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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. McShay’s options for the Colts at #24


    Scenario 1: Player everyone talks about.

    Scenario 2: Another player everyone talks about.

    Scenario 3: If other options aren't attractive, Indianapolis could opt for Lacy as the potential engine that drives its power running game.


    I am not saying that Lacy is our pick, because I don’t have a crystal ball; however, I have said several times that I believe Lacy is on our board at #24. For everyone who keeps blowing it off as a serious possibility, well brace yourself, because if the chips fall the right way then he could be the Colts next draft pick.

  2. I think DHB has a ton of upside, so why sigh him to a 1 year deal. If he has a great year then we will have to fork out big money to keep him.

    If we were to sign him to a 3 or 4 year deal and he doesn't pan out then we cut him.

    I know Grigson is smarter then me, what am I missing?


    Just my opinion but, the agent for DHB is smart enough to know that he could flourish in our offense and land a big payday in 2014. DHB was looking for a 1 year deal on a team with an elite quarterback, and that is why he signed with us. Grigson is smart enough to know that if we underpaid DHB on a long term deal then he would likely have a holdout situation. If we overpaid then we lose too. A 1 year deal is fair for both sides in this situation.

  3. I think that was a response just to have a response


    There is nothing wrong with people having different opinions. I am ok with you being wrong about this. ;)


    In the end; we are all just want-to-be Grigson's sharing our thoughts on a message board.

  4. I heard polian's say the same thing.....he's nuts imo.

    Come to think of it he it said that about drafting running back any where in the first...which made me cringe.


    But he is right. You get the best years from a RB on a rookie deal.

  5. You make some pondedring points but I just don't know.  RB has the shortest career in the NFL.  Most are dime a dozen, no matter what round selected in.  I feel you have a better shot at drafting a Ki-jana Carter than an Adrian Peterson in round 1.  IMO, I think we should get top talent but at a less risky and more durable position.      


    I do not agree that RBs are a dime a dozen.


    The way the rookie pay scale is now, it’s actually a good idea to get a RB late in the first round. The deal is very manageable on the cap and it also adds an extra year to the contract. I believe we will see more RBs taken in the late first round, just as last year, because of the way the rules have changed.

  6. why is lacy so breathtakingly special to you? 


    if u want a back why not taylor or ray graham? 


    honestly it is a total waste to even consider to draft a rb at 24 


    I believe that Lacy is going to be an outstanding NFL back.

  7. Why don't you like Ballard? Why doesn't anyone like Ballard? I love his ability I believe we are great at running back! What we need is a pass rusher!


    I never said I did not like Ballard. I do not even understand how you could come to conclusion that is remotely what I am implying.

  8. Ballard fumbled 3 times last year, all were recovered by the offense but he has to hang onto the ball better......Brown literally has 1 fumble his whole career....1, there will also be a ton of better players available at a much much higher need, Corner, Guard, WR


    You are certainly entitled to that opinion, and that is what a message board is for. That said; I completely disagree. We need to be prepared if Ballard goes down, because we do not have another back on the roster who can carry the load for us.

  9. Several thoughts....

    One, bad cornerback play didn't lead to a worse pass rush. We had both. But 'A' didn't lead to 'B'....

    Two, before he was a coordinator, Pagano coached defensive backs. If Vaughn was as bad as you think he is, he would not be on the team. But, as of now, he is.

    Defense is the strength of the draft.... there are lots and lots of good corners in this draft. We don't have to spend a #1 on a corner to find a good one.

    For those who want another position addressed.... we don't have to spend a #1 on a WR to find a good one. We don't have to spend a #1 on a DE/OLB to find a good one. We don't have to spend a #1 on a guard to find a good one. There a good players all over this draft.

    Grigson will find them.

    Good post. It looks like we are on the same path with how we perceive most of the Colts current status. This is why I believe it is a good year to take Lacy if he is available at #24. I think in some other drafts that he would be gone earlier; likely in the teens. He could still go in the teens this year, but I like the chances of him dropping to us, with all of the talent at other positions in this draft.


