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Posts posted by husker61

  1. Just an example. Use Rogers, Brees or any of the top QBs for comparison. Luck is slow to pick out secondary targets. His release is fine. He just doesn't make those decisions quick enough. He will learn to do that.


    it could be a lot of things, receivers not separating quick enough, making wrong reads (luck or the receivers), not having confidence in receivers being able to make tough catches in tight coverage, or a bad offensive system.


    maybe he is over thinking things, since he seems to do better in the two minute drill when everything has to be done fast.

  2. I don't understand all the childlike behaviour on this subject, nor do I understand how saying Donald Brown had a good game is somehow saying Trich stinks.

    I am very glad this year, like most that Donald is on this team, after looking at all the horrible running back play around the league a Donald Brown is a good thing to have.




    i don't think anyone that is saying brown is playing well thinks he is a great rb, he is just doing good when asked for the most part. people on the richardson side don't have a bit of stats to make their case, except his ncaa stats, so they try to make it about brown.


    the problem people have is giving up the #1 pick, not richardson. if the colts gave up a 3rd or later pick, there wouldn't be this dispute. it's about defending their position on the trade, not the players.

  3. I don't think you break the bank with the 2 kickers. Say 6.5 mill. Davis no more than 8 . Howell could be the Bethea replacement but if not draft one or a second tier guy for say 3.5. Thats's 18 and then subtract the 4 you save by cutting Satale. Then use your math and you get 20 mill. 


    Also don't forget that many of this year's free agents can be cut without cap hits. Add to that the fact that Mathis and Wayne might not be around past 2015 and they take up about 18 mill in cap space. Plus you can make the 2014 cap hits for new free agents small for 2014 , so the Colts can spend a bunch if they so choose.


    6.5 is the same as the kickers made this year, i'm sure pat wants more and will cost a lot  more if he is franchised again. if you cut satale, you would be signing someone for about the same amount to replace him. the highest pick the colts will have is a low 2nd, so i am not confident in filling any starting position with this years draft. with the injury history in the secondary, i think we need more than a 2nd tier safety. hopefully we get lucky with a couple players in the draft and can get rid of salary in 2015.


    i don't think any of this years free agents were busts and will be released. richardson is the only bust, and his contract is guaranteed so cutting him only hurts the cap. wayne is a free agent in 2015, and mathis is 10.75 on the cap for 2015.


    whatever happens, there really isn't as much cap space as the op implies.

  4. Isn't Vinatieri 40?  How much cap space can we free up by letting him go and signing a rookie?  Seems like it's about time to part ways after this year or next.


    he's a free agent next year. whatever he is signed for would com off the 39 million cap space for next year. he is at 3.4 million this year.

  5. My reasoning is that Polian rarely signed big name players so at the end of each season there are many holes on the team. Those small name guys didn't last very long unless they worked out which rarely happen. Big name guys could come in and fix that hole immediately like Welker is doing right now.


    The Colts spend a lot of money on defence but not enough on offence. The defence is doing great while the offence is terrible. They should target a big name like Alex Mack who can come in and fill that hole at center or else that hole will still be there for another season.


    most of the manning years, the colts had cap problems trying to keep their own players. they really didn't have cap room to sign "big name" free agents. there were times the colts had to cut good players to get under the cap.

  6. Their size difference is not that great ... and the slight increase in size and strength should allow Richardson to break tackles running through those holes that would stop Brown ... thus evening the playing field.


    i can't wait for the excuse to this reasoning.

  7. We've got a fanboy in this thread, ya'll. Facts and actual production do not matter to the fanboy.


    I absolutely loved TR in college but if you can't say that DB is out playing him at this point then you are either a TR fanboy and/or a DB hater. That's all there is to it.


    right on the money.

  8. You could make that statement for many RB's, WR's in the NFL.   You don't just dismiss there big play or there big drive.  Running backs inflate there numbers all the time with long runs. WR's can have average days and then catch an 80 yard pass and have a great day.


    I wouldn't call Brown producing huge runs on a game winning drive as "inflating" though.  But thats just me.   Now Richardson's 13 yard run on a 3rd and 20 draw play, thats a classic example of inflating numbers.


    exactly right, but it doesn't matter to the tr fan club members. they disregard anything good any other back has done this year, and find any kind of excuse for tr. as his resume keeps building up, it gets more and more pathetic.

  9. FWIW, in "pass blocking efficiency" PFF has Brown graded better than Richardson with the Colts this year (92.7% vs. 92.6%) and Brown better then Richardson for all last year (91.5% vs. 89.5%).   I've seen Trent make some nice blocks for the Colts but saying Brown is horrible is a bit unfair.


    in the past i have pointed out tr missing blocking assignments in colts games, but the tr defenders just ignore that and keep clinging to the "he's a better blocker" thing. very few rb's are going to be able to stop a dl or lb cold. all they are asked to do is delay them and the qb has to get rid of the ball.

  10. They Broncos were loaded at receiver with Thomas and Decker. But that did not stop them from trying to get Welker. The Colts mindset should be "we must win the super bowl this year" not "we'll win the super bowl in the next 10-15 years" I get what you're saying but I just don't want to see the Peyton era all over again and only win one super bowl.


    The teams that Peyton had did not have much talent and Bill Polian did not help much. I don't want to see Luck get knocked out of the playoffs year after year because his team is not talented enough and General Manager doing nothing to help.


    we completely disagree with the "win it now" thing. i want to be a sb contender every year!


    the colts signed a lot of defensive players, unlike the manning colts spending more money on offense. your reasoning would have the colts spend the money on offense, not defense. but you don't want to repeat those manning era mistakes?

