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Posts posted by husker61

  1. The loss of matt bark was more serious than I thought it would be. Our new center is horrible, that O-line from last year didn't become good until the playoffs


    first ray rice is worse this year because his line is worse, but now the line was bad last year also (until the playoffs). good year last year with a bad line, and bad year this year with a bad line. some of the excuses people make up are really out there.

  2. http://www.indystar.com/article/20131108/SPORTS03/311080060/Heard-Indianapolis-Colts-locker-room-RB-Trent-Richardson-ready-he-next-Marshawn-Lynch?odyssey=mod%7Cskybox%7Ctext%7CIndianapolis+Sports


    In 2010, Seattle acquired Marshawn Lynch, the seventh overall pick in 2007, from the Buffalo Bills. His first six games with the Seahawks totaled 81 carries for 253 yards at a clip of 3.1.


    Trent Richardson's six-game totals with Colts come to 83 carries for 248 yards at a 3.0 average.





    this article was posted in another thread and this was my response.


    my problem was giving up a 1st round pick, seattle gave up a 4th round pick for lynch. lynch was a career 4 ypc rb and 4.4 ypc that year (much better) and they only gave up a 4th round pick! if the colts gave up a 4th for tr, i don't believe there would be a lot of complaining here. lynch had some good games in those 6 you talk about, but one terrible one (9 carries 7 yards) that kills the ypc in a small sample size. all richardson's games with the colts have been very consistent. also, seattle was a 7-9 team that year, the colts are a much better team. when seattle got a lot better, he got better.

  3. Don't kid yourself. Rice is still a great player.  The problem is their poor o-line play and completely inept quarterback.  Bernard Pierce is averaging 2.7 YPC.



    the ravens Oline is trash






    i heard on a ravens radio talk show that the ravens kept 4 of the 5 o-lineman from the sb team. how does a good line get that bad by losing one player?

  4. Not to put a damper on this stat, But I dont think 26.6 really tells the whole story....He is known for bringing the ball out of the end zone from 9 yards deep and has on multiple instances been brought down inside the 20. lets say he brings it out to the 18 consistently....well from 9 yards deep thats a 27 yard average  if he does it enough


    you see a lot of returners doing the same thing, so the same can be said for all the averages then.

  5. If somebody already posted this please excuse me. I thought this was interesting.



    Mirroring Marshawn Lynch?

    A little perspective for those critical of Richardson’s contributions since the Colts acquired the No. 3 overall pick in the 2012 draft from Cleveland for a 2014 first-round draft pick.

    His six-game totals: 83 carries, 248 yards, a 3.0 average.

    In 2010, Seattle acquired Marshawn Lynch, the seventh overall pick in 2007, from the Buffalo Bills.

    His first six games with the Seahawks: 81 carries, 253 yards, 3.1 average.

    Once he settled in, Lynch rushed for 1,204 yards in 2011, 1,590 yards in ’12 and ranks second in the league this season with 726 yards.

    Perhaps the acquisition of Richardson won’t pan out. But it’s too soon to reach that conclusion.



     my problem was giving up a 1st round pick, seattle gave up a 4th round pick for lynch. lynch was a career 4 ypc rb and 4.4 ypc that year (much better) and they only gave up a 4th round pick! if the colts gave up a 4th for tr, i don't believe there would be a lot of complaining here. lynch had some good games in those 6 you talk about, but one terrible one (9 carries 7 yards) that kills the ypc in a small sample size. all richardson's games with the colts have been very consistent. also, seattle was a 7-9 team that year, the colts are a much better team. when seattle got a lot better, he got better.

  6. When I was old enough to understand sports (5,6  1974-75)  I watched games on tv of teams until i found a player or team whose playing style and personality I liked.  Thus my allegiance city/state wide is all over the map but have never strayed despite team moves.