    I see a guard as a "nice to have", not a gaping hole. Take the guards we have: Anderson, Justin, Griffin, Robert, Ijalana, Ben, Reitz, Joe, McGlynn, Mike, and a list of undrafted free agents and have them battle it out for the last guard position. We can now draft BPA period. If one of the players drafted at some point is a guard, then he can fight for the starting position. This goes for an OLB as well. :blueshoe:



    I have said this for a while, and most have disagreed with me, but I believe if Lacy is there at #24 then we should take him. Right now, at least on paper, our biggest need is RB. I say this because Ballard is the only back we have on the roster who can stay healthy and secures the ball well. Ballard can be explosive at times, but I do not believe he is as explosive as Lacy. The two would be a very good 1-2 punch and could complement each other very well. We also need to be prepared in the event that Ballard goes down or misses some time.


    I believe that Lacy at #24 is both value and need.

  11. the run game will be fine with an upgraded oline. the second half against the Texans was the best we have run the ball in a long time


    That is true, as long as Ballard does not go down. Brown can’t stay healthy, and there isn’t enough stickum in the league to help Carter’s fumbling issues.


    We do need another dependable back, and contrary to what so many people on this board believe, teams do not magically find good RBs in the later rounds. Teams have and can find good RBs after the first few rounds, but more than likely a team will not.


    All three RBs taken in the first round last year were standout RBs. You can find a few on the list after the first few rounds, including Ballard, that made a difference for a team in year one.


    3             Trent Richardson              Browns

    31           Doug Martin       Buccaneers

    32           David Wilson      Giants

    50           Isaiah Pead         Rams

    61           LaMichael James              49ers

    67           Ronnie Hillman  Broncos

    84           Bernard Pierce  Ravens

    97           Lamar Miller       Dolphins

    106         Robert Turbin    Seahawks

    128         Rhett Ellison       Vikings

    157         Bradie Ewing      Falcons

    159         Chris Rainey       Steelers

    170         Vick Ballard         Colts

    173         Alfred Morris     Redskins

    182         Cyrus Gray          Chiefs

    191         Dan Herron         Bengals

    202         Terrance Ganaway          Jets

    212         Michael Smith   Buccaneers

    229         Bryce Brown      Eagles

    250         Edwin Baker       Chargers

    252         Daryl Richardson              Rams

  12. Wow! This thread got derailed into a Manti thread quickly.


    Back to the other topics of the episode:


    I believe that ESPN showed good insight to make Aubrayo the starting nose tackle; however, they didn’t even have Chapman on the depth chart. I do believe that Aubrayo will win the starting position in training camp, because of his experience. Nevertheless, we will likely see a lot of rotation and Chapman will get to play plenty enough.


    I also noticed how they moved Walden to WS and kept Mathis at SS. That showed some lack of preparation of the show, as it is more likely that we keep Walden at SS and move Mathis to WS. That said; we don’t know for sure what the starting lineup will be. If this offseason is like most of the past camps then someone will emerge in training camp and surprise us.


    Right now I believe that we are looking at WR, OG, and RB with the first pick. I know that RB is not a popular opinion, but that is why it is my opinion, and no one else has to agree. I think the reason some people are scared to agree is because we are more likely to take a WR or OG at this point, and may never even know if a RB such as Lacy was ever on our radar. So let’s save the time of arguing the point and agree to disagree.

  13. what about maybe Eddie Lacy for a late 1st rounder or trade for early 2nd or third round i believe RB like Lacy would be key to new offensive scheme and build and Lacy fits that build


    I believe Lacy could be the pick at #24. He may not be, but even against the wishes of most members on this message board; he likely is on our board in the first round.

  14. The only issue I have is how many teams he has played for in 10 years. Usually there is a reason for that. Not to say that is always the case, but teams like to hang on to good chemistry players when they have a chance.


    6 teams in 10 years:


    San Fran 2003-2005

    Washington 2006-2007

    Chicago 2008

    Denver 2009-2011

    St Louis 2011

    New England 2012

  15. Lattimore is said to have been very impressive at his pro day and I've no doubt he could contribute immediately. See Willis McGahee for reference.


