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Posts posted by husker61

  1. I have said before that the colts should have waited to see if he is the same player he was and then given him the new contract or let him walk if he isn’t. I have seen too many big contracts given to colt players that didn’t work out and hurt the team long term with the salary cap. I think this is mostly the owner’s doing, not football people. Hopefully it works out this time!

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  2. 7 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    We will definitely disagree on this, Kevin Bown, our local media, and even the NFL Network agrees with me that there were actually 6 drops. I just remember 4 clear ones. If a ball hits both your hands, one should catch it. Coaches in peewee football would tell you that. PFF has major flaws. I will end the discussion here because no Matter what I say eventhough almost the whole media agrees with me, you still will believe whatever you want. You are simply wrong here but thanks for the fun discussion.

    so I guess pitmans incredible catch against the ravens would have been a drop in your opinion. That says it all!!!

  3. 21 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    He hand both hands on it, it should have been caught. A good TE, Or WR would have caught it. It was a little behind him, so you blame AR for Granson not catching that?? Come on now, you are reaching. I also remember Pierce, Moss, and Mckenzie all had drops. All should have been caught. That is the 4 I recall.

    we will just have to disagree. I don’t think contested passes are drops, you do. Pff seems to agree with me.

  4. 3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Granson had a huge drop at the end of regulation that would have been 1st down around the 38. He catches that, we probably get a few more yards and win it with a FG. I don't know how you don't remember that?

    you mean the one that was thrown behind him and the defender reached back to get a hand in? That would have been a great catch, and shouldn’t be considered a drop!

  5. 13 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I watched the whole game, and I seen at least 4 drops that I can recall. It has been said there were 6, why would the media lie about that when everyone can go back and see for themselves? Have you ever had anything good to say about AR, because if so I haven't seen it.

    where were the drops, I only saw the wr screen dropped.

  6. Just watched the game. I only saw one bad drop and pierce had a catch with the db holding his arm. It seems to me a lot of people here are seeing what they want to see. I don’t think the receivers are as bad as people are saying, it’s more an inexperienced qb not having the ability to read and make the throw in tight coverage before the receiver  is free. Hopefully he gets there, but you never know. That’s why so any qb’s in college look good, but flop in the nfl.

  7. 1 hour ago, chad72 said:

    Yeah, it could also be that our outside guys don’t make teams pay for blitzing and forcing 1-on-1s, so Ravens blitzed him like crazy (and we returned the favor), leading to his lowest completion percentage knowing he couldn’t thread the needle for tough 1-on-1 throws. We don’t have breakaway speed, so the QB has to break away :)  Don’t be surprised if the Titans do the same.


    JT will really help by being back by putting some fear in gap assignments. 

    rishardson didn’t play in the ravens game.

  8. Wr drops are subjective and every team has them. Richardson might be a top qb, but he isn’t yet. You only get there if you beat teams with your arm, not your legs. Hopefully he gets there. The constant excuses about bad receivers and drops are just an excuse for subpar qb play. How many times has an average receiver go to a team with a top qb and all of a sudden becomes so much better? Or a top receiver goes to a team without a top qb and isn’t very good any more.


    receivers not getting open could be the routs, qb checking into the right play, qb being able to throw a receiver open, or other factors. It’s not necessarily all on the reciever.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Indyfan4life said:

    Assuming he and Kelly both clear, I just want him to take care of himself Sunday. Slide. Run out of bounds. Throw the ball away. Take the dump offs. 

    yes! He has to learn that getting a couple extra yards isn’t important, avoiding the hit is more important if you are going to be a top qb with a long career.

  10. 7 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    ...and on top of that, you need the coach to take a few chances and not be gun shy, thus protecting his rookie QB. I mean a deep throw intercepted at the opponent 5 can just be as good as a punt, so it is worth taking a shot at the right time.

    he is probably not comfortable with his reads to make those throws. He only had one year of college fb, he is a very raw qb.

  11. 2 hours ago, stitches said:

    Richardson was one of the best long-throw passers in college football last year. :dunno:

    But this isn’t college. Throwing against nfl secondaries is a huge step up! You have to anticipate the receiver getting open, not throw to a open receiver most of the time in college.

  12. It’s tough to judge the colts receivers when they have a career backup and rookie that only played one year in college as their qb! I have a feeling they would look a lot better if the colts had a top 10 qb. There is a reason qb’s are by far the highest payed players in the nfl!

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