, at league minimum, and we have 52 players for 2012 and $100.81MM to the cap.

    Yes, we are about $20MM under the cap, assuming we don't sign any FAs (including our 15 FAs listed in item 2 above).

    Last year, these 15 FAs accounted for $34.94MM to the 2011 cap.

    So you see that there will have to be some hard decisions that need to be made to accommodate most or some of these FA re-signs that you may want to do.

    You will have to juggle which FAs to not re-sign, or find extra cap space by restructuring current players on contract (like PM and Freeney).

    I am trying to figure out where you are disagreeing with me. ;)

    I get my numbers from several different sources.

    Bottom line is that we are close to 20 million under the cap without doing anything except signing the league min vets to fill the roster. Anything we do on top of that would just be a guess at this time.

  12. I just read through a Bleacher Report listing all the new coaches, assistants, etc. Is there anyone out there knowledgeable enough about the staff to suspect any weak links? When I say suspect it would of course be your opinion. I have a hard enough time keeping up with some of the opposing teams players. I have minimal or no knowledge of some of our new staff. Some of their credentials/qualifications don't look so impressive. I claim ignorance, so perhaps my observation is no more than an ignorant opinion.

    There could be a few. Some new NFL guys in the mix here; however they have to get their start somewhere. It could also be a great move for them. Only time will tell.

  13. I mean...try and imagine the scenario that Peyton does come back and play. He plays a OK game but the Colts looses and the crowd screams for LUCK.... it would be an absolutely nightmare for Peyton and his legacy!

    So I say, stay away Peyton...we love you, but your better off somewhere else!

    I doubt anyone educated about football would scream for Luck over Peyton.

  14. ESPN has dropped Ron Jaworski from its Monday Night Football broadcast team and he's being reassigned to other duties at the network.


    Many folks have long thought that after his career is over that Peyton Manning would do a great job as a game analyst.

    If this neck/nerve problem doesn't pan out.... its a plum job and he'd be great at it. And it may well be time.


    Jaws had a great run. He works the preseason games in Philly and I am sure he will still have a national presence. I can see why it was time to move on. It happens.

  15. Ok, I'm at a crossroad so I want all you so called Colts fans out there to tell me why I should remain a Colts Fan. I've been called a non fan, a Manning "Fan Boy", Mr. Negativity and a disloyal individual. So after 27 years of being a Colts fan and missing just 3 Colts home games in 18 years, two this year alone, why should I remain loyal to the Colts?

    I want to hear from you. I'm a STH and haven't renewed my tickets yet so convience me why I should stay. Mr. Irsay has gone nutts, he can't even listen to himself and keep things "in house" anymore. He can't keep his word to his players and fan base anymore. He can't have a meeting with the guy that saved his franchise and helped win a Super Bowl and helped build him a new stadium. He can't meet with the one guy that helped bring a Super Bowl to this City. I want to know why, after 27 years of loyal support through the good and bad, why I should continue to financially support this team.

    I just want to know why, can someone logically convience me why! Is it that hard to want to know why????????????

    I'm broken, sick to my stomach and just plain tired of it all. Anyone?????

    Please make me understand! I'm on the ciff edge ready to jump!

    When I first started watching the Colts, #18 was Mike Pagel. I have seen many different QB's in a Colts uniform. I love Peyton Manning; however I am a Colts fan first and always will be.

    I understand why someone would be upset if Peyton were to leave. I will be upset too. But it doesn't change my love for the shoe at all.

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