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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. (Whoa, this thread is heading south quickly)

    WellI was disappointed last night after the pick, but since it's a done deal, welcome, Bjoern!

    I trust Grigs and staff know way more than I do!


    I tried to avoid that, but you know how it is. When you get two of us Colts fans together you're likely to have three different opinions. ;)

  2. I think I see the lineup a bit differently:





    I think Walden and Werner are our edge setters, and both have been referred to as such.


    Mathis/Hughes are the pass rushers.


    In any case, we have considerable depth.  What we have yet to see is whether we have a real star anywhere.  Mathis should still be fairly good, but the rest are all unknowns.


    Pagano said he worked Werner out at both positions and he showed he could do both. So I am not 100% sure what the actual lineup will be. I don't think anyone knows just yet. They will figure that out over the next few months.

  3. I'm sure C91 is capable of responding himself. Millions of people say 'you know' and 'um' all the time. I'd prefer that a zillion times over  shooting your girlfriend, scamming a pretend girlfriend of taking bribes in college. Pointing it out was beyond futile.


    I am sure C91 is capable of responding himself, but I did it for him. I doubt he has any issues with the way I interpreted his words. If he does, then I am also sure he will let me know. ;)


    I pointed out that you were overreacting, because you were, and I was very nice about it. Deal with it and we will move on. :)

  4. I understand and agree with the optimism, for the most part.  But who reasonably thinks that Hughes won't make the team?  He got more QB pressures last year than almost everyone you mentioned.


    Cutting Hughes for Sidbury, Harvery, Killeen, or Hickman?  Yeah... that's not going to happen.


    I believe it is reasonable to think that Hughes will have major competition in camp. Barring injury to a starter, I don't see him getting much playing time even if he makes the team.

  5. I think it's worth noting that with the defensive transformation we're under the responsibilities and opportunities these linebacker are being given gives them the default advantage as appearing more glamorous than those of previous tenure


    I believe that argument can be made for every style of defense.


    The Will linebacker in the cover 2 has opportunities to look very good. See Cato June.

  6. I have seen every game since 1984, and we have had some good linebacking groups, but overall we have been fairly week, if we look at the average.


    Herrod, Coryatt, Bickett, and so on; were all good players. Herrod would have probably gone to several Pro Bowls had he played on a winning team, and in my mind, he is the best MLB we have ever had in Indy. But when the average football fan thinks about Indianapolis, they don’t think about linebackers.


    Bring on:


    Walden/Werner – SAM

    Mathis/Werner – Rush

    Angerer/Conner/Freeman – Inside


    This combination will be very fun to watch.


    Add in more depth from Sidbury, Harvey, Killeen, and Hickman, and it appears that Hughes may have a very tough time making this team. We might actually have to cut a linebacker who has a shot at playing for another team.


    Our front seven is going to actually be very good for a change and this could be the start of a dominant defense.

  7. You said you have been watching the draft for 30 years. If that is the case I have no idea how you can swing and miss in this thread as many times as you have.

    In Superman's example, if Woods is the guy Grigson covets but is rated 40th on his board, he will positivly NOT take him at 24. With absolute certainty he would not reach. You know what he would do - trade back. Kind like he said he would be willing to do.


    Well I rarely swing and miss. Be sure to tell me that you told me so after we don't trade back. You and I have had our arguments before when I was the minority opinion and I ended up correct, so this is nothing new for me. Remember the guy who said the Polian and Caldwell would be fired if we only won a few games after Peyton got hurt. That was me. The board piled it on to me then too, but it did not change the fact that I was right. We are not moving back. Read Grigsons body language vs his words and it is easy to see that we are locked in on a few players in the first round, and we will walk out of this draft with one of them.

  8. Just watched the 30 minutes Grigson pre-draft press conference....


    Honestly,  he made a very, very compelling case for staying at 24 and making the pick.


    In a nutshell, he basically said he's looked at the history of the 24th pick and there have been some very, very good players taken there....  he has his board and he thinks a very good player will fall to them at 24.


