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Posts posted by husker61

  1. 23 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    You didn't watch the game did you?  Of Freeman's tackles, one was for a loss, three were for gains of three yards and all the rest were gains of 5 yards or more.




    this is what is misleading about tackling stats. freeman was ok, but i always thought the colts needed a upgrade and i didnt think he should be given a big contract. i said the same thing about pat angerer. that was unpopular here to say the least. but turned out to be right. garry bracket was another one i didnt want given a big contract for the same reasons.

  2. 2 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    he did get his wife pregnant using those drugs .  it wouldnt make sense to let him go now, we dont have anyone to replace him


    nobody off the street in September is going to replace our all time sack leader.  this looks like his last rodeo though

    like i said when he got caught, he has had kids before this so its obvious he doesnt have a fertility issue and at 32 it doesnt change that much. it was just a nonsense excuse, he should have just admitted it and moved on. 


    he hasnt played like that in 3 years, so you are replacing a very average player. i would have replaced him a couple years ago.

  3. 10 hours ago, VaAllDay757 said:

    I watched the sounds of the game from mathis and he looked awful dude doesn't have it like he used to he's older let maggitt get some reps in they're high on him anyway


    7 hours ago, krunk said:

    hasn't played the whole preseason. Let him get back into the swing of things.


    all he needs are some of those "fertility" drugs. lol! i was right on the money about his demise after he got caught. i said they should dump him and move on, and everyone here was on the other side. it sure looks like i was right.

  4. i have been saying the inside lb position is a problem for years! going all the way back to angerer and bracket (who almost everyone else here loved). you ether have to use high draft picks, or take chances on players that have top talent but also issues that make them fall in the draft.


    take the luck no brain pick and the vonte davis trade away, and grigson has a terrible gm record. a lot of the players people think are so good, how would they be without luck at qb?

  5. a while back i was hoping gregory would fall to the colts. now even more red flags have surfaced about him, causing me to be on the fence about him. he may fall a lot further now. i don't like taking a wr at all, and the 6th one!! i think a lb is the way to go (as long as its not a reach) and would have taken kendricks and if gregory falls to the colts in the 2nd, i would take the boom or bust chance. i have had a problem with the colts lb's for a long time.

  6. Sack stats are overrated. Pressure are a much better stat. Trent Cole pressures:


    2014: 46 (9th) 

    2013: 51 (18th)

    2012: 46 (19th)

    2011: 67 (1st)


    and pressures are subjective. pressure on a screen pass is a good thing for the offense. pressure un a designed quick pass isn't helping the defense ether. if he was that good, why didn't the eagles keep him? same thing with d'qwell last year.

  7. Cole is not average at best.  He's been one of the league's better pass rushers averaging over 8.5 sacks per season throughout his career.  Also, he's only 32.  Yeah he's not a spring chicken but, just as a comparison, Mathis had 19.5 sacks in 2013 when he would have been roughly the same age as Cole is now.  Terrell Suggs is the same age as Cole...should Baltimore get rid of him because he's old and washed up?  How about Denver with Demarcus Ware?  He's also the same age. 


    huge difference with the mathis comparison. mathis's sacks have been consistent, with the huge year coincidentally coming before he got caught with ped's and when he would be looking for a final contract. but that's another issue. cole's sack stats have dropped off greatly the past three years. older player on the downturn = trouble.

  8. now youre just jumping on the band wagon.  guys like AP, lynch, and levon bell are still worth drafting high. they would all easily be worth first round picks today.  this is the best RB class we have seen in years.  Gordon, Gurley, Coleman, AA and a few others are all worth high picks.


    some think our line isnt good enough to draft a RB but i disagree there too.  everyone but TR averaged 4+ ypc behind our Oline.  the problem with our run game isnt the blocking, its the fact that no one on the roster can handle a seasons worth of carries. 


    we will see. i will stick to my guns about not drafting a rb higher than the bottom 3rd, and only if a really good one falls there. we will see who is right.

  9. he was explosive at the snap as a junior and i thought he would be a easy top 5 pick. this year, he wasn't the same. he was injured at the beginning of the year and maybe never really got back to 100%. he also dropped into coverage a lot more this year. i have no way of knowing the injury situation, but if for some reason he gets to the colts because of the off senior year, i would take him in the 1st. his play this past year does concern me though if i had a high pick, and could be why he drops.


    1) Polian (Dad) was no longer building the teams, and Polian (Son) showed he was incompetent.

         1.a.)  You can't honestly believe the Colts were able to throw the season, than fire everyone,  and than everyone that it would take to pull of such a feat: executives, coaches, and players all kept their mouth shut.  


    2) Given the circumstances it was a mutual decision.  The Pats cut older players faster than anyone, don't think Brady wouldn't be gone in similar circumstances.


    3) Had Peyton stayed we would not be the SB champs because we would not have been able to put the players needed around him. Our line couldn't have protected him, look at the beating Luck has taken; you think Peyton would have survived?


    As to your latest post above (#22), there is nothing to sugar coat .... crawl back under your bridge.



    i agree with most of this. i would have signed manning to a one year deal and told him we would trade him to a team that he wanted to go to after showing he was ok. i'm sure the colts could have gotten some very good draft picks for a healthy manning. it wouldn't have cost the colts much money because his new team would assume the contract and give him the longer deal he wanted. i just hate the fact that they gave up a valuable asset for nothing. i always thought manning was going to be ok.

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