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Posts posted by husker61

  1. I give Grigson one more year.  He did inherit a team with practically nothing.  With that said, I think a lot of his mistakes have been masked by the great play of Luck, much like Peyton did with his coaches and GM.  I love how Grigs goes out of his way to find guys (Arena League, CFL, etc.), but his drafting and free agency choices have left a lot of question marks.  I wasn't a fan of the Trent trade or the Werner pick, but I'm really hoping both guys prove me wrong.  Losing Telesco hurt scouting a lot, in my opinion.  But I give Grigs one more year to see what he can do


    i might make it two years. the richardson and hughes trades are terrible and have hurt the colts. they could have kept hughes and not drafted werner (maybe a guard or ilb instead), and had a 1st round pick last year (maybe a guard or ilb) and kept donald brown. he does deserve credit for the davis trade.

  2. No last year was his first year at rushlb. The year before he played Sam and freeney played rush.

    And the difference is in the interior dline. This defense is designed to get the best one on one match up for the rushlb. There were times last year, because the dline was doing its job, that Mathis was left one on one with a TE or rb.

    Mathis and freeney were both good off the edge, but they never had any help from the interior of the dline.

    Not only all that but now he has more of a press man secondary behind him instead of a secondary almost exclusively playing soft zone.


    i just seem to remember mathis rushing the passer on most passing situations two years ago, no matter what position he was designated as. wasn't many times a d-lineman taken out and freeney made a de and mathis a rush lb'er? if they are on the field rushing the passer, do they really need a name for their position? the same thing can be said about basketball, your official "position" means absolutely nothing in today's game and not worth nitpicking about.


    everything else i completely agree with you on. to me, the improved d-line is the most exciting part of the colt's defense this year.

  3. Fact: the Mathis' used fertility treatment for their twins so there is a documented fertility issue: http://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2014/05/16/indianapolis-colts-robert-mathis-suspended-performance-enhancing-drugs/9187069/


    Fact: Mathis tested positive for Clomid during a time period where it would be plausible for him to be taking it as a fertility drug based on when his child was born. 


    Fact: Mathis tested positive for Clomid and the reason as to why he was taking doesn't matter per NFL rules. A positive test is a positive test; it is black and white and the motivation behind taking the drug doesn't play into the ruling.


    Everything else is just opinion...so look at the facts and then keep arguing about it fruitlessly, or just move on, but don't ignore the facts to further your opinion. 






    His wife was unable to take the drug because of a medical condition that would make multiple births extremely dangerous, according to White. Multiple births are more likely when

    fertility drugs are used; the Mathis' twin two-year-old sons were conceived through such treatments, according to White.


    lets add another fact that you left out.


    fact: roberts wife took fertility drugs for the twins (the above statement, and the fact that he didn't have a positive test at the time the twins were conceived).


    that would lead to the conclusion that there is no fertility issues on his part.

  4. he also had that best season playing Rush LB in a 3-4 for the first time in his career.  RushLB is the position that Mathis was projected to play in the pros and many speculated, not only during that draft process but throughout his career, that he might  be a better fit and have better production as a RushLB instead of a 4-3 DE. 


    it was his 2nd year as a rush linebacker.


    as a de, he rushed the passer. as a rush linebacker he rushed the qb. what's the difference? he almost never dropped into coverage, so what is the difference?

  5. Great letter.

    If he took it for his post ped to get his natural testosterone going why wasn't any ped found as well or before. Doing what he was doing last year at his age I'm sure he was tested more than that one time.

    It's not used to coverup peds when used by lifters, it's used when cycling off to keep the natural levels going.


    exactly, he may not have been tested in the off season before this test. testing is more often during the season (10 players/week/team). i am sure companies have come up with ped's that leave your system very quickly.

  6. Not saying there wasn't foul play but I'm pretty sure they used fertility drugs the first time they had children. Probably one of the reasons that had twins. 


    if he used them the first time, why didn't it show up in a nfl drug test? if it did, he wouldn't have taken it a 2nd time.

  7. He is probably guessing as I don't remember seeing them comment on whether they took fertility treatment for their first kids .... but, the basis of his guess is legitimate; conceiving while on a fertility treatment frequently results in having twins (or more).


    i believe that goes for women taking fertility drugs not men. if they are fraternal (not identical) it is because of two eggs being released and absolutely nothing to do with robert's fertility.

  8. The only people who will ever know why he used that drug are he and his doctor(s).  I won't begin to guess whether he used it truly for fertility or for PED cover-up.  However, I am an obstetrician/gynecologist, and I deal with infertility every day.  There are many fertility specialists who prescribe Clomid for men either for abnormal sperm counts or to improve the chances of a woman getting pregnant through IVF.  The fact that this drug is not approved by the FDA for this particular indication, does not necessarily mean that it is quack medicine.  There is some real data to suggest its effectiveness, and Ive seen the success stories myself.  Again, Im not saying that Mathis' motives were pure.  Im also not saying it was a good idea to use any substance before checking it out with the NFL directly.  Im just trying to add some of my knowlegde to the discussion.  Unfortunately, none of his reasons matter.  It was banned, he failed the test, and they have to prepare for the next 4 games without him.  If he truly used it for that baby, then in all honesty, the price is problably worth the reward for him.  If he used it for less inspiring reasons, then so be it.  Either way the price will be paid.  Now as for this letter - Go Mathis!  Leadership is invaluable.  Glad he's a Colt!


    i'm not a doctor so i will ask your medical opinion.


    what are the chances someone 32-33 years old, had twins a year earlier, and is healthy, has a fertility issue unless his sperm count has gone down because of ped's?


    to me, common sense says he is full of it, and i would respect him more if he just admitted it.

