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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. As of now, I agree that Castonzo is our best OL.  But I think Ijalana has tons of potential and could be an excellent OL.  Many people had him being a LT in the NFL and I think if he was able to stay healthy, he would have been our LT and he would be a very good one at that


    He was coming off of double hernia surgery which is why he fell to us, and then the injuries started piling up on him. I would have never started him over Castonzo, but I believe Polian saw him as our future RT for many years when he was drafted. If he stays healthy, barring injury to anyone else, his only place to start will be at RG, and I believe he can win that spot.

  2. Give Ijalana time.  He has potential through the roof.  If he can come back fully healthy, I think he can be our best OL.


    I believe he could be our opening day starter at RG, but Castonzo is our best OL, with the most upside, at least in my opinion. It is all just a guessing game at this point.

  3. agreed, Im pulling for Cooper or Carradine personally


    If Cooper is there then we have to take him. If Cooper falls past 15 we might even move up and get him.


    We could move back and probably get either Carradine or Hopkins.


    Oddly enough, Hopkins visited, but I don't buy into that as much as most people do, especially a few weeks before the draft.

  4. Fair enough, looking back through your posts I agree, I can admit when I know Im wrong, With that said I still believe 100 percent that it would be an illogical pick, good player, illogical pick


    We can agree to disagree. In the end, whoever we draft, we will both be rooting for him. ;)

  5. your wasting your time, just let it go, his acceptance that Lacy wont be a Colt will come soon 


    When did I ever say we are guaranteed to take Lacy? You won't find that, because I never said it, but you will find 97% of the members here saying we won't draft Lacy. I believe Lacy is an option for us and we could take him if he is there.


    Nice try to spin things around, but I have covered myself no matter who we take. You and the 97% others have not.

  6. your going to be very disappointed come draft day especially since you dont seem to realize this is a loaded draft on the defensive side of the ball


    Why would I be disappointed? I am good with any direction we go. It is 97% of this board that will look stupid if we take Lacy.


    I never guaranteed we would take him. I just believe we are interested. It is you and the 97% who have guaranteed that we will not take him.

  7. "VERY INTERESTED in his services."

    Don't shoot the messenger.

    The way I look at it, the FO looks at our offense & feels we need to balance out with a running game. The one key lacking in our running game is a power back. Carter has issues and is from another regime. Adding a little power to our offense is going to help bring some consistency to the offensive line as well.

    Wouldn't be surprised if we are looking at Lacy too.


    We are looking at Lacy. 97% of the members on this board can't admit it though.

  8. I strongly believe in not taking a RB in the first round unless it is a player with Adrian Peterson's ability.  Out of the last 3 years, the following RBs have gone in the first round:

    2010 - CJ Spiller (9), Ryan Mathews (12), Jahvid Best (30)

    2011 - Mark Ingram (28)

    2012 - Trent Richardson (3), Doug Martin (31), David Wilson (32)


    RBs not taken in the first round in those years:

    2010 - Dexter McCluster (2nd round), Ben Tate (2nd round), Anthony Dixon (6th round), Jon Dwyer (6th round), James Starks (6th round)

    2011 - Jacquizz Rodgers (5th round), Delone Carter (4th round), Kendall Hunter (4th round), Roy Helu (4th round), Steven Ridley (3rd round), DeMarco Murray (3rd round), Shane Vereen (2nd round), Mikel Leshoure (2nd round), Ryan Williams (2nd round)

    2012 - Daryl Richardson (7th round), Bryce Brown (7th round), Vick Ballard (5th round), Alfred Morris (6th round), Bernard Pierce (3rd round), LaMichael James (2nd round)


    You do not need to take a RB in the first round for him to be a good RB


    That is cherry picking. Pretty lame eh?

  9. Lol Did you see the rating for run blocking? 11th in the league. Thomas isn't a fantastic run blocker, but better than most.


    This is the same site that said we were 31st in run blocking and bashed Castonzo. I agree we were the worst of the worst at pass blocking last season, but we were better than 31st at run blocking. Excuse me if I don't find profootballfocus a credible Web site.

  10. Umm what? Joe Thomas (best LT in the game), John Greco, Alex Mack (one of the best center in the game) and even RT rookie Mitchell Schwartz was solid.



    How are you going to give me a link to try and prove that the Browns have a good run blocking line when the Web site says this:


    "Joe Thomas (+25.6) gives up pressure compared to the rest of the league. It’s stunning how shutdown he is. Now, if only his run blocking matched up to his work in the pass game."


    Did you even read it?


    And the Web site said we were 31st in run blocking. That's just not true. We couldn't pass block worth a crap, but we were better than just the Cardinals at run blocking last season. The site even bashes Castonzo. Nice reputable find there bud.

  11. Your right Olines were totally different and if Ballard would've started before the Jets game, Ballard would trump Richardson in every category except tds.


    You can't really believe yourself when you imply that Ballard is better than Richardson right? I love Ballard and I am glad he is on our team, but he is not an elite back. Richardson has the tools to become an elite NFL back.

  12. Should also be noted that Rishardson was running behind one of the best O-lines in the league. Ballard? Not so much.


    I am sorry, but can you say that again? I think you might slap yourself if you actually heard that. ;)

  13. It's a Mock Draft, there are thousands of Mocks done by draft experts/scouts, doesn't mean they are hinting at anything( a 3rd case scenario at that)

    One of those "draft experts" mocked us Corey Lemonier in round 1.

    And before this mock, McShay mocked us Justin Pugh in Round 1 in one of his mocks.

    Mock drafts aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

    And now people are getting exciting about a 3rd case scenario of a mock draft. C'mon Man *in my best Chris Carter voice*


    This is the first time I have seen anyone credible from the national media start to give the Colts drafting a RB at #24 serious thought. Why the change all of the sudden? Because it makes sense and many are overlooking it.

  14. Do far, Richardson is a bust. Upside means nothing when talking about busts.

    And you think in basing this off of the one game where he played us? He was mediocre all year.


    Just pointing out that if a Colts fan was basing the game against us as his career then it's not a fair judgment.


    Richardson put up close to 1000 yards and 12 TDs, for a bad team, with a rookie quarterback not named Luck, and a team that was sold during the season. Plus he battled through some injuries. How does that even remotely make a RB a bust?

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