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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. I am not upset. I was just pointing out you didn't "have" to call me out like you did. You did it because you wanted to remind me that I was wrong on my stance at the start of the year. Like I have said to many people, not just you, saying I told you so doesn't generally go over well on a forum. You were right I gave you your credit for it.

    I didn't do it to my self. I don't know how many times people are wrong on this forum every day. Yet very rarely do you see someone to go to the trouble to say hey look at you, you were wrong because odds are if you stick around here long everyone is going to be wrong at some point. This isn't the first time I've been wrong and it probably wont be the last. I just gave my opinion at the time and clearly it was wrong which was proven today and which is why it changed when I realized it was wrong. Also I know I wasn't the only person who held the view point that at the start of the season that Caldwell wouldn't be fired. I don't see you going after those people. That's singling someone out which is exactly what you are doing. If you want to do it fine. Like I said I was wrong with my stance at the start of the year and you were right.

    Also what does history have to do with this? I am not backing away from mine. I've said in all my responses to you that I was wrong in my stance at the start of the year and you were right. I just pointed out to you how my opinion had changed over time. If you are going to go after me for part of my history at least look at all of it including the most recent part where my view point changed. Surely I am not the first person in the world to change their mind on a view point or be wrong on a message board.

    Also it's not back tracking it's changing my poistion like I said I did. I also freely admitted I was wrong at the start of the season. I gave you your credit which is clearly what you wanted why else jump on the first post you saw from me and take a poistion like I was questioning if Caldwell had been fired when I wasn't I was questioning if Spags had been hired. You wanted your I told you so moment and you got it. Congradulations. Now can we move on with this topic or do you want to spend more time telling me that I was wrong even though I am admiting I was wrong at the start of the year?

    Take some responsibility for once and get over it.

    You were with the people saying Jim Irsay didn't have the guts to get rid of Polian or Caldwell. I said he is a lot shrewder than people think he is. You laughed then. Yes I laughed now. It is what it is. History was on my side and I knew it then. Irsay will not stand for losing. I don't care that you didn't believe me then or even if you believe me now. That's your prerogative. Just stop crying about it.

    You were wrong. Just move on.

  2. No you didn't you wanted to play told you so. We've all been wrong here before. We will all be wrong again. It's not a big deal. Like I said I was wrong about my view on him at the start of the season. I wasn't the only person who held that view. With that said you felt the need to single me out so fine. I am glad you got to have your I told you so moment. Congradulations you were right and I was wrong despite the fact I've been saying I wasn't going to be surprised what was going to happen to Caldwell at the end of the year, or changing my view towards the end of the years saying Caldwell should be fired or when others were getting upset about the tweet saying he was going to be kept I was the one going it's still just a rumor or that I said when Polian was fired it was only a matter of time till Caldwell got fired. Yeah I had the wrong view point at the start of the season, I've come around since then. With that said credit to those who have been saying he would be fired all along. You all were right.

    You seem upset. Might want to breathe a little. Long deep breathes.

    I don't care how much you backtrack. It is what it is.

    I had history on my side of the debate. You had "feelings". Don't blame me for you being singled out here. You did that to yourself.

  3. That was about Spags being named head coach not Caldwell being fired. Also I've been saying since the Saints game i wasn't going to be surprised what happened with Caldwell either way. So if you are just here to say I told you so good luck because I've changed my tune on Caldwell since the start of the season in terms of him keeping his job. I was wrong about him at the start of the season. There you go.

    It's all good. ;)

    I had to say it being that you were so dead set on your stance before.


  4. Is that offical or just speculation? I think it's odd that he went from interviewing for the DC job per reports and then Caldwell was fired just a few hours later.

    tsk. tsk.

    I told you a 1-15 or 3-13 season would get him fired 4 months ago. You didn't believe me then. Maybe if we send Bill Polian to your house and hand deliver the details. :lol:

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