    Here's the link to the video:





    At roughly the 20 minute mark he talks about the importance of the face-to-face meetings for the 30 players teams are allowed to bring in....    and, at the 22 minute mark he talks about his willingness to bring in players with a checkered history....   he says he's very willing to take in guys with baggage...  but then added,  at the right spot in the draft....   but he believes in 2nd chances and doesn't want to be too judgmental in the process.    He was asked about PED's and Marijuana, and said those are serious issues to both society in general and to the NFL....   but he deliberately did not say he would not bring in someone because of that...


    All in all,  some very good stuff...   if you're going to be sitting at a desk taking care of some business and want something to listen to for 30 minutes....    this is it....




    It is very nice to see that someone else has picked up on the logical conclusion after watching the press conference. I found it very telling as to what our intentions are. Maybe working in the field I do, it causes me to look for things like this more than others. I don't know, but I believe that Grigson is dead set on staying at #24, and if anything we will move up, if needed.

  9. By your logic then... how would a team ever trade up? To trade up, a team has to trade down with you.

    I guess I didn't make myself clear in the first 40 posts about this. :) It is ok, because I would not want to read this whole thread either.

    Other teams are not making the statement that, unless a player is there who we can bang the table on, and feel good about, then we are trading down. A statement like that while it may be true is not a good one to make, because if you move back 5-6 spots and make a pick then what does that say about the player you pick. My point is that I don't think Grigson would make a statement like that and then actually trade back. I don't believe he has any intentions of trading back in this draft.

  10. im happy either way just 1 trade I really like the idea of if it could happen is to get 2 2nd round picks then with as deep as this draft is we can get 2 difference makers if we stay at 24 I won't mind that either


    Cincy has 37 and 53, Miami has 42 and 54, and San Fran has 34 and 61.


    Cincy 900 pts

    Miami 850 pts

    San Fran 852 pts


    Colts at #24 740 pts.


    We might be able to get a 2nd and a 3rd out of #24 but I don't see two 2s.


    I believe we will find a very good player at #24. But hey, anything can happen.

  11. Wat is everyone's thought about trading back multiple times like into late 1st then into early 2nd if say cooper or jones or mingo are gone

    Just wanna see thoughts from others possible trade partners and wat picks you think we could get


    I believe the real value in this draft is going to be where we are at. Late first round is a good place to be. As we move into the second, there is still talent, but the percentages will go down to finding an impact player without any question marks. I like #24 and I believe we will stay put.

  12. Initially, I flat out wanted to disagree with you, but your point is growing on me. The one place I disagree is if the players Grigs might want at 24 are gone, and the next guy he covets looks like a late 2nd / early 3rd player... I don't see him as a crazy reach kind of guy. I think in that kind of situation, he trades back, gets the player he wants and gets an extra pick to boot.


    First off, I love your Motto about slicing and hooking. I can attest that my golf game is not much better. I am always happy to shoot an average bogey. lol


    We can agree and disagree on our opinions. I gave mine and that is all it is. I have no problem being the minority of the discussion. I don't follow the crowd unless I believe it is right. I think some people are still stuck in the way we did things with Polian for so long. To me there are obvious differences in the way Grigson and Polian work the draft. I see Grigson as more aggressive.

  13. Thanks,  I will.


    Along with the fact that logic and comprehension are not your strong suits and that your incredibly dismissive of anyone who thinks different than you.


    That's what I'll keep telling myself....        :facepalm:


    Just be ready to come back after we don't trade down to say you knew it all along. :facepalm:

  14. Have you read this?



    I suppose this could be the biggest smokescreen ever, but I get the feeling Grigson can be taken at his word. He didn't say he's going to trade down. He just said he's open to it.


    I'd like to know how the issue came up. It seems that Grigson was asked specifically whether he'd be open to trading back, and he said he would under certain circumstances. I don't think he painted himself into a box. I think he kept his options open.


    The real question is, did you read it? lol


    Wow. I don't know how this can be more obvious.

  15. He's done no such thing.   He hasn't painted himself into any box.   He didn't tip his hand.


    I don't know why you think he did?


    All he did was allow for the possibility.    That's it.    He said he's open to the idea and willing to do it.    That's it.


    Did he rule out anything?   No.    Did he rule out trading up?   No.    He ruled out nothing and only said he's open to all possibilities.     No box.   No tipping of any hand.


    He's given himself complete freedom to do what he feels is best.    I honestly don't know why you think otherwise.....


    Keep telling yourself that.

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