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Posts posted by husker61

  1. :facepalm:


    The guy was over 1000 yards rushing and had total 11 TDs with that terrible run blocking o-line of the Browns. Constantly hed see a defender at the line of scrimmage because he was stacked 8 against the box, and we "bailed out" Cleveland of a bad pick?


    I swear, some of the people on this forum should apply for management at the Colts headquarters.


    Itd be fun to see how quickly theyd get laughed at the application to be ripped an torn into shreds.


    he had 950 total yards, 63 ypg, and 3.6 ypc. those are not statistics you want from the third pick of the draft.

  2. Thank goodness this was only one pick. I HATED the Dickerson trade when it happened, all the way through his career in Indy, and to the current date. One of the most absurd trades in NFL history, and the common element is Jim Irsay. On the heels of some of his recent tweets, that's precisely why I'm a bit uncomfortable with the Richardson trade. If just feels more an impulsive reaction than a stepping stone to building a better team.


    Hope I'm wrong.


    i completely agree.

  3. t fooled me, too


    I thought we'd deal for an offensive lineman... 


    I would not have given up a No.1 for a running back.....RBs just arent worth that much


    Sure, we'll keep Brown now..but to gamebe like this on a guy who was a disappointment in Cleveland...this year....?


    Im shocked..really...



    Doesnt this indicate that our management doesn't really like Brown OR Bradshaw??



    i completely agree. i would never draft a rb in the first round! that's what the colts did. i don't like this at all!

  4. I'll bet if you got a Las Vegas odds maker to make a bet on Luck ever winning a Super Bowl, it would be around 1,000 to 1. I could be wrong about that but I doubt it. Getting to the Super Bowl isn't easy. Winning it is even more difficult. There are lots of great QBs in NFL history that never won one.


    this is one of the stupidest statements i have ever seen. the odds for the colts winning the sb just this year are 40-1.


    i would love to make that bet at 1,000-1.

  5. Don't kill me for this but Luck has a little Brady in him and what I mean by that is that he just finds away to win.  Whatever we want to say about Brady that is something he has been really good at over the course of his career.


    Honestly Luck seems to have Manning's brain, Brady's ability to just win, Big Ben's durability to hang in there and just make plays happen, and the ability to run.  You put all that together and you get one heck of a QB. 


    i agree except the "brady's ability to just win". that hasn't happened in a long time since they lost a lot of the core defenders that they won championships with. that's not a knock on brady. he may not be quite as smart as manning, but he has a top arm (he rarely gets credit for) that manning never had and is very accurate.

  6. He is probably in but he still has alot to work on, doesn't show alot in terms of pass rush moves, relies on his length for that and also has to learn to think run first/pass rush 2nd and angles to use on run contain


    i agree! it would be incredible if he develops the rest of the skills. some players just have that ability to pressure the qb, and it is in great demand now. i don't see it in werner, i don't know if he is quick enough with that burst, but i hope i am wrong.

  7. I've seen Pryor play in HS a few years back.. He's got the speed but I don't think he has enough tools to make a huge difference..


    he was so much bigger and faster than everyone else on the field, he dominated games. but because of lack of passing skills he should have chose basketball coming out of hs, and i said that when he was being hyped his senior year of hs. he is a great athlete, but how do you become a top qb when you have passing issues? if he wanted to play football, he should have been a wr.

  8. So if you are going to play the stay on topic card what does Bill Polian's career have to do with the specifics of his 2008 draft?   Like the poster before pointed out most topics drift a little such as talking about Polian's career here which lead to other people pointing out he might not be the only one who may have had a hand in our losing the playoffs.  It's part of the natural discussion it's not like out of no where someone went hey let's talk about Jack Trudeau's career in this thread.  That would be an attempt to derail the thread.  However, if you follow this thread and see how it has developed his point was raised as part of the natural development of the thread.  I think the bigger problem is that his point doesn't back up your argument so you don't want to see it. 


    i was going to say the same exact thing but didn't want to type that much. thanks!

  9. Right or wrong success is measured by championships and Polians record for super bowl runs is 1-17. So with all of the positives the negative can't be disregarded. 


    Right or wrong success is measured by championships and manning's record for champioship runs is 1-17 going back to college. So with all of the positives the negative can't be disregarded.

  10. And those are faults that you can put on Polian.  And I'm not saying that we shouldn't have won more superbowls, I jsut dispute saying it was an underachievement.  Some element of winning superbowls is a little bit of luck, sometimes its getting hot at the right time.  And while you cite Manning's consistency getting us into playoffs, there were far to many games where the lead or comeback was lost because of Manning.  Love what the guy did for Indianapolis, but I don't think I'm alone when I say that I think Manning choked quite often in the playoffs.


    i was going to say the same thing. if you are an all time great player in any sport, you are the one that has to make the big plays in playoff games. defense, special teams, offensive line, running game, coaching, the list is soooo long and old for why manning couldn't win more championships and it's continuing in denver now. manning hasn't really gotten the job done going back to college.

  11. I agree....however, I still wonder how much of those inflated contracts had Irsay's fingerprints on them.  Irsay, not Polian, has been the one making public comments about making XX player the highest paid.  Irsay was the one saying he was going to make Manning the highest paid player in the league.  Irsay's the one who recently tweeted about making Cherilus the highest paid RT.  I HOPE it was Polian so that it won't continue to happen but the tweets about Cherilus make me wonder if Irsay is still too involved in the negotiations.


    i definitely think it was irsay.

  12. The signing bonus is being counted as $14.5m, because of the difference between the Year 1 and Year 2 base salaries. That extra $4.5m is coming from his Year 1 base. Weird rule that kicked in. So, yeah, the cap penalty if we release him increases by $900k for each year remaining. That's why it's $8.7m after 2014, rather than the $6m it normally would be.


    that's a strange rule. things are way more complicated than they need to be. that's how attorneys keep attorneys in business.

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