    Baltimore/Indy Colts- Bert Jones

    Boston Red Sox- Yaz

    NY Islanders-Dennis Potvin

    Buffalo Braves/SD-LA Clippers- Bob McAdoo


    Been some tough years through long stretches especially in basketball but lately things have been pretty rewarding.


    i picked my teams the same way, around 1971, 9-11 years old, and and haven't left any of them at any time.


    colts-john unitas/sb

    milwaukee bucks-lew alcindor/the big o

    mets-tom seaver

    ny rangers-brad park/gag line

    cornhuskers (ncaa fb)-johnny rogers/rich glover/ national championship

    penn quakers (ncaa bb)-the only local team, big 5 games were broadcast twice a week in the philideliphia area.


    things were so different back then, no cable tv or computers. you had to read the sports section or try to tune in a radio station from another city late at night. kids and young adults now couldn't even imagine what this would be like. nba championship games on tape delay before the bird/magic era. 

  7. Flacco-is-gonna-restructure-before-that-contract-gets-crazy-and-I-just-dont-believe-the-notion-that-a-QB-can-make-someone-else-play-better-if-that-was-the-case-the-Pats-would-be-alot-better-on-offense.






    the bonuses always catch up to teams sooner or later.


    dhb's problem has been dropped passes. he was cut by the raiders, so just being a starting wr on one of the better teams shows me he is better. going from bad to adequate is improving, you don't have to be a superstar.

  8. Flacco-wont-even-see-that-whole-contract-and-I'm-not-so-sure-you-been-watching-but-Flacco-has-been-throwing-the-ball-to-an-undrafted-receiver-named-marlon-brown-and-he-has-been-doing-pretty-good-with-Flacco-throwing-him-the-ball-so-im-not-sure-i-agree-with-that-statement-the-whole-making-a-player-better-statement-is-just-flat-out-false-before-the-pats-played-the-steelers-they-weren't-lighting-up-the-scoreboard-with-Brady-back-there-because-those-receivers-weren't-getting-it-done-Luck-isnt-making-DHB-play-better-since-he-keeps-dropping-the-ball.


    you don't think manning, brady, brees, and rogers make their players much better than they are?


    you don't get out of those contracts that easily. if they cut him after the 2nd 15 million year (2015) they will have 26 million of dead cap space that year and no qb. that will kill the team.

  9. Thats-subjective-and-Flacco-got-his-contract-because-he-went-and-won-a-superbowl-I-dont-see-the-Luck-winning-one-for-atleast-2-years-and-this-is-coming-from-a-Luck-fan


    luck will get the contract whether he wins a sb or not.


    he's pretty close to the top now. how many qb's would you rather have than him now? manning, brees, rogers, and brady? that puts him in the top 5, and if age is factored in i wouldn't take any of them over luck.

  10. The only people that lost it in Baltimore are those pretending that Joe Flacco is capable of consistently chucking the ball, They have a game manager passing the ball 38.7 times a games......Thats absolute blatant forcing Flacco to try to live up to his contract in which he is not possibly capable of doing.......Its assinine really how much they are neglecting to use Ray Rice....Flacco is on pace to throw 624 times.....As long as Flacco is being made to chuck it that many times just stick a fork in them


    (yes thats right Flacco is STILL a game manager despite his 4 game run last year in which his wr's bailed him out many times in the playoffs)


    i was telling the raven fans around here that flaco wasn't as good as people were making him out to be and that contract was going to kill the team. i couldn't agree with you more.

  11. Hey I'm not posting here as a Browns fan to try to start fights about TR.  I have no ill will towards the Colts or the Colts fans at all.  My only purpose was to tell you that those excuses that you're making for TR are the same ones that we made.  But now we're learning that the problem was TR.  He wasn't worth a #3 overall pick.  And he wasn't worth trading a first round pick for.  He's too slow to the hole.  He dances around too much.  He has no burst.  He's slower than the opposing linebackers.  I actually hope he proves me wrong, as I said, I don't hate the Colts.  I'm not that kind of NFL fan.  I just hate the Steelers.  :-) 


    that's just how some posters operate on all these forums. when they can't come up with good arguments to make their point, they attack the poster and being a fan of another team gives them even more ammunition. they even say colt fans aren't good enough or true fans if they don't support their point of view.

  12. But why the double standard, seriously......Brown had 100-yard games before this year

    Is it because we all saw TRich play in college (only his momma saw Donald B play at UConn) and developed an affection for him..

    .....a rooting interest... we don't want to be wrong?

    Look at the numbers.....I don't know why isn't TRich judged the way Brown was?


    all of those have something to do with it.

