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Posts posted by husker61

  1. I think the Colts organization will let him walk....Unfortunately I think that means were going to waste a pick on a Punter, Ill gladly pay Pat 3 mill per year if we dont throw a pick on a Punter, And no I dont care if its a 7th rounder, Alot of good football players will go undrafted who have a much better chance of making an impact on games consistently then any Punter


    i don't think you have to draft one, there are plenty of free agent ones out there. bring a bunch in and one should turn out to be decent. there are only 31 other punters with jobs. that leaves a lot of candidates.

  2. I'm watching the Senior Bowl right now. SJB struggles with his hop turn, and isn't terribly physical, which is surprising given his size. He can make plays, though, and he's raw, only having played corner for three years. I like him, think he has upside, but wouldn't draft him high. I understand the comparison with Sherman: good size, questionable speed and fluidity, converted receiver, etc., but wouldn't get too wrapped up in that. 


    as you can imagine, i watch all neb games and i can't believe all the praise for him. udfa sure, but i wouldn't use a draft pick on him. his first year at cb i thought he could be really good, but he really hasn't improved that much since then. that's not a good indicator.

  3. 6'3" 236lbs....Looks like he has long arms(Great for helping an ILB shed or take on blocks if he has strength) though but I dont have his measurement on that, He looks like he has the frame to get bigger...Probably in 250-256 range


    i was going to say the same thing. you can add muscle and grow into your frame with maturity, but not height. being over weight at a young age is much more of a problem.

  4. Me Borland can cover a little bit, 3 picks and 18 passes defensed in his career, Its by no means a strong point of his though.


    interception stats are very deceiving. i am sure most are a qb making a mistake against a zone coverage. you have to watch them cover man to man. lavonte david only had 2 interceptions in two years at nebraska, but watching him cover te's and slot receivers step for step is what really matters. i really wanted the colts to draft him!! he was sooo good!

  5. Sometimes it takes more than one draft to make a big impact. What Grigson his first year was just incredible.


    telesco was with the colts that first year. hopefully grigson can have more drafts like that one, but telesco at sd had a much better draft last year than grigson as of now. time will tell.

  6. great point. sd had a great draft with only 5 picks, 3 starters. maybe the colts should have promoted him instead of hiring grigson, but he was a polian guy and i think irsay didn't want polian people running things. what if polian promoted him instead of his son?

  7. many years ago (when i lived in north jersey) a ny sports talk host was taking questions about giant season tickets (there is a huge waiting list) and said people would be shocked if they knew how many tickets other owners (art model was reluctantly, because model's was a show sponsor, mentioned) controlled and resold for a profit. it probably goes back a long time to when they weren't making the kind of money they are now.


    things like this will happen until people refuse to pay the ridiculous prices for tickets, parking, food, drinks, etc. the consumer is the one that ultimately has the power of the purse.

  8. i have always defended bp here, but i just couldn't believe the list he used with kaepernick and wilson, and not luck. then mentioning newton and dalton without a word said about luck. the other day he was talking about pass rushing difference makers (or something like that) and never mentioned mathis, you have to disregard anything that he says that may include the colts or their players. my god is he bitter!

  9. .

    And the only team to sell out quickly was Philly...where season ticket holders are required to buy playoff tickers.



    The Eagles’ new playoff-ticket policy was likely the reason. This season they instituted a pay as they play program — if season ticket holders wanted playoff tickets, they gave their credit card number in November but it would only be charged once it was determined the Eagles had a home game. Almost all the Eagles’ season-ticket holders then bought playoff tickets.




    this doesn't say they are required to buy them.


    they still have the choice to purchase possible playoff tickets. no one is being charged if there wasn't a game. i don't see a big deal about this policy.

  10. I agree & this is why IMO the Colts biggest fan Jim Irsay ..  I believe he picks up whats left . 34 cents on the dollar .




    Tickets in premium club sections and luxury suites have been excluded from the blackout rule (indeed modern NFL stadiums have reduced general seating in favor of club seating and luxury suites, as this makes it easier to sell out the stadium and avoid blackouts, and this revenue does not have to be shared with other franchises), as have unused tickets allocated to the visiting team. Alternatively, some NFL teams have arrangements with local television stations or businesses to purchase unsold tickets. Teams themselves are allowed to purchase remaining non-premium tickets at 34 cents on the dollar (the portion subject to revenue sharing) to prevent a blackout.[3][4]


    you must be a politician. good spin again, leaving out key parts. the colts opted out of the REGULAR SEASON option you posted. so this doesn't even apply to the regular season for the colts, bills, browns, and chargers who did the same.

  11. All of that is true but, I really don't think the government should get involved in any of this

    Let the free market work.........it's worked for the NFL up till now........and if it's not working.....they should change

    it's their business, let them handle it


    I think our politicians have more important things that the should be doing anyway



    thank you, well said!

  12. The Colts came to Indianapolis because the state legislature decided they wished to use eminent domain against the Irsays .


    The Colts were'nt enticed they were unappreciated & about to be forcibly taken by the state .


    The blackout rule is 50 years old created when ticket prices were low but were the main source of income for teams so it made sense in those times it nolonger does & the FCC will change it I believe .


    the blackout rule -- enacted before the Internet and even (gasp!) ESPN -- is an anachronism that's hammering consumers.

    The NFL insists that the rule "is essential to promoting live attendance and thus improve the stadium experience." But in February 2013, five U.S. senators wrote this letter to Federal Communications Commission Secretary Marlene Dortch, calling the rule a "relic of a different time." They also pointed out that in this economy, rising ticket prices "have made attending a football game an unaffordable luxury for many fans."

    And recently, FCC commissioner Robert McDowell issued a statement saying: "We live in a world with not only local broadcast stations, but also cable, satellite, the Internet and wireless, and where television and mercheadizing revenues exceed ticket sales. It is appropriate for us to re-examine the rule in light of marketplace changes."


    good spin, but you are leaving out a lot of things. the colts wanted to leave because the city wouldn't build them a new stadium and started shopping the team. you don't think indy enticed them to choose them? they guaranteed attendance for one. the politicians knew they were going to lose the team and were going to use eminent domain. that made them move fast with the help of indy getting the moving co on short notice.


    why do you think govt should get involved in a private contract between the nfl and tv stations? you act like people have a right to watch their football team.

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