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Posts posted by husker61

  1. Nebraska is irrelevent....Tom Osborne days are over and will never be close to that level again....Haven't been good since the Tommy Frazier days...Only good NFL players to make it outta there are Suh and Prince....The only good RB back ever to come outta there went to federal prison..


    i will write this post of as coming from a youngster who just wants change the subject and argue. the point of my post was to give an example of dominant college players that do nothing in the nfl.

  2. I never understood people who argued college careers as a means for success in the NFL.  I don't think that's what BloodontheTrack's intent was when he said that.  I think he was making the same poitn you are making, and that is, Mark was a beast in college, but he hasn't been that beast since he's been in the NFL.


    i was agreeing with him and giving an example.

  3. In next year's draft? No, there won't be much drop off.  First two rounds next year are absolutely stacked with talent.


    so you would love to trade your 32nd pick for the 64th pick and a 6th round pick? you would be getting a 6th for nothing, right?


    i don't care how loaded a draft is, there is a big difference in picks 32 spots apart.

  4. Yeah, like 2 weeks ago. I think most people's issue with Brown is that the Colts used a 1st round pick on him. If he were a 3rd or 4th rounder, everyone would say he was a diamond in the rough.


    and those same people are thrilled about spending a 1st on richardson. go figure.

  5. A low round pick... and there won't be much to differentiate it from our second rounder in terms of talent. You are a troll, and a bad one.


    really, you don't think there is much difference in picks 32 players apart???


    talk about clueless!!!

  6. Accurate on all counts. Cherilus has actually been much better than I thought he would be. He's been better than rock solid, in fact. Fleener makes a few catches but drops way too many and has done about average. I do wish Bradshaw was back, he got the tough yards and a much higher clip than TRich gets tough yards. The run blocking has been very good for our other RBs, with Ballard, Bradshaw and Brown combining for 5.1 ypc.


    where are all the posters that were screaming about the cherilus signing now?? chalk another one up for a majority of posters being wrong on something again.

  7. You fail to see that Fleener made some good plays last night, but one thing about Richardson is that he is still 22 years old. The minute our o-line starts making plays his numbers will go up. McGlynn did a lot better at center than Satele did... and they are in a constant state of flux aside from Castonzo.



    fleener has been very average so far. richardson just doesn't have the instinct to hit the correct hole. that's not a learned skill for a rb. cherilus has been there all year, there are no more line injuries than most teams in the nfl. everyone has injuries. excuses, excuses, excuses!!!

  8. Fleenor does not justify his draft order.  We should be looking for someone better.  Richardson is a practice squad level player and the Colts gave up a first round pick for him after watching a full year of NLF tape on him.  He isn't going to get any better.  Maybe they won't cut him because they invested in him, but that doesn't make him less of a flop. 


    i agree with this except the practice squad part. terrible trade.

  9. I get it, he's a power back he's going to pound into the line and get you two to three yards till the second half probably the fourth quarter when the defense will start to give way and then he'll get big runs because they are worn out.  I watched Edge do that all the time when he was here. 



    this didn't happen all last year and 6 games this year. miraculously he is going to be able to hit the right hole all of a sudden? just because you have size and speed doesn't mean you are going to be a top player. edge, like other top backs, has the ability to see the correct hole. like i said in another thread, backs ether have that ability or they don't. tr hasn't shown it in the nfl.

  10. trent has had time to learn the playbook,and I expect some pitchouts and short passes to him also some one back sets running at their speed rushers who leave holes, big day for trent!


    but has he learned, after over a year, to hit the right hole??


    doubtful, cleveland learned this.

  11. all I can think of is special teams.  and even then, I don't really know.  I know Harvey is on most special teams, don't know about Sheppard, and I don't remember seeing Conner r on ST that often... but again, even then... no idea why :-/


    i am prety sure i have seen conner on special teams.

  12. i don't live in the indy area so i don't hear or see any colts media reports. has anyone mentioned why conner didn't play monday? i have always thought he should be starting and just don't understand what the coaches are doing.

  13. did polian make personnel mistakes, sure. did coaches make mistakes, sure. did the colts top players (including manning)not perform at their best, sure. did irsay want to resign his players to over priced contracts that hurt the colts with the cap, sure. nothing good comes from pointing fingers at other people. i have said before irsay need to stop the tweeter nonsense.

  14. Every MLB in the league leads his team in tackles, his 2011 season is nothing. Also, he is very bad in coverage, stopping the run, or rushing the passer. Definitely one of the lesser MLBs in the league, much like Rob Morris back in the day,


    i never liked tackling stats, they are very misleading. you have to watch the game to know if a player is really effective. almost everyone here was jumping all over me a couple years ago for saying this.


    surprisingly, rob morris came back and actually was a huge part in the colts sb win.

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