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Posts posted by husker61

  1. Yes I watched the game. One missed block does not make you a bad blocker. Did you see all the blocks the o line missed?


    that's not the first one he has missed. i'm not the only one saying this:


    According to Pro Football Focus, Richardson was +1.5 on the season overall but poor in pass blocking at -1.4.  Last season Richardson was +6.0 overall and -2.6 in pass blocking.  The conclusion is that Trent Richardson will be used in running situations and Ahmad Bradshaw will be used for pass blocking (+6.2 in 2012).




    i never heard much about brown's blocking until he missed that one block against miami at the end of the game

  2. But if he has positives he can build on, like being a better blocker than Brown, or more difficult to being down then Brown. I prefer focusing on those things.

    I do love the irony of you complaining about people bashing Donald for his mistakes, when all you do is spend your time bashing Trent lmao.

    Pot kettle?


    first, he is not a better blocker than brown.


    second, i agree, he is more difficult to bring down because he is bigger.


    third, when did i complain about people bashing brown? i said people were bashing his blocking ability for ONE missed block. richardson has missed several blocking assignments and had 6 games to improve his running stats and completely failed.

  3. He does hit them when they are there. 


    no he doesn't. people have shown this many times here and on tv. he runs where the play was designed to run whether the hole is there or not. good rb's find the hole wherever it is (not every time). the top backs do this more often and break the big runs. you can't learn this skill, you ether have it or you don't.

  4. This goes way beyond the comment made today or his opinion for that matter.  He's just as guilty as we are.  Please Husker, I enjoy tlaking to you.  So don't get in the middle of this one and certainly don't defend him without also defending us from what he says.


    i remember his first couple posts, and they were factual without any insults to the colts fans. posters here started attacking him for being a browns fan, and things that had nothing to do with richardsons past and present play. has he responded in the same way, absolutely. i wish everyone would stop and just debate the facts.

  5. I think Trent has been playing well honestly. But I didn't expect him to come in and put up 100yrd game after 100yrd game. He's running hard, blocking hard, and when given space he's proving hard to tackle one on one.

    Is he playing tremendous? No. But him and Brown together have proven to be a tough tandem to consistently deal with. As soon as you get used to Trent's running style. Donald gashes you for 10yrds.

    If we didn't have Trent it would be just Donald. That's not a recipe for success IMO, with all the injuries we've had.


    nobody expects any back to get 100 yards every game, but he has been terrible running the ball. do you watch the games? do you see the blocking assignments he blows? the last one was last night. donald brown misses one block and posters destroy him, but everyone is giving richardson a pass.


    it wouldn't be just brown. someone else would have been signed, done just as good as richardson, and the colts would have their #1 pick.

  6. No no no. He's just doing a civil service. Informing the masses about Richardson. He has no personally feelings about him at all. Just pure unfiltered objectivity.


    so after another disappointing game from richardson, you have to attack the poster not the points he makes. that's what happens when you run out of excuses. he has an opinion just like you do, why can't you just accept that? you don't have to agree with it.

  7. I do love how all the Brown supporters got amnesia and forgot all their preachings about letting a guy have time to develop.


    there were a lot more brown haters i believe. his biggest problem is being injured. there are always going to be some people that say to wait for a rb to develop, but that's just not the case with rb's. they are usually good from the start and then fade because of the beating they take. not many backs are productive for a long time.

  8. My darkhorse/fantasy candidate is Justin Blackmon lol.



    I was among those who thought they should've drafted a receiver this last year. It isn't too late though. They could trade for Josh Gordon, Justin Blackmon, Hakeem Nicks or any slew of talented receivers. Blackmon is my favorite potential target and would actually be a perfect compliment to Gordon. I think its going to be really funny when Grigson trades for some stud receiver that none of us guessed.



    to keep this conversation going, saw this on SI.com




    It talks about a few "mock" trades, and has the Ravens giving up a third round pick for Justin Blackmon. A third round pick? That raises a few questions:


    Would the Jags even consider trading Blackmon for a third round pick?

