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Posts posted by husker61

  1. I have been on this board quite awhile, and trust me the feelings toward Polian was not always so lopsided. "In Polian we trust" was was a common refrain on this forum. Irsay is just currently reaping the benefits of bold decisions that worked.


    that's so true. most people on these forums over react to everything. how many people here wanted albert haynesworth? he was the answer to the colts dt needs. how about nomdi asomugha? the answer at corner. all the other fan answers that would have destroyed the colts. love dungy, then hate him. that's why the title is fan and not gm.

  2. I tried to like your post I quoted here-




    and that is what greeted me in a pop up when I tried. So I gave you a thumbs up instead. :)


    Sorry for any confusion.


    sorry, i thought you wrote it. i have seen people make derogatory posts similar to that. i would love to know that the benefit of having that stupid limit on likes is. it's a great feature to get rid of clutter. more people should use it.

  3. 2 yrs 8 mil of which 5 mil is in 1st year,that was a bit steep for a 38yr old backup imo.


    so it is even worse than originally posted. i will say again it isn't something i would have done.


    the colts have a big, strong, young, qb with no chronic injury history. there is absolutely no need for a high payed back up. you bring in high payed qb's when your starter is injury prone/coming off an injury or you aren't sold on your starter. that 5 million could be better used to improve the team. if you put an old unmoble qb in luck's place last year, he wouldn't have made it through the year. he could be ok on a team with a top o-line, but that's not the case here. for people saying he will teach luck how to be a better qb, one of lucks biggest assets is his how he prepares. that isn't needed.

  4. quote name="Dustin" post="440236" timestamp="1363392146"]

    Reggie Wayne, Edge James, Jeff Saturday, Robert Mathis, Dwight Freeney, Bob Sanders, Antoine Bethea. On that list I see 7 pro bowlers, 3-4 hall of famers, 1 DPOY, and 6 super bowl champions. Those were Polian moves. Seriously, you don't even know what your talking about. You should feel foolish.

    I see maybe one HOF on that list

  5. To be perfectly honest with you, I'm not a big Bob Irsay fan , obviously. I don't have those same ill feelings for Jimmy, and I do give him and Polian credit for the good years in Indy following the drafting of Manning. That being said, I would be concerned as a Colt's fan with Irsay's revisionist history with Polian, his odd tweets, and even that strange picture he put up on his twitter account. As an NFL owner, he has an image to keep up as a leader in the Indianapolis community. I just hope he doesn't end up like the old man, or Jerry Jones. If he keeps with professional football people, he will be alright. We'll see how the new GM does long-term.


    i am out of likes so i will clutter this thread with a like.

  6. My comments are this: 1) they signed Walden so that they could move Mathis to Rush LB where he belongs. So, in my opinion they got the BEST pass rusher they could this year by signing a guy who could allow them to move Mathis. Not bad thinking in my opinion. Did they over pay? probably but I'm not gonna complain on that one.


    2) Cherilus: even though I had no idea who he was it sure sounds like he's a really good player that will provide pass protection first and foremost. This was a definite need. So, I don't get the article trying to say needs were not addressed.


    3) Landry: I don't think we over paid and I think he's a definite NEED. He got less than Goldson and both were rated at the #1 and #2 available Safeties.


    4) The article's title is that the Colts failed to address needs. 3 of the biggest needs were addressed, pass protecton, Playmaking safety, and pass rusher. Apparently they can't see that Mathis is a much better option to rush the passer than either Kruger or Avril would have been. I don't think its even a contest. Mathis has all the skills, moves.


    Typical second guessing


    i completely agree, adding that the contracts don't tie the colts hands in the future if these players don't work out.




     What i'd like to know from you guys thinking in the realm of possibilities, but taking a realistic view of Jerry Hughes current value after signing these new free agents,....could we possibly trade Hughes for a 2nd round, and a 5th round pick?


    who would want him?????


    why would you think a player that has done nothing would have any value to another team? i will be back as soon as i go out and give people a penny for a dollar.

