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Posts posted by husker61

  1. 15 minutes ago, Hawkeyecolt said:

    Minshew’s inability to throw deep has hurt Pierce more than anyone.  Pierce gets a bit of a bad rap because of it.  He’s a good blocker, has good hands, and has picked up probably 4 or 5 DPI’s that don’t show up in the stat sheet. He had a good game today. 

    you ether need the big arm or great anticipation reading the defense and rout to make the throw before the receiver breaks open. He doesn’t really have ether, that’s why he is an above average backup qb.

    • Like 1
  2. The colts weakness in the qb and strength is their o-line and rb’s. I don’t care if the opponent has a good run defense you don’t throw 41 times and run 21 times. The colts have run well on good rushing defenses this year, make teams stop our strength. That takes the pressure off the qb and he probably will look better. It also keeps the defense off the field, that also isn’t a strong unit, and wears down a defense.


    good win, and really good season after the disaster last year! Having a qb that can make teams have to respect long passing routs next year will be a tremendous addition, hopefully that qb is on the roster.

  3. 2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Before he became the owner of the Colts, Irsay was the GM of the Colts.   He’s got an idea of how the job should be run.  

    I wouldn’t call that a great example as a gm! Another example of awful ownership by his father! My only issue with him is he still thinks he is part gm. I wish he would just be a fan!!

  4. 4 minutes ago, Nesjan3 said:

    Lol what? You cant be serious. All the players on that list play premium positions. Kelce is a tight end but is a WR. Donald plays DT but is a pass rusher. Are you high? Im done here haha bye

    so the colts have a premium position player in Buckner. So much for the argument Ballard doesn’t have those high payer players at premium positions. You may be adding Grover Stewart since it looks like he may be getting a big payday in the future.

  5. 10 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


    I think it is always worth it to take a chance on a QB in the low rounds. If it works out, great. If not, then it did not cost much to draft him. Cut him or place him on the practice squad.

    Yes!! You never know. Even more now that college teams are emphasizing the passing game.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Nesjan3 said:

    2023 KC: Mahomes. Kelce (Basically a WR), Chris Jones

    2022 Rams: Stafford, Kupp, Donald, Ramsey

    2021 Bucs: Brady, Evans, a slough of good corners and pass rushers.

    2020 Chiefs: Mahomes, Kelce, Tyreek HIll, Chris Jones

    2019 Pats: Brady and BB

    2018 Eagles: This one is kind of an outlier

    2017 Pats: Brady and BB

    2016  Broncos: Manning, D Thomas, Von Miller, Aquib Talib

    2015 Pats: Brady and BB

    2014 Seahawks: Russell Wilson and probably the greatest secondary ever


    I mean it goes on and on and on. Theres one constant. They all have really good quarterbacks and a couple stars and premium positions. Maybe not all of them were on big contracts at the time but they would all go on to get those big contracts.


    Ballard has acquired none of these type of players. None at all in 7 years. He is not BB and we dont have Tom Brady lol. So im not sure what your trying to argue?

    looks like you are justifying other positions to try and make your point. The premium positions people are talking about are qb, wr, lt, de, and cb. Please show me what players on that list play those positions.


    now you include, they went on to get big contracts also. lol. Maybe the colts have some of those players naw.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Nesjan3 said:

    You want players at premium positions worthy of big contracts. You cant compare any team ever to BB and Tom Brady the greatest HC QB duo in history. That just doesn't make sense. Look back at the last 20 SB winners not counting the Pats. They all had superstars at at least one if not more of the premium positions. 

    everyone agrees on the qb, it’s the other positions where this argument falls short. Tell me how many had more? The colts had several for a lot of years (maybe 20?) and won one sb. That kind of kills your argument.

  8. I don’t understand the whole big contract thing. I seem to remember the pats that had a very good gm, would trade or let players go that were going to get big contracts except Brady. Did they have a top payed de, wr, cb (maybe one), or lt? How many hof players were there over those years? How many players left those teams and were as good or better with another team? A great qb and a top defensive coach makes a big difference. Being a top gm isn’t judged by how many top contract players you have!

  9. 16 minutes ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

    ballard over paid him and because of this no team wanted that big contract. ballard made a huge mistake by over paying making him untradeable, big blunder by ballard. imo one of ballards worst moves.

