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Posts posted by husker61

  1. Even Irsay's version of events sounds pretty benign.  Polian is frustrated with negotiations and raises the possibility of a trade... makes sense to me.


    I'd at least consider doing the same if I had low confidence that I could get a guy re-signed in a manner that would allow me to continue to build a team around him.


    exactly! you have to consider every option possible, it doesn't mean you want to do them. that's why he is a great gm.

  2. Some food for thought on scouting and drafting.....


    Why do so many of the same teams keep winning and therefor keep drafting in the bottom third most every year and they keep winning despite drafting low...


    And yet, so many of the same teams keep losing and therefor keep drafting in the top third most every year and they keep losing despite drafting high....


    Even if you think all teams work equally hard (and I don't think they do)  not all teams work equally smart...  everybody sees the same thing differently.    Think of it as a beauty contest.   You like the blonde, I like the brunette, someone else likes the redhead and so on...    We're looking at the same thing and our priorities are different...


    Every team is looking at the same players.   They all have the same tape.   In theory, they should see the same thing.   Yet, they don't.    And no two teams have the same draft board.    Every teams board is different.   I think people here would be stunned at how different boards can be.    And the further down the board you go the more different things are on each board.


    I have no doubt Grigson's board will be different than most.   And I think it will work to our advantage....


    for the most part teams drafting at the bottom consistently are the ones with elite qb's, the ones at the top are ones wit terrible qb's. that's mostly luck (how lucky were the colts!!), having  a top pick at the right time or getting lucky with a later pick. no doubt there are better gm's, but having a top qb makes everyone look a lot better.

  3. he's already made the big bucks, so i don't know if he would accept a contract that would be a small fraction of what he was making and just being a role player. i don't see anyone paying him much to be a situational pass rusher, and he wasn't that good at that last year ether. it's amazing how someone who is that gifted of an athlete, could be so bad against the run.

  4. harrison was only healthy until he was 34, so using his last two years of after 30 stats is not a true measure in making a comparison.


    harrison played two years without manning. i would equate manning's first year to luck's, so the only playing with manning argument isn't a true measure ether.


    rules have been changed to help the passing game, so just comparing stats isn't a true comparison of players ether.


    harrison was a truly dominant player. if it wasn't for jerry rice playing the same time, he would have been the best in the nfl. wayne, although a top receiver,  has never been that kind of receiver in the nfl.

  5. Two words: Albert Haynesworth.

    I'm not saying Revis is that kind of player. I'm just saying that as long as there are Daniel Snyders and Jerry Jones's in the league, someone will pay him. If anyone thinks we can get him for a trade and then redo his contract for under 12-14M, they need to be tested.

    And to make matters worse, do we know he's the same player?


    i think those owners and others have learned their lessons about paying too much for high priced free agents.

  6. a great player coming off a injury, with a big contract, and a free agent the next year. the jets will never get much for him. i don't see any team offering more than a 3rd for him. i don't know if i would give up a 3rd for him. if he turns out to be as good as he was, it would cost a ton of money to resign him in a year. i would rather spend the money ona couple o-linemen.

  7. Hold on a minute...is that you little sister? Even though you're a Redskins fan, you acknowledge how good Peyton Manning is. We disagree on many things, but you're VERY football savvy. Even though we both like Tebow, you would never put Tebow on the same plane as Peyton Manning. As a matter of fact, you were so hoping Peyton would sign with the Skins. Hmmm, maybe you're just messin' with me. If that's you, stop messin' with me. I'm trying to have an intelligent conversation here. Thank you.


    P.S. I'm going to tell mom about you next time I see her.


    what are you talking about???


    i think you have completely lost your mind!

  8. You're right...even after more than a year off with neck surgery. Same MVP caliber player, making a good team great, putting up record stats. Same old Peyton.


    "making a good team great" are you serious??? they won a playoff game last year with tebow!! only manning can be on a "great" team and lose in the playoffs.


    "putting up record stats" what were these?

  9. watching that denver game brought back all the playoff memories of the past with the colts and manning. every year there was some kind of excuse, bad coaching, bad defense, bad running game, bad offensive line, need taller or faster receivers, and i'm sure there are more. tenn even lost to nebraska and now in denver. that is just way too much of a pattern. i always backed manning and wanted the colts to keep him (taking luck or trading the pick). some players just don't seem to be able to make the big plays in the playoffs or make key mistakes. there are examples of this happening in all sports with the same accompanying excuses. i hope luck turns out to be the joe montana model.

  10. y'all are way too full of yourselves here..you know all this how??? Freeney has been a class act his entire time he has been on this team..no controversies whatsoever..NONE..and has even played in games hurt(basically this whole season)..but people like you drag his name through the mud and paint him as a person that you have no clue about..think before you type and before you attempt to press a key on your keyboard think again..


    even though i think the colts should have parted ways with him last year, i completely agree with your post.

  11. If they are blitzing, you will naturally have to get the ball to your hot read no matter how good your line is. If you've only got 4 to block and they blitz 6 you are automatically going to have to throw it fast. Our line is definitely not the best in the world, but who wouldn't get pressure on 4 and 5 WR sets if they decided to blitz more people than you could possibly block? The Ravens were basically allowing us to run, and blitzing us when we passed. Again, I do acknowledge the line needs some upgrading as well, but I think our D has more areas to fill. Personally I think we may only need about 2 quality lineman added to what we already have to improve the blocking next year. Luck will be in his second year, and he'll make his reads faster than this season. Many of his sacks this year came from holding the ball too long. I don't think the entire line needs to be overhauled.


    what game were you watching that there were 4 people blocking? the colts were keeping the back in a lot and the ravens weren't sending 7 guys. there MAY have been 1-2 times when they sent more players than the colts had blockers, but nothing like you are saying. running into a blitz doesn't work ether. there was a play when ac and ballard were standing there waiting for the rusher, and neither got a hand on him!!! raven rushers went around colt blockers like their feet were nailed to the ground.

  12. Did you know there is a 'limit' to the number of posts you can 'like' in a day?!?


    I didn't know that....    until today.     I haven't been on-line that much today,  and much to my surprise as I've tried to 'like' two posts,  a message comes up reading....



    You have reached your daily quota of 'likes'....


    What up with that?!?     Who would care if I've liked 10 posts, or 12?    A good post is a good post.   I don't want to have to count how many 'likes' I've given out for fear I'm going to run out of them.


    This feels like someone has way, way, WAY over-thought this....


    Just my two cents....


    the same thing happened to me. the like feature is a great idea that reduces useless clutter in threads. limiting it defeats the purpose. i don't have to waste one of my precious likes on your post now.

  13. my question is on those dropped passes how many were tough ones to catch??? Wayne had one around the 10 yard line that was behind him but he still couldnt hold on to the ball. im just asking because there was a couple passes that were dropped that were either to high or behind the receiver. 


    i made a post yesterday similar to this. this is a completely subjective stat.

  14. i have been a colts fan for over 40 years, and this is the first time i haven't been extremely mad about a colt loss in the playoffs. i have always stopped watching the rest of the playoffs and posting on a colts forum until it wares of in a couple months and the draft is the main topic. this has been a great season, far exceeding my expectations!

  15. having top safeties and lb's that can help in coverage would go a long way to improving the colt corners. if a qb has time, good wr's, and the cb has no help, very few cb's are going to be able to look good. zbikowsky and freeney are complete zeros in coverage, and the other lb's aren't very good in coverage ether. to make things worse, freeney isn't the pass rush threat that he used to be. there is only room for one rush lb in this system (mathis). if the colts take care of these problems i think you will see improvement in the cb's.

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