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Posts posted by husker61

  1. The problem with heavily back loading a contract like that is that in a couple years we are going to have Luck, Allen, Hilton, Fleener, and Ballard have their contract's run out.  


    At this point at least Luck, Allen, and probably Hilton are not easily replaceable.  


    you back load contracts to protect yourself if the player gets hurt or doesn't meet expectations. they can be cut and save money. if they turn out to be above expectations, you don't mind paying them.

  2. a winning team with cap space is very attractive to veterans that may only have a year or two of top play left and want a chance for a sb. their leadership and skills will come at a bargain price for a year or two until colt young players are ready to take their place. i really think the colts are in a great position. you just have to be patient now.

  3. Yeah if Grigs lands a safety & another guard this FA campaign should be be looked at as a success at least in my eyes,


    at least all major areas of concern will have have been addressed to some extent, and the draft can be opened up to BPA...



    that is exactly what i thought yesterday. they are in a gret position for the draft1

  4. I think we could probably be OK leaving 7-8 mil. in the tank for in season moves that will need to be made, but their right. We don't have the funds to go ape (crap) in free agency like I think a lot of people are expecting. This is why I want to stay away from WR's and old FS's ( ;)). We have to fill other holes as much as possible before we even consider those type of moves.


    everything was included in that 10 million, draft and in season moves.

  5. And Bill Parcells & Polian have said you want to leave $10 Mill in "fudge money" on your books. So for all intents and purposes we're prolly at $27 Mill.


    yes, i loved watching that show!!! that's why they are two of the best and some of the other former gm's that are portrayed as "experts" are complete jokes.

  6. Yes, it was a good trade for the Vikings. But ultimately it will boil down to what they do with their drafting and FA moves.


    I can see Wes Welker and Greg Jennings both in Minnesota since they have traded away Percy Harvin, cut Mike Jenkins and are not going to re-sign Jerome Simpson. They are down 3 WRs and they dont want to go into the draft with their draft pick being an obvious WR.


    It is hard not to overpay though, if you want a quality free agent like Vasquez. IMO, overpay for 1 or 2, then wait it out for the not so high priority free agents.


    It would be a bummer if we were to offer Vasquez 5 yrs. $40 mil. with $15 mil. guaranteed (hypothetical) and finally Tom Telesco comes in and outbids us with the same 5 yrs. $40 mil. with $20 mil. guaranteed. So, Grigson having an idea what the market is, what the higher end of the amount expected by the player is etc. would all be important to nail down the top priority free agents for the Colts.


    If we decide we overpay for Vasquez and not for Kruger, so be it. But we cannot vacillate and it end up costing us both Vasquez and Kruger.


    the colts won't have salary problems for a couple years so people think you can offer free agents top money. the problem is going to be when luck get's the highest contract in the nfl in a couple years (hopefully he is that good). then you have to start cutting players that you have built a winning team around (look at baltimore). 


    if a free agent wants to play for a perennial loosing franchise for an extra couple million, they can have him. that is a red flag in my book. i want players that value winning more. 

  7. i just about used up all my likes in this thread. watching this show was a complete waste of time, i'm glad i taped it and could fast forward through most of it. the best show i have seen was on espn sunday with bill polian and parcells. every time a sports show trots out a ex gm, that was a joke as a gm, makes me crazy.

  8. This is actually not correct. 


    While the Salaries are not guaranteed,  the signing bonus is.   Luck's was around 14 to 15 Million.   That gets pro-rated over 4 years.    All the rookies have signing bonuses.   Not nearly as high as Luck,  but the amount (whatever it is) is spread out over the 4 years of the contract.


    Hope that clarifies....


    that's why i said MOST rookies. when you get out of the 1st round the bonuses are insignificant to the cap. i believe the point of this thread is to see how much cap money the colts have to save for signing draft picks. it's not very much money, probably 2-3 million considering where the colts draft.

  9. It depends where you draft.


    Luck got what a 5 yr. $22 mil. deal, right?


    So, let us say his cap hit is averaged out, and you have 6 other picks, you could be looking close to that $10 mil. side per year if you have all 7 picks and draft in the top 5.


    But if you are picking later, it will be lesser. David DeCastro got $7.81 mil. for 4 years, and he was picked No.24 last year, if I remember right or very close to that. So, even if it is $8 mil. this year for 4 years, that is about $2 mil. for the first pick and we probably are looking closer to the $5-6 mil. per year range for all draft picks.