    Would the Jags even consider trading Blackmon within the division?

    Lastly, would you hypothetically want this trade for the Colts?



    Justin Blackmon



    If we trade said pick for Blackmon , he could be that big body wide out we bin needing for years , trading picks for proven young players is good , we would be like the cowboys with Akman , Irvin and emmit , lol luck, trich , Blackmon, with Ty taking the slot back over , dHb on the other side deep threat , Havili , return of Allen development of Fleener , we gonna. Be a problem that teams any deal with


    good thing the colts didn't make the trade.

  9. Can't disagree with you there but who could if imagined losing Wayne for the season? I was for bringing in M. Turner or one if those guys also. Would if been a bandaid at best. We would have needed to draft a RB next year anyways so now we're a year ahead. Did we pay a steep price? Sure you could say that. But I'm not going to discard him so fast being his only been with us got 4-5 weeks. Kevin Bowen stated today that during the bye he just now moved his family down. There's is much more than just slapping on some pads and running with the ball. Plus, I'm pretty sure he felt crappy about being traded in the first place. Now, he needs to start showing what he's got!

    And to your comment about huskywhatever#, how about the Colts fans bashing Werner? Is it cool to just call him a bust and throw him under the bus in his first season having only played a couple games. I really wonder about the intelligent level on this board.


    ladies and gentleman, we have a new excuse, not having his family with him.


    i haven't seen much bashing of werner. like i said before, you are going to see different opinions about a number of things. there is nothing wrong with it.

  10. Actually, I may jump on board after that player has been given a reasonable amount of time to prove their worth. I am referring to the posters who toss a player to the curb verbally and feel the need to constantly repeat themselves, driving home their point to ridiculous lengths before the player has even had a training camp for corns sake.



    i would rather see peoples opinions about team moves before they play out. it's easy to be a monday morning qb after everything has played out and means nothing to me.

  11. I cheer for him in the games even though i didn't like the signing. The TD catch he had vs Denver when we motioned him into the backfield then had him ran back I went crazy cheering. I cheer for all the Colts except McGlynn & Satele. Those 2 I absolutely can't wait to get rid of if we're not gonna put McGlynn at center


    i am sure everyone here agrees with you.

  12. Actually, I may jump on board after that player has been given a reasonable amount of time to prove their worth. I am referring to the posters who toss a player to the curb verbally and feel the need to constantly repeat themselves, driving home their point to ridiculous lengths before the player has even had a training camp for corns sake. I defended Anthony Gonzalez for quite a while, but I eventually joined in and agreed that he was not getting it done. But not until he had time to prove himself. Some players take a year or two to find the right groove/coach/scheme.


    In a shortened example, it is not unlike a fan who posts in the game thread 15 times about how our offense sucks...and then we score 39 points to win the game. Then said fan posts one time....."I was wrong"....as if that somehow makes up for it. It doesn't.


    but by the same token the same thing can be said about all the richardson praising going on. both sides think they are right and shouldn't be made fun of for thinking that way. time will tell who was right. if it was a rule every post has to be positive towards the colts, there would be very few members and very boring!

  13. The whole "I will gladly eat crow" is a bunch of mularky. Complaining about a guy 25 times for instance...over weeks, in multiple threads, is not erased with crow eating by a couple admissions.


    It would take stating that you were wrong....25 times, over weeks, in multiple threads. We all know that has never happened, and will never happen. So save it.


    so you and everyone else that agrees with the trade would do the same thing? i highly doubt that.

  14. people are making the argument about a 1st round pick not always being a good player. that's true. sometimes they are sometimes they aren't. but that is after judging a player on his play against college players, that's why it's tough to evaluate a player. here, the colts had a entire year of seeing him play against nfl players so this argument makes no sense at all. just another reach posters are using to justify the trade.


    the people defending the trade are using a lot of what if's, and the people against the trade are using the hard facts of his nfl record.

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