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Posts posted by husker61

  1. i completely agree with this opinion! fans get too caught up in free agent hype. how did the free agents the colts signed last year work out? redding was ok, but got hurt a lot. this happens with older players. i'm not talking about the young ones teams sign for near league minimum.

  2. Freeney already took a pay cut when his deal ended....Sure, he'd play for less on a contender.....

    ..or he wont play...

    He didnt leave Indy in a contract dispute....WE told him he wasnt in our plans...

    Forget the stats///I thought he still drew double teams on 3rd down last year....didnt you?.

    ..and if you're just playing on 3rd down like anarchist said....he'd be a great help.

    they only need him for the playoffs


    he did not take a pay cut with the colts. i don't know where you got that.


    how much less than the 15 million he was payed last year?

  3. i don't see it. freeney is older and not as good at this point of his career. he's not a real replacement or the colts would have worked out a deal. i can't see freeney taking that big of a pay cut just to play somewhere. after making 15 million last year what do people think he will play for now? 4 million or less? he is a part time situational player now. i think too many people are living in the past.

  4. i would absolutely "take a Bob Sanders in the 3rd round", but you can't over pay someone that gets hurt that much. the biggest problem the colts had with sanders was they chose to over pay him and were stuck with a terrible contract and cap hits.

  5. the title of this thread is "smartest man in the football business"


    most posters have posted in this thread think he is (go colts is wrong about this). this is probably because most posters are young and only really understand the manning era. there is nothing wrong with that.


    before i get accused of hating the irsays because they moved from baltimore, i have been a colts fan for 40 years and the first 30 was when i lived in pa and nj. the colts could move to china for all i care, and i would still be a fan.


    i completely agree with all of old crow's posts. he's not hating irsay, just pointing out reasons why he thinks irsay isn't the smartest man in the football business. go colts has also said irsay isn't the smartest man in the football business. why the argument?? start a thread on being the best owner and debate that. that's a completely different topic.

  6. The whole Jim Irsay deal about overruling Polian about trading Manning in 2004, may or may not be true, but it sounds eerily familar to Jerry Jones dissing Jimmy Johnson as he was walking out the door. We've seen it before with Jerry Jones, Al Davis, or even Art Modell. When the owner starts to think he's the prime mover, and listens to his football people less, that is when it spells trouble. Not saying this is what happened, but it would be a cause for concern.


    I would give Irsay more credit for letting Manning go, and picking up Luck, if Manning's neck issue wasn't there. Denver should have been in the Super Bowl this year, which would have had more people second guessing Irsay's decision on this one. Ten years as a failed GM, 2 Super bowl appearances and 1 title in fourty years, does not make for the best in the business. Is he a quirky, fun-loving guy who has been successful since 1999 with Polian and Manning ? The answer is yes. The Colts and Luck played a weaker schedule last year, so Irsay's recent legacy depends on the further progress of Luck and the Colts, and also the contrast between Manning and the Broncos.


    i couldn't agree more!!!

  7. I don't think you read my post as I was saying he's a smart owner in part because he realized he shouldn't be making the football decisions.  That would be a nod to the fact that didn't do a good job as a GM.  In fact I started the post by saying Irsay knows he isn't the smartest football man in the business.  He's a great owner not a football guru.  He's just been very good at hiring people who are football guru's and knowing when it's time to move on from them which is what makes him a good owner. 


    i probably misunderstood your post because the topic of the thread is "the smartest football man in the business".

  8. I would put it into the context of the Irsay family owning the Colts as a whole. From 1972 to 2012, a span of 40 years, the Irsay family has brought home one Super Bowl Championship to the combined Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts. The Irsay legacy is certainly better than the Bidwell family, but pales in comparison to the Rooneys, Krafts, and even the deservedly mailigned Jerry Jones.


    Has Jimmy done a better job than Bob Irsay, obviously. However, he lost valuable time as a bad GM, until finally hiring a good football man in Bill Polian. You can't say the Irsay's have been given bad breaks with drafting quarterbacks. Bob drafted John Elway, and despite Ernie Accorsi begging him not to trade him because he was bluffing about playing baseball, Irsay dealt him anyway. They drafted Peyton Manning, which was the right move and credit should be given, but they failed to surround him with enough good players, and got only one Championship, and another Super Bowl trip. In my opinion, Peyton Manning was the top quarterback of the decade, and top three all time. More Championships should have been won.


