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Posts posted by husker61

  1. dont want gnata with a big contract. he has been hurt a lot lately and has the drug thing and is getting older, all red flags. i thought suh was the best defensive player i have ever seen in college football, and it isn't even close! but he will cost too much. i only want to break the bank with luck. i REALLY like knighton depending on the price. i have a bigger problem with the colts ilb's than the dl.

  2. Griff doesn't deserve to carry Reggie's jock when you consider his contributions to the Colts and to the NFL. Reggie has earned the right to play in this game. Any suggestion otherwise, reeks of disrespect. I would predict that if asked, every teammate would agree ...to a man.


    he is injured and not performing at all! players understand winning and losing. players contributing help you win, players not contributing help you lose. siting him because he is hurt isn't disrespecting him at all! he is hurting the team playing injured.

  3. We should have all seen this coming, but a lot of people were fooled. The writing was on the wall though


    1. He came out of the same system as Ingram who has been a bust as well

    2. Huge holes at Alabama+got a billion carries

    3. Jim Brown said there was nothing special about him

    4. Had a low YPC with the Browns

    5. Got 25-30 touches a game his rookie year

    6. Browns have a pretty good O-line


    He was probably never that good to begin with. People need to stop with all this "He's not a fit here" and "He catches and blocks really well". Trent just isn't that good, just like Jamarcus Russell wasn't good. He is a "bust" in every sense of the word.


    I don't see how he'll be back on the roster next season.


    that sums it up perfectly! there was only a handful of posters along with me that didn't like the trade from the start, and one was a browns fan that was attacked relentlessly by posters that are clearly wrong now. grigson made a great trade for vonte, but some really bad ones also. having luck has covered up a lot of mistakes he has made in trades. jerry hughes would look pretty nice in a colts uniform.


    do you think the chargers wold trade donald brown for trent? he didn't play well for sd and makes a lot of money. problem for problem trade? i would do it in a heart beat, even throw in a low draft pick!

  4. I didn't post those links to point out tackle numbers, Im very aware thats meaningless alone....But look at the Stuffs, Sacks and forced fumble differences over the first 2 years of there careers all in favor of Freeman....He even had 1 more int then Lewis his first years.....My overall point being I dont think Freeman is at 100% now of what he was at any point last season, ya dont have THAT serious of a drop in production the 2nd year in the same scheme where you put up over 5 sacks, 6 ff's unless your not healthy or just not back to full strength


    do your eyes tell you he is anything close to ray lewis? he may be hurt, but do you really think he is the answer to the colts ilb issues? i don't and i didn't before the season started. he is the best they have, but they need to get much better.

  5. http://espn.go.com/nfl/player/stats/_/id/11533/jerrell-freeman



    Freemans production in his first two years compared to Lewis's says otherwise, Freeman is not healthy this year. He has only played in 67.5% of the teams defensive snaps.....443


    i thought you were better than comparing subjective tackle stats. do these stats show tackles at 2 yards and 5-10 yards? no! do they show getting off the block, filling the hole? absolutely not! angerer had a lot of tackles also, 5-10 yards down field.


    the thing i respect about your opinion is that you watch film. you lowered yourself with this meaningless statistic post.

  6. i am not a fan of signing players to their third contract in the nfl, qb being the exception. i said before the draft that inside lb is a big need because i didn't think freeman was as good as everyone was saying. that wasn't real popular here just like when i said the same thing about angerer. the colts need to spend higher picks on ilb's to jet the kind of athletes needed to improve the position. they get players that are ether too small or too slow, that's why they weren't drafted higher.

  7. I am as disappointed as the next Colt fan that we only won one Super Bowl with the best QB in the league and some good offensive players.  But if the mindset is to keep playmakers around Manning, what options are there?   There wasn't a lot of money left to build a great defense.  But let's take a little further.  If I were to blame anyone, I would blame the coaching staff, not Bill Polian.  Bill Polian didn't set the gameplan for being flat in the playoffs all the time.   Compare * to Mora, Dungy, and Caldwell and it is amazing how much better * will adjust the game play by game, half, and quarter.  Colts?  Nope, they were going to do the same thing every week and you had to scheme against it.   My opinion is that if * were our HC, we likely would have had 4-5 SB titles.  No way that team is so flat.  So I really can't blame Polian for that.  Look at the Patriots drafting over the last 6 years.  For having so many picks, they haven't one much with them.  Yet, they still win.  We had great players and got beaten by teams like the Chargers, Dolphins, and Jets.