  13. Of course blocking, scheme, and game planning play a role .... But, the truly talented running backs (which is what TRich was advertised as) should still be able to be good even if every aspect of the game isn't optimal.  Two other running backs (Ballard & Bradshaw) who were not supposed to be of TRich's caliber have turned in better performances in similar or worse situations.


    Creating the perfect situation (blocking, scheme, planning, etc....) should serve to make a "good" player "great".  In TRichs situation it appears as it will only serve to make a "below average/average" player into and "average/above average" player.  That's not  the kind of player I want to be using 1st round draft picks on. 



    I see a lot of this "I'll give him next season" or "He will break out next season" and things along those lines .... If it takes him until next season to "break out" than he will truly have to be one of the 4-5 best RBs in the league to justify the trade.




    1) Part of the value of the trade and the justification for paying a 1st round draft pick was we needed someone this year.  So if he isn't going be produce at a level higher than what a FA back could have given us then part of his value has been negated.


    2) Yes, the browns did pay his signing bonus, but we are still on the hook for the biggest part of his salary $6.6 million and if we take the 5th year option that's about another $7 million ... so we get him 4 years for between $14-$15 million before we have to give him that second contract (or release him).


    Now let's look at an example of not making the trade .... We still have our 1st round pick .... so lets say we use our 2nd round pick to get our RB if we look at last years draft we are looking at someone like Eddie Lacy at the end of the 2nd round.  Eddie Lacy's contract is 4 yrs $3.4 million with $1 million guaranteed.


    So on one hand we have TRich for 4 yrs $14-15 million ---or--- On the other we have a 2nd round RB in 2014 draft for 4 yrs $3-4 million  +  our 1st round draft pick. 


    Do we really think that TRich is going to be better than - 2nd RB "X" + 1st rnd draft pick + ~$11 million.  This is what I mean when I say if he we have to wait until next year it will be very hard for him to play well enough (even if he improves significantly) to justify this trade.


    Even if we hedge our bet on the 2nd rnd RB next year and say we resign Bradshaw(or another FA) as an insurance policy for another $2 million (AB's current salary) we still come out ahead a 1st round draft pick & ~$9 million.


    I just don't understand how people can not see how costly this trade is if TRich does not become a perennial top 5 back.


    this is exactly how i felt from when the trade was made. very well said!


    Because if they see it, it means they're a bad fan



    2 things......1. If fans on here were ever fully content, this message board would not be nearly as busy as it is every day....2.If coaches took that Fully Content approach that would be a cause for concern...Nothing wrong with having concerns and voicing them even if they dont make alot of sense, then those posters that see that said post dont make alot of sense then ONE of those posters should KINDLY state what it is that that person is missing



    Its not all on the O Line, Luck will hang onto the ball to long at times, we dont have wr's that can get open on a consistent basis either, at least in press coverage



    You are right, if we assume the 1st rnd pick would have been a complete bust, and we also assume that we did not trade down and acquire more picks(or future picks); and that if we did those players were also all busts ... than under those circumstances the trade is not costly.


    I find it far more plausible that TRich does not outperform a RB that would be available to us in the 2nd round or later, than our 1st round pick would be a complete waste (whether it was used or traded).  Although I am sure plenty will argue otherwise.



    I see what you're saying, but he was brought in to be that back who could run up the middle. We don't need two Donald Browns-- guys that can run in space. We need the Power back (supposed to be Richardson, was Ballard and Bradshaw) and off set that with Brown, the change of pace back. People want is to use Richardson as the outside, open space runner. That's fine, but then we would have to admit that Grigson missed on his evaluation of him and gave up far too much for his services. Again, just my opinion.


    i like all these posts. i just don't understand why likes are limited!!! if you don't want people to use this function take it away completely.

  14. Excuse # 151



    Excuse # 211



    Excuse # 137



    I could compile a whole book with all the different excuses floating around to explain why TRICH is not doing well. Could be he is just not anything special. 


    If he was as good as advertised we would not need to make special accommodations (or endless excuses) for him.  A number 3 overall draft pick (or any RB from the 1st round) should not need special plays to get him out in space, or have trouble running behind a full back, or have this much trouble improvising when the hole the play was designed to go through isn't there.


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