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Posts posted by husker61

  1. I’ll risk alienating myself from my fellow Colts fans by saying I appreciate your perspective on this and I think you were making valid points.  After watching many of the Brown games on NFL Game Rewind  (condensed games) I completely understand your point of view.



    There are flashes of talent there, but not realized at this point in his NFL career.  I agree the elite/stud/star/top-5/beast talk is way overstated and that’s one of the points you were making.




    i agree.

  2. He dropped it so it's his fault..I think the drops had a lot to do with nerves and being on the sidelines all game...A lot of young guys not used to the national stage..Reminded me of all the drops in the playoff game last year, and lately it seems like Reggie drops a couple every game , but never gets criticized..


    really? he played in national championship games at alabama. wayne is frustrating, he makes great catches and then drops easy ones.

  3. I would love to have a "what if?" machine so that I could compare the posts here with the comments that would have been posted if they had gone for it on 4th and 2 and missed.  I don't really think I need it though.  I'm pretty sure the majority of comments would have been either  "why did Chuck go for it instead of punting...we have the best punter in the game, let him do his job" or "Pep's play call sucked".


    agreed. the franchise punter has to earn his money.

  4. i must be watching different games than a lot of posters. the colts have been weak at lb for a long time. people keep saying conner is the run stopper, but the downs he has played have been on obvious passing plays. coaches must think he is better in coverage than against the run. i have always thought he should be starting. not having a decent pick this year, the colts will probably be in the same situation next year unless they get a good lb in free agency.

  5. It doesn't take much to figure out you've disliked Richardson as a pro for awhile. Stemming from, my guess, you thinking he was a wasted pick for the Browns when he was drafted, and everything since has been skewed negatively to match that.

    San Diego also had one of the worst passing D's too. Would you advise we cut Luck?


    luck didn't have a great game but he has a great body of evidence, richardson doesn't.

  6. Would you prefer me to use a different analogy?  The point still remains, it takes most rookies a year or two to get comfortable with the NFL speeds and the playbook.  He finally gets into his second year and he has to start all over again.  Now do you get it?


    some positions are more instinct than others. running the ball is all instinct, you don't have time to think, you have to react or it's too late. pass blocking and running routs are learned.

  7. Well of course, but just because you can drive a car doesn't mean you can take him straight out of an automatic and expect him to be able to drive a manual shift.  It takes time to learn these things.  So while your steering and decision making may be just fine, your steering and decision making slows down while you're learning to shift the gears without having to think about it.  Same thing here.  If, by next year, he's still making the same slow reads, then yeah, different story.  But after 4 games.  It's too soon. 


    And yeah, sure you can say he didn't do it very well last year, but he was a freakin rookie for god's sake.  Not every RB in the league is going to be like Adrian Peterson and come in his first year and decimate everyone.


    that is one of the worst analogies i have ever seen. learning how to drive a car and playing football at the highest level???


    no one is saying he has to be adrian peterson, but he should be a lot better than he is for giving up a #1 pick.


    The more I watch him, the more I think he's getting comfortable.  Gruden said it best, when he said that Richardson is still thinking out there and not reacting yet.  He's still making reads a bit slow because of the new offense.  It'll come with time.  And if I've said it once, I've said it a million times, people who diss this guy because he's jsut "running into the pile" (a) aren't watching the games and (b) don't understand how much goes into learning a playbook and applying what's on paper into real time execution on the field.  There's a huge difference between seeing a hole to run through and reading whether or not it will close up before you get there.  And reads that take you a split second too long to read are the difference between a 2 yard loss and a 5 yard gain.  It takes some players an entire year with a team to learn the ins and outs of a playbook.  With rookies and young guys, it takes even longer.  . 



    you are right about having to make a decision in a split second, but that isn't learned. you ether have it or you don't, and it's the same in every fast paced sport. players that don't have it are the ones people keep making excuses for. a lot of college players look great because they (or their teams) have so much more talent then their opponents. that's why so many mistakes are made in drafting players. you never really know until they are playing against players at the next level. richardson does have a year plus body of work, and it's not great.

  9. Man, you guys sound just like the Browns fans. No offense, but we made the same excuses. 


    If I'm the Colts, I try to use him like Darren Sproles. It's obvious when he gets into the open he's tough to tackle, the problem is, he just doesn't have good instincts as a running back. He doesn't create his own space at the running back position. He is constantly jump stepping, skipping and dancing around the holes. 


    His best "runs" as a Brown, were dump offs out of the backfield. 



    When has he ever had a "stud" performance. Just name one in his year and a half in the league. The more you talk the more people realize you have no idea what you're talking about. 


    great points!! 

  10. donald brown misses a block this year and most posters are saying he is a terrible blocker. richardson blows a blocking assignment and not a word. if brown dropped a pass they would be saying he is a bad receiver, but not a peep after richardson drops a pass. excuse after excuse for the bad ypc stats. just because you were a top college player doesn't mean you are going to be a top nfl player. forget what players did in college, it doesn't matter. what they have done against nfl players is the only thin that matters. the colts had a entire year of nfl tapes to judge him and still gave up a #1 for him.


    i didn't like the trade from the beginning, but i really do hope i am wrong.

  11. He has with several he brought the whole 1975 team to Indianapolis to honor them before a game.  Raymond Barry has been on their sidelines for games before.  He will pretty much take care of any ex-Baltimore Colt there is.  Some don't want to be honored by Jim Irsay and there is nothing he can do about that.  I think the Ring of Honor is something he has pretty much reserved for people in Indianapolis and I laid out the reasons I think that in a post before.  I could be wrong but I don't think it's because Irsay isn't willing to reach out to those former players. 


    i know about the hard feelings with people/players here in the baltimore area. i am someone that believes that there is always a way to get something done if you really want to. i don't just throw my hands up and say they aren't co-operating and forget about it. if i were in his position, restoring colt history would be a top priority for me and would keep trying until i accomplish it. i am sure it doesn't mean anything to young fans that only know the indianopolis colts.

  12. jim irsay should have gone out of his way to heal the wounds left by his father with the baltimore colt players. maybe if he put as much effort into this as he does twitter it would have been done already. those players should be there, and it wouldn't have to be cheapened by putting marginal players there. it could be one of the best in football!

  13. Well said. People are in denial. His 9.2 ypc doesn't count though, because he had a one long run. Skews the stats apparently. Scientists will tell you that. We blame the bad o-line for not blocking well enough for Addai, Ballard and now Richardson etc, but we can't use the same excuse for Donnie. If we get good blocking, he is our best back, as he can (and already does) bang out the big runs. Give him more carries is the answer...and he has never lost a fumble I believe, so safe has they come. He's missed a few blocks? Tell me a player who hasn't?


    exactly! the long runs are all a part of the top backs stats so why not browns? if you took them out, their averages wouldn't be very good. people talk about stacked boxes, but how many time does a back break through the line on short yardage and go untouched for a td. people will search for things to try and back up their reasoning.

  14. T Rich has averaged 3.9 yard a carry in the NFL.....with 2 teams

    No amount of 'stacking the box' explains that....He's got to be more productive.

    Brown has played well before



    But its ironic that Brown is trashed for not living up to a No,.1 when Richardson, the 3rd overall choice in the 2012 draft, averages 3.9 for his career


    i completely agree with this, especially the 2nd post, but where are you getting the 3.9 ypc from? it is 3.5 ypc.

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