  11. Trent had more ypc the first half. Finally on that last drive all the stars aligned and we were able to run the ball. Brown did no better than Trent for 3/4 of the game. And pass blocked much worse. So try to keep up. It's not Trent, it's the online.


    thank you for proving my point.

  12. Look at Denver. They targeted big name guys like Welker and Vasquez. Peyton is rarely touched and Welker catches most passes that come his way. While the Colts targeted Heyward-Bey who can't catch and Thomas who is on injured reserve. Ask yourself, who would rather have, Welker and Vasquez, or Heyward-Bey and Thomas? Also how was Freeney a big name when he had 5 sacks and was injured a lot last season?


    manning makes any line look good on pass plays! thomas got hurt, so that's not a fair comparison with vasquez. the colts big need wasn't at wr, so why sign welker?


    denver is in a completely different situation than the colts, they have to win in the next couple years with manning. the colts thinking has to be the next 10-15 years with luck.

  13. 39 million, if they resign mcafee, veniteri, davis, and bethea (or his replacement), it would probably take at least 20 million. then another 3 million to fill the roster at nfl minimum and 2-3 million for wiggle room during the season, leaving about 13 million for free agents. not asmuch money as it seems.

  14. Define too long lol.

    Because pressure was there within 5 seconds seemingly every down.


    this post tells me a lot.


    5 seconds is an eternity in the nfl. almost every qb in the nfl gets rid of the ball in an average of less than 3 seconds. this ability is why great qb's in college never make it in the nfl. they just can't process the information fast enough.

  15. Great post. I'm seriously confused by all the complaints about how we attacked this offseason. I'm gonna get a few things off my chest here:


    RJF has been a really good addition to our front. He gets penetration, he's an every down guy, he can play two or three different positions on our line. What's the problem? People complain about how we focused so much on stopping the run, but then say we should have signed Terrance Knighton instead of RJF?


    DHB doesn't even matter at this point. The signing didn't work out, and in hindsight, we'd have been better off having a backup plan to bringing in a questionable player like him. But this move hardly set the team back, and if not for Reggie's injury, it wouldn't be such a sore spot. 


    I've seen people here and throughout the blogosphere complaining about Cherilus and Thomas. Like others, I would have loved to see us sign another guard, but Thomas was one of the league's best before he got hurt. That signing is not a mistake. I'd have loved to upgrade the other guard spot, but not for Levitre money, and Vasquez evidently wanted to go to the Broncos. We also drafted two interior linemen, and while Thornton hasn't been great, he's been decent. Complaining about decent play from a rookie guard is kind of silly. I think people ought to leave Cherilus, Thomas and Thornton out of their criticisms, and focus on Satele and McGlynn. But even then, if Thomas were still on the field, maybe we'd have gotten Thornton on the field and replaced Satele or McGlynn eventually.


    And of course, there's the Erik Walden complaint. Even now, after seeing how poorly our other OLBs were on the edge against the Cardinals, people are still complaining about $4m/year for Walden. Firstly, that's slighly above average for a Sam backer equivalent in a 3-4. Look at Paul Kruger's contract vs. his production. Get over the money. Second, Walden has done what he was brought here to do, and in recent weeks, has even shown some pass rush ability that I didn't expect. When you're hoping for the big name -- Kruger, Avril, etc. -- and you get Erik Walden, there's outrage. But it was highly misplaced to begin with, and the residual outrage is even worse, now that we've seen how well he fits our defensive front. Colts fans, stop complaining about Erik Walden. It makes you look silly.


    To me, the two big mistakes Grigson and Pagano made were 1) trading a first for Richardson, and 2) hiring Pep Hamilton. I hope both of these guys improve as time goes on, since we're so heavily invested in them. I don't want to get into a turnstile coordinator situation, so I'm in favor of keeping Hamilton next year. But he has to evolve as a coordinator, and quickly. And Richardson is a good back; I don't have a problem with the player, just the cost, and it's too late to do anything about that at this point. I also think we should have kept Jerry Hughes as a rotational pass rusher. Mathis is the only real edge rusher we have, and that hurts our pass rush. (To be fair, we obviously hoped that Sidbury and Werner could help in that area, and injuries have hampered that significantly. But that's why they say you can never have too many pass rushers. There was no reason to get rid of Jerry Hughes.)




    very well said (i left out the last two paragraphs).

  16. Polian didn't care too much about defense. I guess he figured he'll give Peyton as many weapons he needed and put up enough points that teams won't be able to keep up. Other then Freeney, Polian didn't draft one defensive linemen in the 1st round for a decade. That says a lot about how much he cared about defense.


    he didn't draft one offensive lineman ether. i guess that says a lot about how much he cares about offense. his biggest free agent signing was a dt, no offensive lineman. your reasoning is seriously flawed.

  17. I actually agree somewhat with quite a bit of this.  However, to the bolded, that was more on Dungy than Polian.  Dungy installed his defense and Polian drafted players that would fit that defense.  The same thing happened to Minnesota several years while Dungy was the DC there.  They had several power house offenses but the defense was "small but fast".  They'd be fine for the most part during the regular season but then get to the playoffs and teams like the Giants and Cowboys would run down their throats leading to a lot of one and dones.  


    So yeah Polian does share some blame as well because he could/should have worked with Dungy to adjust the defensive philosophy or brought in someone to run a more physical style of defense.  The only time Dungy's defense was ever "dominant" was in Tampa and that's because they spent the majority of their cap money and high draft picks on defense.  indy had already invested too heavily in offense to be able to spend the same kind of money on defense.


    agreed, and he had sapp, brooks, barber, and lynch. that kind of helps.

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