    Bang for the buck is always best with the drafted rookies.


    it's much less. most rookie contracts aren't guaranteed. if they are cut there is no cap hit. if they make the team they are probably going to be replacing a player with a similar contract so it's a wash. mostly what you have to plan for is your first round picks cap hit.

  10. It tells me nobody wanted an old kicker who missed clutch field goals.


    he was 35 when the colts released him, not that old for a kicker. he had been missing them for a long time. it's amazing how some players can be great with no pressure, and then bad when it really counts. to me, great players perform at their best in big spots.

  11. Lol what's with you and this cap space thing with McAfee? How bad do you think the kicker and Punter are crippling our cap space?


    everyone seems to forget when the colts were trying to find a couple million to pay a player they wanted but couldn't. this cap room will be short lived when luck gets his next contract. just like the colts with manning and every other team with a top qb. it's happening to the ravens this year. all these free agents people want the colts to sign aren't going to be 2-3 year contracts. if they are good signings, the colts will have their contracts and lucks to make room for. it's not just about this year and next (a couple million isn't a big deal). you want a salary structure that will support your franchise qb for hopefully 15 years.

  12. I think if Pat was asked to do it as a starter, that he would become very accurate.  You can't go by his college accuracy.  He has kicked the ball 1,000 times since then as a professional and would be decidedly better I would think.


    just like vandershank got better???

  13. the bp colts didn't seem to take chances with players that had off the field question marks causing then to drop in the draft. if that is different now, there easily could be a home run or whiff pass rushing lb available. i think the colts need to start taking chances for the big payout. in the past they always got players that made the team for a couple years, then they would let them go because they weren't that good. the colts list of first round picks is pretty depressing when they aren't #1 (luck) and #11 (freeney) the last 13 years. i would rather have some of those players be complete busts and have 4-5 top impact players. the busts you get rid of, eat the contract, and use the roster space for another prospect. those mediocre players hang around with hope they will get better, and they don't.

  14. I think it is really important to see what the Bengals did in releasing Smith to FA. Now I like Smith, but

    lets look the facts. His first two seasons were far below what a 6th pick in the first round should produce. He was definitely out of shape when he came into the league. He only started to improve in the 2011 season and really solidified his position in 2012. I always get a little scared when a player's history shows his best season was the one before FA, although that is hard to say for a rookie. It does show what the thoughts of $$ do as far as motivation.


    OK back to the analysis. The bengals had the option of keeping him for two more years. He would have been owed right in the neighborhood of 18M, exactly what he says he wants. Now the Bengals have never broke open the bank, but I don't believe they felt he was worth 9M either.


    When Eric Winston went from Houston last year to K.C. he was a very good RT and got 5.5M/year. I thought KC really got a good deal. I have no problem with 7M on a really good RT, but I need more than really one years production to pay that kind of money.


    unless a team is in a really bad cap situation, you have to look really hard at why they released a player. no one know a player better than the team they play for.

  15. This isn't your petty little day at work and blowing off steam. This is a weekend of intense interviews from hundreds of team personnel, reporters, tests, and then workouts. Some handle it better for sure but all we are saying is that it isn't that unusual to have a better pro day then combine for those various reasons. I think you are being a bit rash. He isn't an offensive lineman. 19 is respectable. We aren't talking about the Honeybadger here.


    there are people out there with a lot more on their minds than a kid in college playing a game. i seriously doubt they are intense interviews. watch the combine drills, the coaches are very friendly with the players. they want them to feel comfortable, not put them on the spot. "hundreds of team personnel" i guess every team sends about10 people to interview every player?? 19 is VERY average, and 12 is a joke. just about any average joe at a gym that weighs 200 lbs and has worked out for at least a year should be able to do 12 reps at 225lbs. he is a 6'4" 250lb athlete in his prime!!!

  16. Everyone..and I mean everyone comments on how mentally and physically exhausting the combine is. Imagine spending hours in grueling interviews and taking tests then going to workout and do drills. I imagine it is very easy to have a bad day and not be mentally focused and get a good rythem going. To me it isn't effort but focus and being in a comfortable environment that helps with 40 times and lifting. Having no distractions but simply focusing on a single task that day and not so many other things going on and waiting your turn etc. I would say this is probably a better example of him. 


    if i had a bad day at work or wherever and then went to the gym, most of the time i would have a better work out because it was a way of getting out the frustrations. these players should be right at home in the weight room. there is no excuse for an athlete that size (6'4'' 250) to only do 12 reps. if he was injured he shouldn't have lifted. 19 isn't that good ether.

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