    I think it’s more the owner with these contracts, it’s been going on for multiple gm’s.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    I wonder if we can use the screen or short passing game to extend the run game. This is kind of big for that.


    the short passing game is pretty much all the colts have been doing all year. I have been calling for more screen passes all year, but the colts don’t use it and I don’t know it would be effective when teams are playing your short passing game. You need defenders to drop down field to open up the field for screens.

    • Like 1
  11. I have never hated a team, just rooted for my team. If my team wasn’t playing in the playoffs, I quit watching that sport. I just wasn’t interested any more and annoyed my team isn’t still playing and don’t want to be reminded of it. I don’t even watch sports news or talk shows (except Charles and shack on tnt, they are great!) now that I can get information about my teams on line.

    • Like 1
  12. People are saying cops (it doesn’t matter where) are targeting people by race, gender, wealth, religion, etc. I know a lot of cops, and they target people breaking the law! If they are working an area that there are black drug dealers, guess what, they will be people they think may be dealing the drugs. If the area has Hispanic drug dealers, that’s who will be targeted. If the area has white drug dealers, that’s what will be targeted. Is there a very rare bad cop, yes, just like doctors, lawyers, religious leaders, politicians, rich, poor, etc.

  13. 1 hour ago, RollerColt said:

    I don’t even hate Jim. Besides all of this crazy tweeting I still think he’s a decent owner. But I’m not going to agree with his life being more difficult compared someone like my father, who was in and out of rehab but was unable to get help once the insurance said no. 

    Getting rehab 15 times is a luxury most people don’t have. I just can’t feel sorry for someone who can literally make a lot of problems go away with money. 

    the reason rich people tend to go to rehab multiple times is because their money allows them to not hit rock bottom. I don’t think they should get any credit for going to rehab multiple times. I knew a multi millionaire that would drink vodka all day and wake up at might to get a drink he was so addicted to it. He owned a business and could get by because of his money until his health got so bad his doctor said he would be dead in months if he didn’t stop drinking. Well guess what, he stopped drinking! 

  14. 1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

    The First Take crew said all the things I expected.   It was only Stephen A’s last comment that really jumped out.  

    “Good luck getting free agents to want to go play for that guy!”


    Obviously I hope he’s wrong,  but Ballard’s job next free agency may have just gotten much,  MUCH harder. 

    You don’t hang out with the person signing your check, you just want the best one you can get. It all spends the same!

    • Like 2
  15. 22 minutes ago, AwesomeAustin said:

    I could have phrased that better lol. I guess I meant fans will move on quickly. A lot of great Colts players are hardly discussed anymore. Vontae Davis, Antoine Bethea, Dominick Rhodes, Joeseph Addai, kelvin Hayden, Marlin Jackson, Gary Brackett, Austin Collie, Brandon Stokley, Jack Doyle etc. It is crazy how quickly these guys leave our conversations once they are gone. That’s what I meant. 

    I wouldn’t call those players great!

  16. 1 hour ago, BeanDiasucci said:

    That's true among many people in society, but the American justice system has always favored rich white males. That will make Irsay's quote difficult for many to swallow. 

    actually rich people, it doesn’t matter the race! OJ Simpson! If you can afford a team of top lawyers, you are going to end up much better than the average person.

  17. 6 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

    I don’t think it’s that weird. The Seahawks moved on from Wilson who is the best QB in the history of their franchise. Jags moved on from Ramsey. Leonard is fortunate to have even gotten a 2nd contract here because there are countless examples of far better players at more premium positions not getting a 2nd contract. 

    LB isn’t one of those positions. Plus I don’t think the scheme really needed Shaq. Franklin and Speed have been fine. It’s the NFL and this is super normal, but new to Colts fans. The Patriots made a living off of this, granted it’s biting them in the behind now. But, this is an encouraging sign. All 4 of our notable FAs (Moore, Bkackmon, Pitt, and Stewart) were just put on notice.


    Its nothing personal against Leonard, but this is an A+ move from Ballard that shows me his growth as a GM.

    like I have said many times going back many years with different gm’s. The colts have given big contracts to players that were mistakes and the only common thread is the owner. I have always said he is too much of a fan pushing these contracts.

    • Like 1
  18. 17 minutes ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

    franklin is good at tackles for gains i would like to see more tackles for losses from him

    not living in the Indy area I don’t get to see many games, but the games I do see it seems like this is a issue with all the past and present colt lb’s. It seems like most runs for a loss are from the line initial hits not lb’s. That’s why I haven’t liked any of the big contracts the colts have given lb’s for years.

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