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Posts posted by husker61

  1.  when you dont draft a player that goes to the probowl from 2007-2011, you've missed a lot



    if they are playing on another team then they aren't misses. you did forget mcafee and moala. those years 1st round picks were costanzo (starting), brown (starting), hughes (starting on another team), and gonzalez who was always hurt so who knows how good he would have been if healthy.




    playing with another team:








    none of those players are anything special



    can you tell me all the "special" players at the bottom of the first round in those years? "special" players at the bottom of the first round are very, very rare.



    Ray rice. Lesean McCoy. Alshon Jefferys. Hakeem nicks. Mjd. Want me to keep going or have I made my point


    read my question again. none of those players apply to my question.


    ray rice 2nd round

    mjd 2nd round

    mccoy 2nd round

    jeffereys 2nd round and he wasn't drafted in the years you were talking about. we can always use ALL of polians drafts if you would like.


    lets try again, can you tell me all the "special" players at the bottom of the first round in those years (2007-11)?

  2. all im saying is when you go 5 draft classes with total misses you did something wrong. I think brown angerer connor mathews and canstanzo are the only ones still on the team


    if they are playing on another team then they aren't misses. you did forget mcafee and moala. those years 1st round picks were costanzo (starting), brown (starting), hughes (starting on another team), and gonzalez who was always hurt so who knows how good he would have been if healthy.




    playing with another team:







     They made Ray Lewis cry one year when they let Goose and some other block eater go. Ray said Waaa, I can`t do my job with all these blockers coming after me. No *!


    right on the money! i say this to all the lewis worshipers here in md all the time. i lost all respect for him as a player when he was complaining on the sideline of a monday night game against the chiefs about being blocked by chief lineman. great players don't do that, they still make plays. people were saying his career was ending after goose and co. were let go. then they drafted gnata and his career was rejuvenated.

  4. i didn't think they were a top team two months ago when everyone was making a big deal about them being undefeated. teams with bad records get easier schedules the next year and good teams get tougher schedules. i think the chiefs will be in the 8-9 win range next year. they have cap issues, a low 1st round pick, and no 2nd round pick so i don't see much improvement in the off season for them.

    • Locationmaryland

    Posted 04 November 2013 - 02:21 PM

    the chiefs schedule gets tougher now, i predict 3-4 the rest of the year. 6-2 or better for the colts.

  5. every thread that mentions tr ends up with the same posters that like the tr trade against the tr trade haters. everyone knows the story, but it keeps on going. the mods should have kept the tr thread pinned (i don't think posters felt as much of a need to repost things that they had already argued there) and put any threads about him there. new threads just mean the same arguments over and over........

  6. i have been saying for years that angerer wasn't very good. i have never understood why conner doesn't play more. it's really hard to see everything when watching the game on the internet, but i see he had 4 solo tackles on very limited playing time.

  7. The defensive steal of the draft is CHRIS BORLAND. Whomever drafts this kid will be getting a top 5 ILB at the next level. The offensive steal is KENNY BELL (nebraska), whom is another hines ward.


    i don't see kenny bell (6-1 185 4.5) being anything like hines ward at all. he is more of a big play wr/kr, not a physical wr. i do really like the nebraska recievers, but it is really hard to judge them with the terrible qb play that has been there for a long time. enunwa is the big physical wr (6-2 225 4.5). i would like to see the colts give him a shot.

  8. there always seems to be players that drop in the draft because of off the field character issues. there is nothing guaranteed in the draft. i would rather take a chance on the highly skilled player with these character issues that may turn into a impact player or complete bust, rather than the safe high character player that's upside is a good player. top of the 1st round you can have both, but at the bottom i like to take a chance. this is the thing about bp's drafts that i didn't like. 

  9. Polian came out and said that his biggest weakness was evaluating OL talent, so even he knows that was (one of) his faults.  Finding talent in general wasn't an issue, but his OL evaluations were poor and his money management was brutal.  I don't know why he was always so fond of making players the highest paid at their position in the league.  I think we made Bob Sanders the highest paid safety, Freeney the highest paid defensive player, Peyton the highest paid QB, and my gut tells me Clark as the highest paid TE at some point


    i  knew someone would bring up that quote. i have a feeling that was something he said following tony ugoh not working out to counteract the bad press. if you look at all his ol picks and the rounds they were made, they really weren't that bad. most were late round picks that you can't expect to be starters.


    as far as the second part, i have been saying ever since he re-signed those players and i believe irsay was a big part in it.

  10. Polian spent thre first round draft picks on running backs during his tenure with the Colts.  Would he have traded one?  Probably not, but he proved that when a player was available that he coveted he was going to get that player.


    I don't think Grigs has done a bad job, he's hit some and missed some that is going to happen.  Although I am a little worried that Grigson's first draft success was more a product of Telesco than Grigson.


    very interesting point about telesco.

  11. Mike pollack sucked here and is doing pretty good in cincy on the oline.



    He was doing better and better each year.  There was some real improvement in his play with each season.  It was a bummer to see him go.  Two guys we let go that stick out in my mind are Ryan Lilja and Jake Scott.  Scott left and became a starter on a Tennessee OL that helped CJ reach 2000 yards.  Lilja left and became a starter on a Kansas City OL that helped Jamaal Charles reach over 5.0 ypc.


    just maybe bill polian wasn't as bad at finding offensive line talent as people here think. his biggest problem was who he resigned, who he didn't, and the amount of money spent on them. finding talent wasn't a problem with him.

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