  9. Lol. You still buy his "using it for children" excuse?

    Even though it's meant for women? If he were trying for a child, there are much better male fertility drugs .

    It's a universal drug for PED users. It's unsurprising that he was busted after having his best season ever when he was in his 30s.



    While we can all be blind homers at times, anyone buying the baby nonsense really should......well, you fill in the rest!



    I think the average person literally doesn't know what the drug is it what it's used for. As soon as I heard clomid I knew what was up.


    i said the same things when he first got caught. it wasn't received well here though.

  10. I just watched the game on NFL Network and saw the play where Rogers punted the ball.

    It was a dumb thing to do. But he did not deserve to get cut for it. Rogers made a few nice catches in the game and really looks the part (of a top NFL receiver).

    Glad to see he will get another chance with the Colts.


    i just watched the game also, and was going to post the same thing. the sideline stuff people were questioning didn't seem that bad from what i saw.


    posters blaming harnish for him not being thrown to more are completely missing the fact that the offensive line was absolutely putrid in pass protection.

  11. Lol too everyone saying "We have great depth at WR" are clearly not seeing into the futre. Lets start off with Reggie. He looks great, however he is a 36 year old coming off a acl injury in a extraordinary amount of time given age. Maybe he tweaks something or something isnt right we dont know. This also may be his final season (very doubtful) even if its not no way can we count on another 4 years of him being on top IMO. Moving on too Nicks. We still dont know if he is going too perform at a level he did a couple years ago, and hopefully he doesnt get injured like the past couple of years. He is also on a 1 year deal, its extremely possible that if he does well he will look for a big contract, one I doubt we will be able too afford with the 2012 draft class coming too get payed. That leaves us with 4 WR... T.Y, Donte, Griff and Da'Rick. As well as the kid has been doing in TC I dont expect donte too be great until his 2nd maybe 3rd year like most WR. Griff while I think the world of this dude is a chain mover not a big play guy. Then theres Da'Rick. Someone who has all the attributes and honestly when it comes down too the point he makes big plays happen. Give him this year and he will mature and do well. He cant go in practice squad any more. So if we cut him like sooooo many preach on this thread then we have a future of 3 WR without drafting any. 2 of the 3 are smaller. I dont know about you guys but id much rather see our next draft based on safetys and line men.




    if reggie retires, it won't be a problem resigning nicks if he plays like a #1 wr because there will be reggie's 6 million and nicks's 4 million cap space to use (10 million total). you are absolutely right about the questions at wr.

  12. Why would he get into it with anyone in out locker? You act like he's going to come in and just pick a fight with his own teammates for no reason. He was told to toughen up Martin. They both went back and forth at each other. He was not the only one to so call "bully" Martin. I'm pretty sure Jones, redding, Mathis could keep him in check. This is his last chance. I think with the right team he'd be fine. NE, colts, just to name a couple.


    "last chance" is just something fan's and talking heads use to justify taking a chance on a player. leopards don't change their spots, period! he's had numerous "last chances" and failed, like many others.

  13. He will get into it with someone in our locker room.  He will get sent packing.  His history is littered with that scenario.  What makes you think he will change?  Not everybody given second, or 6th, chances is able to make good on them.  I don't think this guy is a candidate to do so.  I totally disagree to sign him, and feel his baggage outweighs his on field improvements.


    and this is exactly why no team has signed him.


    2) Always better to get rid of a player one too soon than one year too late.  I am sure he has actuarial type info on when production for someone of Mankin's age and position starts to decline.



    i completely agree with this!
    too many teams get attached to their aging vets and get stuck with bad contracts. 
  15. the colts have had several different rb's over the last two years that have gotten a lot of carries with the same offensive line, so they have all seen the same type of defenses at some point. it's just not correct to say certain backs only face one kind of defense over 50-100 carries over the course of a year, it evens out over that many carries. ALL the other backs have performed much better than richardson. how many time have you see a stacked line and the back breaks through for a long td run. all these supposed stacked lines for tr and his longest run is 32 yards in 455 carries!! he just isn't that good, it was a terrible trade, so lets see some other backs with the first team.

  16. Please just cut this guy already. He's an absolute bust. His vision is terrible, he has no burst, his yards after contact are abysmal. Grigson got absolutely fleeced and is just digging this team into a deeper hole. Aside from having Luck fall into his lap what has he done exactly? New season, same ol' Trent Richardson. He's shown absolutely nothing in his career so far yet people still think he can be a starting back in this league. 

    Sorry to burst all your bubbles, but this isn't college. If it was, JaMarcus Russell would still be starting for the Raiders.


    i agree with most of this, but grigson has made some good draft picks other than the no brainer luck. that being said, they were all in a draft that he had the top pick in each round. to date, the other drafts have not come close to that first one. i like what he has done with free agents so far.

  17. I believe this is the first year he'll have the authority to audible out plays

    We need to be a spread team. Set up the run by passing. Teams can't stack the box if we spread them. Well they can, then they can just get burnt by Hilton.

    But I see no reason for Pep to continue to try to make us something we're not. Colts have never been a power run team and they never will be. But they have been a spread team, so why not continue the trend just now we have a running game to go with it


    the nfl is a passing league now and will be more with the new emphasis on not being allowed to touch receivers, it's not the ncaa. defensive coaches will always want to run the ball to protect their defense, but you have to take what the rules give you and not fight them. i think pep was a terrible hire, his resume is only andrew luck.

  18. i thought it was a great performance. the only negative was richardson, nothing has changed and i have been saying this for a long time. admit it was a terrible trade and move on. i was never worried about the offense with luck, but the defense REALLY impressed me. i could care less what the 3rd and 4th string players do against each other since most will not be on any nfl roster when the games count and the ones that do will be special team players.

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