    I will admit letting Peyton go, and drafting Luck was a bold move, and certainly it paid off this season. The book hasn't been written on this one yet, so the jury is out. Jimmy, as an owner recently, has gotten them into alot of playoffs, but only 2 Super Bowls with Peyton was a bit disappointing.


    As a final epilogue, Jimmy has elevated the Colts from the bottom of ownership families under his father Bob, to a place maybe between five and ten. Based on this track record, I wouldn't say he's the smartest in the business, but he is getting smarter.


    i completely agree. i posted a lot of the same things before i read this.

  9. I would argue the fact that Irsay knows he isn't the smartest football guy in the business is one of the things that makes him the best owners in all of sports.  He's done a great job putting people who truly know football in charge of the front office and recognizing when those men had run their course and didn't hesitate to make a change if he felt it was time to go in a new direction. 


    Irsay took over as owner more or less in 1995 and the Colts have only missed the playoffs four times since then.  As fans that means we have a had a high quality team year in and year out and I know people might want a few more championships but there isn't much more you could ask for from the owner. 


    you leave out the fact that he was actually making football decisions as gm from 1984-94. i would say that disqualifies him from being the smartest football man. after he got out of the way and let qualified people make football decisions is when the colts started winning.

  10. Why would it go up every year? It's not like we're going to tag a punter 2 years in a row. They'll get a long term deal done before the season start


    what if he says he likes being tagged and the highest payed punter every year. that's what i would probably do, and i am sure why he hasn't complained like position players, with a much greater chance of injury, do. all you have done is set the salary bar too high.

  11. You're acting like paying the punter is going to destroy the cap or something. He's only making like $2M or something.


    3 million and it keeps going up every year, but whats a million here and there every year except cap problems down the road. luck will be one of the highest payed players in the nfl in a couple of years and the colts will need every million of cap space.

  12. One thing it confirms, Polian has apparently NEVER been attached at the hip to ANY player. And that is probably a good quality to have in a GM. Or excuse me, 5X GM of the Year.


    right on the money. i believe irsay was pushing to have players resigned at bigger contracts than bp (and i) would have done. i remember statements that manning would have taken less money. letting players go has worked pretty good for the pats for a long time.

  13. This is a bunch of coulda, woulda, shoulda at this point.  For what it's worth there were several posters on this forum in 2004 who were saying the samething.  Trade Peyton and get a defense. 


    I am sure Polian will come out and deny this at some point and you'll have one mans word against another's for something that in the end doesn't really matter. 


    exactly! like i said, the subject came up as any good gm should have done. now you have someone spinning it to make it favorable to them and making someone else look bad. that's why you should just keep your mouth shut, because sooner or later these things lead to shots being taken back and forth and nothing good comes from it.

  14. how is the tag a bargaining chip with a punter? players want long term contracts with big signing bonuses because of the risk of injury. there is very little chance of a punter having a career ending injury. i am sure he is glad to be one of the top payed players every year with a franchise tag. the money may not be a big thing now, but it adds up over time. i remember all the great gm's her saying the exact same things about sanders, freeney, clark, bracket, and hayden. then the next thing you know there are cap problems and complaints about bp's bad contract decisions. a couple million her and there adds up over time. 

  15. I definitely think it’s smart of the Colts to keep Mac. He has good value, especially if you take everything into consideration.

    • He’s one of the better punters
    • He’s a great guy to have in the locker room
    • He takes/can take kickoffs and can be a decent backup kicker if the starter goes down
    • He’s a good tackler, one of the better on the Colts special team and probably the best of the punters in the NFL
    • He’s young and can be with the team for many years
    • Punter is the cheapest position to have a top 5-10 guy in the NFL and a more important position than most fans think


    when has he shown that he is a decent fg kicker?


    tackler?? look above.

  16. I sincerely doubt that "Colts fans who know what is going on" equates to 50%. Not trying to be rude, but with many of the posts here of the players suggested for the team, 50% is hard to believe. Between the players that are way past their prime, doesn't fit the scheme, or just no need to spend money on, I would be inclined to believe the number would be much closer to 15-20%....tops.


    i would say 0%! if a poster at any forum knew more than any gm, they would be employed as a nfl gm. posters get one or two things right, and then conveniently forget about the 50 they were wrong about that would have destroyed the team. that's why we are watching and not running the team.

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