    The coaches can only coach the players brought in. If there was not enough money to build a defense then explain why other teams could do it? Polians refusal to bring in players hurt more than helped. The Colts would not have had near the success in regular season had they played in a different division. The AFC south was at that time the weakest division in the NFL. You cant lay the blame on the coaches when quality players are not brought in. Polian signed very high dollar contracts to players who were not worth the contracts they were paid. You bring up the Patriots? It is common knowledge they don't pay high dollar contracts and trade players when they can get value for them. Polian would keep players around way too long rather than admit making a mistake. His biggest blunder of all was the signing of his boy Kerry Collins. A 4 million dollar fiasco. Then there is the Curtis Painter fiasco. For a GM who was suppose to know football those were some pretty lame moves. When Grigson took over the very first thing he did was clean house of the dead weight. We have benefitted from that. There are only 4 players left from the Polian days on the Colts roster and two of those are kickers. That itself says a lot.


    i agree with both of you. he did a great job bringing in talent, EVERY gm is going to make some bad decisions. i will take his long term record over anyone elses! i have also said for a long time he way over payed players and didn't want to cut ties with players that he should have. this is the only knock i had on polian, until he put his son in charge. that was a huge mistake!

  8. i was worried about the safety positions this year, and they have done a great job. i was worried about the lb's without mathis, and they have not performed well. i thought the d-line would be better, and they are. i pretty much agree with what people have said about individual players so far in this thread.


    no one has mentioned the guard and center play. i thought it was going to be a complete mess, but they have exceeded my expectations.

  9. Anybody who says Trent is overpaid proves they don't know what they are talking about.  You lose all credibility and any other point is invalid due to the fact he is on a rookie contract (which are very low these days) with no signing bonus.  That was paid out by Cleveland.  So please, tell me again how overpaid he is!


    2.25 million this year and 3.2 next year is over payed for his production in my book. all guaranteed.

  10. i would have liked to get the win, but am very confident for the rest of the season. a couple plays and the colts win on the road against one of the best teams in the nfl. fleener has to at least knock that pass down, luck can't throw into double coverage on the first pick, the field goal attempt was a complete screw up from the start, and i like luck on a quick qb sneek, but when you line up quickly and the defense is ready for it, you have to call a different play.


    rishardson should not be starting. bradshaw looked much better.


    fleener needs to be on the bench a lot more more. a receiving te has to be able to go get the ball in coverage!


    the tackles played very well. the interior line not as well, but they were playing against one of the best tackles in the nfl.


    the d-line played very well against a top o-line (3.2 ypc).


    i don't think the pass rush was as bad as people are saying. denver has a top line and a great qb that rarely takes sacks.


    there is a tremendous amount of work to do with this lb group, especially on the inside.


    the secondary was good. you aren't going to shut down a record breaking passing offense. they are going to make plays.

  11. Well Clowny will be more of an issue for our tackles depending on his health.

    I thought Mewhort looked like a rookie with some bad plays and some nice plays. I do think the Colts have something with the screen pass with him blocking.


    i watched the houston game just to see how clowny played. he did absolutely nothing and wasn't double teamed at all from what i saw. he got hurt and didn't play in the 2nd half.


    agree on mewhort. it's funny how one announcer's comment (one play, good or bad, and they go overboard with their assessment of them), and that's what fans base their opinion on.

  12. ....... It's a rookie contract. You act like we're paying him big $$$$$


    2.25 million this year and 3.18 next year. 5.43 guaranteed over two years as opposed to browns average of 3.5/ year and 4 million guaranteed (3.25 million signing bonus plus this years salary) over 3 years. i would rather have brown for the same price and an extra year.

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