    McGahee is the comparison, because McGahee was the one who was in a similar situation and became successful. McGahee did sit out his rookie year, just as I proposed a team would likely do with Lattimore.


    Unfortunately there are many more players who never made it back. He is a risk, and I am not going to count the guy out, because he very well could have a successful career in the NFL. His health is a huge question mark that I believe will drop his draft status. I am sure either way he will get a shot somewhere. I am not sure a team will draft him as high as McGahee was drafted though. That said; anything can happen. All it takes is for one team to fall in love with him.

  16. With the 24th pick the Colts select Marcus Lattimore, RB, South Carolina.

    We want a powerful running game and I don't see there being a better back in this draft.



    I believe people are underestimating that we could take a RB with #24. That said, Lattimore will likely not contribute until 2014, and that will drop his draft status. He might be worth the gamble with our third, and then we IR him for 2013.

  17. These guys' jobs are on the line. Guys like Mularkey, Jim Mora got one year. You would have to be the best salesman on earth to pull it off. I'm almost positive it's never happened. In reverse trading a future 1st for a current 2nd has happened several times, off the top of my head Ugoh & JP Losman. If its only twice it's still two more times than the other scenario.


    Jim Mora was our head coach for 4 years in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001.


    I do not understand your position. I do not understand how you can believe that a team would NOT make the trade, yet you know that it has happened.


    If I am loaded with talent in a draft that I feel is weak, then why would I waste a pick in this year’s draft if another team wanted to give me a better pick the following year?


    If you have 10 million in the bank then you don't pull it out and stuff it under a mattress. You invest it.

  18. Here is the thing. I am on an iPhone. I can't bold a sentence in a quoted post for some reason. My first responce to you where I started with "trades don't work that way" was all about one sentence not your whole post. The sentence I was responding to was the trade you would be a fan of. Trading a 2013 2nd (if we had one) for a 2014 1st. My whole first response was to that one sentence which I CANNOT bold. I guess you didn't pick up on that. Without hesitation your next response finished with an unnecessary snarky comment which I did not incite in my first response. I was professional & tried to explain why no one would do that trade. Everyone needs immediate return on investment or better value on future return in exchange for present year picks.


    You are not listening to me, hence the comprehension comment.


    A trade doesn’t only happen one way.


    San Fran jumped on our offer to give them our first in 2008 for their second in 2007. That is a fact. Not only are trades like this possible; they have also happened. We have a precedent.


    So my point again, is that if we had a second this year then I would trade it for a first next year, if we received an offer to do so, but I am NOT in favor of trading a first next year for a second this year. I have said that at least 5 times now.


    I will once again post what I originally wrote:


    “I have never been a fan of trading away a first next year for a second this year. I would be a fan of trading away a second this year for a first next year (if we had a second). The only reason we did that in 2006 is because Polian wasn't prepared for Glenn retiring and he took a gamble on Ugoh in the draft.


    The only trade I can see good for us is; moving back into the second and picking up some more picks. That said, anything can happen.”

  19. 40 times have some bearing on game speed, but it is often greatly exaggerated in my view.


    For instance, someone can spend months perfecting their starting technique, keeping low and driving their knees up, before coming up fully around the 15-yard mark... players who do this will have a greatly enhanced 40 time... but at what stage of a game is this relevant... the NFL is about reaction speed, you do not start in a sprinters stance and you often do not know the direction you will be forced to run.


    If Manti T'eo is in coverage, the angles he takes, his anticipation, change of direction and pure desire are all contributing factors as well as his straight line speed.


    40 times are a one-off shot to sprint against a timer... and peoples times can fluctuate to an extremely high degree. It just seems to be treated with far too much scrutiny in this league.


    I agree. Te'o has the intangibles to be a good middle linebacker. From the sound of it, Te'o would be on our first round board in this year's draft, if Polian were still the GM. I find that interesting.

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