  8. how does freeney fit with a 3-4 defense???


    the market is showing what i have been saying for a while, freeney isn't that good any more. he is going to have a very hard time finding a team willing to pay him anything close to what he has made in the past. i think he may retire before playing for as little money as i think he will be offered. he has already made a boatload of money. he may end up on nfl network.

  9. ..its what we signed some of these back ups for that troubles me....it just seems too high, 700k non starters getting 4 mil a year just floors me, there were not run's on these guys....I just don't get that.........


    you have no way of knowing who else wanted these players. you just have to have confidence in the colts scouting. they are young, and felt these players were capable of being starters, time will tell. most of these chance players cap numbers the first year or two are 2-3 million dollars, no big deal when you have a lot of cap room. the best thing these signings do is it takes the pressure off of trying to fill a position in the draft and possibly reaching for a player. now they can just take the best available player every round or trade back if they get a good offer. that's a winning formula for drafting!!

  10. IMO under your scenario, if they do pan out and you want to keep them, you would have them at a BAD PRICE. Backloaded when you need to pay the class of 2012. Right? 


    if they turn out to be really good, you want to keep them and their cap numbers are still good for good starting players. there is very little risk salary wise with these players. the only risk is if they are all bad and the colts didn't improve the team, but it doesn't put them in cap heck. they just have to try again. cherilus has the highest cap hit at years 4 and 5 (9 and 9.5 million). if he is the answer at rt, that would be about the going rate 4 and 5 years from now. the others are way under that.

  11. i would take a chance on any player that dramatically dropped for some off the field issues. we have already filled the gaping holes of a good team. why draft a player comparable to ones we already signed? if that type of player doesn't fall to us, trade the pick. hopefully a bad team will still be looking for a qb. i think the colts are in a really good position for the draft.

  12. "the Colts have only four cap numbers north of $5 million in 2014."

    -Paul Kuharsky

    That's very good to hear.

    Grigson is front loading the heck out of all these contracts,  which means we are taking the biggest cap hit of their contracts this year, when we have alot of cap space.  Do not worry Grigson and Co. know exactly what they are doing.  They are making an extra effort to not repeat last years cap situation.


    that is absolutely not true.


    the contracts are BACK loaded so if they don't pan out there will be minimum cap hits. most were 1 million signing bonuses, 1st and 2nd year guarantees or none, and much larger base salaries the last two years. you give the players a year or two, if they are really good you have them at a fair price, if their bad you cut them without much of a cap hit. all excellent contracts for the colts!

  13. i was looking at what is available for the contracts of the players the colts signed (there was nothing for butler and sidbury). they have probably used about 21.5 million of cap space. do tendered players count against the cap? you have draft and practice squad players plus the wiggle room money that is probably over 5 million in case they need to sign a player during the season. you are probably in the 35 million range after all this. you can always cut players and go back down and then sign someone to take their place. fans have no way of knowing the real numbers that teams really are dealing with.


    i think the colts did a really good job and offered very team friendly contracts to the free agents. you couldn't have done that with the big names that most fans wanted.

  14. Cap rules..

    Gosder's last 2 years are not guaranteed..obviously..and those years are at $9 mil...

    If he plays 3 years and we cut him...does the $9 mil hit go away....?

    If so....there's no problem with this deal...is there...?


    the cap hit is 9 and 9.5, base salary is 7 and 7.5 million.


    if he is cut after the 3rd year it is a 4 million cap hit instead of 9 if he is on the roster.

  15. the signing bonus isn't the only thing that matters. how is the base salary distributed? if it's heavily back loaded the last two years, it's a great deal. you can't comment on any contract until you see ALL the details.



    you back load contracts to protect yourself if the player gets hurt or doesn't meet expectations. they can be cut and save money. if they turn out to be above expectations, you don't mind paying them.




    it looks like i was right on the money. 14.5 million base the last two years. so if he sucks and the colts cut him after two years, the colts would have a 6 million cap hit and then nothing else. the two years would have cost them 16.5 million. if he turns out to be a top rt, he has a 6, 9, and 9.5  million cap hit the last three years. pretty good contract, and i would think the other ones are similar. this is why you have to be patient and see the breakdown of the cantract before jumping off the bridge.

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