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Posts posted by husker61

  1. I don't mean to start the same old topics but with the exception of a couple of runs, trent looked good in space and broke off some of his best runs all season. He got involved in the passing game more today and looked comfortable running making guys miss. Looked a little more fresh and wasn't going down with simple arm tackles today


    but you started a new thread instead of using the tr thread where all tr posts are supposed to be.


    same old, same old.

  2. Rogers made a miracle effort to make that junk look catchable. Reggie DROPPED those too. I`d have to look back but i recall the other "Drop" a late arriving ball that the defender stuck his hand up under and defelected it easily out.


      Rogers showed me some Reggie/Michael Irvin yesterday.


    i watched the game on line so the quality isn't very good and i can't replay it, but i think a defender may have gotten a hand on the ball thrown behind him also.


    he did say the other one wasn't a drop.


    i really like his physical tools. i really hope he keeps his head straight.

  3. Browns problems in blocking are the opposite, He knows who to block 9 times out of 10 but he gets bulled over by bigger Linebackers and D linemen sometimes


    agreed, i have said this since people started saying tr was a better blocker than brown. to be honest, the qb has to realize this and get rid of the ball with the extra second it takes to run brown over. you can't expect a small back to completely stop a db or lb.

  4. He had both his hands on it, 7:37 4th Quarter......My mistake on the 2nd drop though, Wasn't a 2nd one, It was just a good play by Jones on the first pass of the season to Rogers


    this is why drop stats are not really something that i would place a lot of value in, they bare completely subjective. catching a ball that is behind you on a quick slant is very tough. to me, drops are easy catches that any wr should make. if you dive for a ball and get two hands on it, would you consider this a drop also?

  5. No it was Richardson who whiffed very clearly, Havili went up to block Schaffer, Cherilus down blocked on the play which left Harrison free and Richardson 1 on 1 with Harrison and Havili 1 on 1 with Schaffer, Havili picked up his block, Richardson did not



    thanks. Didn't want to go back. I trust your take


    i guess ruksak, newera, and i did have it right after all.


    it's not the first time he has blown blocking assignments. looks like you can add "he's a better blocker" to list of things shown to be wrong that the tr fan club was touting. 

  6. i think the colts have some of the worst inside lb's in the nfl. i have said for years angerer is terrible and there isn't much on the bench (i have always liked conner, but he never gets a chance). people are going to blast me on this, but while he is the best the colts have now, i feel freeman is too small. i don't think he is fast enough to stay with backs and te's, or big enough to take on blockers and fill holes. i don't think the colts will ever be good against the run with small lb's. i don't think the line is that much of a problem and the outside lb's are fine. the colts need to start spending some high picks on inside lb's for a change. rogers play is promising and if wayne returns, the colts don't need to look for a wr in the draft. it would be nice to still have that 1st round pick.  

  7. Dungy did. Which is why Mathis and Freeney were told to do it. 


    if this is true, than it just proves that i am right about him being one of the most over rated coaches of all time, along with freeney.


    my god, how many times did the left tackle push freeney past the play with one hand and then go take out the linebacker for an easy 5-10+ yards.

  8. Basing the idea of someone never taking responsibility off of one quote, is foolish in my opinion. Without knowing anything about what goes on behind the scenes, or what he says to teammates or coaches. All based on one time where he said he didn't miss an assignment. Feel free to disagree, but when someone paints the picture of never EVER taking responsibility, based on minuscule evidence I find it funny.

    Especially when the guy takes responsibility for his poor play, less then a week later.

    If it was said that he has never ever had a 200 yard rushing game as a Colt, that would be fact. It's knowable. There aren't secret gaming going on behind the scenes we aren't privy to.

    When it's said he never takes responsibility, that's unknowable. We don't have access to the behind the scenes interactions.

    Gav didn't say "It seems like he's starting to get the public perception of taking no accountability." He said he doesn't take responsibility ever. Snap judgments often have a funny way of being incorrect.


    if you can't provide something that shows he has taken responsibility when the statement was made, that would be ok to call someone out. how can you call someone out on something that you can't prove? all people can base an opinion on are what is available to them.


    your reasoning would be that nobody should make any statements because they "don't have access to the behind the scenes interactions".


    gavens statement at the time he made it was correct, unless you can disprove it.

  9. i didn't really like the pick at the time, but am willing to give him a chance to see how it turns out. i really haven't seen much to make me think he is going to be a impact player that you hope to get in the 1st round. i would love to be wrong on him though.

  10. "Mhhm I said he did not take accountability ever"

    Unless "ever" got a lot shorter in the past few days.....



    I certainly didn't add "ever" lmao.

    Absolutes have a funny way of being always true, or always false. Guess you misjudged the lad.



    That's okay you can find it if you're thinking I fabricated it. I copy and pasted from your quote. I know what it said, and the context is quite clear lol.

    Based on one thing he said you deemed him not taking responsibility for anything he's done wrong. Ever. Despite knowing nothing of what goes on in the locker room, or the film room.

    Glad to see the kid isn't who you thought he was :).


    so if someone posts that a player has never ever taken responsibility for something, and then the player days or months later does take responsibility, the poster is wrong about the statement when it was made? if someone says a player has never ever had a 100 yard game (that is true at the time) and then the next week has a 100 yard game, your reasoning would be the person has to eat crow? if they say he will NEVER have a 100 yard game, that is entirely different. you are grasping at straws to try and make someone with a different view on tr look bad. it's having the opposite effect.

  11. The same argument that are making against Richardson is the same argument that was being made about Brown for Years.


    You cannot fault the player for where a GM picked him or what they traded for him.


    true, but the difference for me is the colts had over a year of nfl tape on richardson being very average. taking a player in the draft is a crap-shoot, you can win big or lose. i would absolutely rather take the draft chance than richardson. brown's problems have been mostly injuries. brown has been productive in the past. i can remember posters complaining about why he isn't starting a couple years ago.


    like i said, it's not about the player. it's the trade.

  12. I don't think you release any 2013 vets but my point is you can sign a 2014 free agent and use a low 2014 cap # as you know you have wiggle room going forward. 


    If you release Satale , you can go after a 2014 free agent center and help the roster .. no ? I mean .. I would consider center a huge weakness on this team. Just like we need a WR and if DHB had a 5 mill salary for 2014 (not the case) would't you count that as cap space as you try to fill the WR "hole." Yes your right if Bey or in the real case Satale was a contributor. Other words if we sign mack for 7 mill per year , we have a huge upgrade on the O line for a net of 3 mill.  No... ?


    There is no way the Colts are going to pay McAfee "a lot more than 3.5 per year. Furthermore his contract would be a nice signing bonus up front with low base pays the first few years. There is just no way that McAfee's 2014 cap hit is more than 2013's. 


    My point with Wayne and mathis is that they aren't going to play forever and they will be off the books in probably a couple years. Plus there is no restructures in either of their contracts that will cause any dead money cap hits. I would think most teams with similar cap room have at similar cap issues as we do. 


    I would say that the 39 mill with around 42 players signed is enough room to improve the team significantly and it's about on par for a team with around 40 mill in space. The only expensive sign we should have is V Davis . Can we sign 3-4 top tier free agents ? Yes but we would have problems 3 years down the road and would not be smart. But I do think we can sign enough help to make a difference.


    the colts have to be careful about the "wiggle room going forward" with luck, ty, and allen's contracts ending.


    releasing satale and signing another center would be about a wash on the salary cap, but hopefully a improvement. i don't have a problem with this, but 7 million is too much for a center.


    i think the colts can sign a guard, wr, safety, and lb to improve the team. we agree on not the top free agents.

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