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Posts posted by husker61

  1. He was a monster before he got to Washington. You don't remember him & that Titans defensive line giving Peyton fits?


    the conversation is about how these players played after getting a big contract (haynesworth/landry), and haynesworth was completely useless after he signed  big contract with washington.

  2. I agree with that. That's why I don't personally have a problem with his story. It hasn't been proven to be false. 


    that's the thing. you will never be able to prove one way or the other his reason for taking the drug. it's the perfect excuse for being caught and why the reason for taking a ped should have absolutely no bearing on the punishment.

  3. Meh. Aside from your skepticism (and it's not just yours; most fans are skeptical of pro athletes when they get busted for PEDs), there's no way to know what actually happened. You're proceeding as if you absolutely KNOW that Mathis was trying to get a boost, and you don't. 


    99% of the posts are people's opinions. even when posting a stat, it is used to support their opinion. it's my opinion based on what i have read. only one person knows for sure his intentions.

  4. my problem isn't that he took the ped, it's the excuse/cover-up that gets under my skin. just admit you needed a boost and tried to get away taking something that you didn't think you would be caught taking. athletes almost always make up excuses when they get caught taking ped's (i don't believe andy pettitte did). i would have more respect for them if they just admitted what they did. the cover-up makes a bad situation worse.

  5. Is this just skepticism toward professional athletes making excuses about PEDs, or do you really not think men take Clomid for fertility reasons?


    i am skeptical and no doubt people take unproven drugs for things they aren't proven to cure. when you look at the facts that i have seen reported in this case, it just is clear to me it's a bunch of **. he has two kids already and is still very young (fertility speaking). what effects sperm count in young males? streroids, they drastically lower sperm count while taking them in large doses. if he is taking them to trick his body into producing more testosterone, then he knows that is cheating. then there is always, why no appeal. many others that have tested positive have appealed to lower the penalty. when is the last time a professional athlete hasn't made excuses for failing a ped drug test? i'm not giving him a pass just because he is a colt. if he was a patriot, all, the colts fans being so nice to him would be killing him.


    think about this. he's getting older, had his best year, and gets caught using ped's???? i'm not giving him a big contract when the current one is up.

  6. That many men use clomid for fertility purposes, whether FDA approved or not.

    Just because he has children doesn't mean there wasn't fertility problems in the past or that they arose after the birth of their twins.


    you sound like a prime candidate for a bridge i have for sale. it crosses the hudson from new jersey to new york, cash only.

  7. i didn't believe the "fertility" excuse from the start. he already had kids, right? why is there a fertility issue, he's not that old. it's not a approved fertility drug, it's used by men with low testosterone levels to get your bode to produce more testosterone. athletes always have a excuse for getting caught, and i am sick of it. he got caught using ped's plain and simple! i would be very hesitant about signing him to another big contract, he's probably starting to break down with age.

  8. the 2012 draft showed a lot right away, but the colts did have a lot of good picks to work with. the 2013 draft didn't show much right away, but with much worse picks to work with. this year will be the judge of the 2013 draft. if werner improves and thornton and holmes do a good job on the line, it will be a good draft. if they don't it was a bust of a draft (he has to get credit for vontae davis with the 2nd pick). this year the colts had terrible picks (grigson's doing) and time will tell. i don't like the mewhort pick, moncrief is ok, and richardson is absolutely horrible with the 1st pick. 

  9. Names this big aren't drafted every year.


    And it's typically one of two things -- sometimes both.


    It's a bad medical report -- someone like Shayne Skov for example.


    Or it's a failed drug test or other serious character issues.


    Happens every year.     It's not due to ability.


    Just remember a year ago we were saying the same thing over DaRick Rogers................


    exactly, these are the kind of players i would go for. no real risk now, but could be a big reward!

  10. how many posters were wanting the colts to draft skov in the 2nd or 3rd round. i didn't like that, but wouldn't mind him as a udfa. i said in another thread i would have drafted antonio richardson in the 6th. i would give bullough a try also, along with several db's (we should be a good option for them to make the team). who cares what the risks are, there is nothing to loose.


    i wish they would have drafted smallwood in the 7th.

  11. You are stupid Grigson has drafted good look at Luck, Hilton, Allen, Fleener, Ballard, and brought over Freeman which is compared to Ray Lewis. He makes good trades Richardson was the colts 1st round pick this year he just didn't know the playbook. He makes many trades, brought in pagano and Arians so tell me he should be fired. You don't know their picks are good the OT can play guard, and the receiver is looking to be a replacement for Wayne, all of the experts are saying good picks. And also you are not a professional in football


    luck was going to be the #1 pick no matter what gm had the pick. hilton was a terific pick, fleener and ballard were ok. did you conveniently forget about last years draft? comparing freeman to ray lewis is just stupid! you like the tr trade, i didn't from the start. as of now, i like my position. saying an unproven late 3rd round pick is the replacement for wayne is borderline crazy. every year the "experts" say good things about every player and most don't make teams, let alone start.

  12. Why stop with just moving Landry and Werner.  Why not make Luck a LB.  At 6'4" 240lbs with his speed and knowledge of routes he would be a great cover LB.  And move Fleener to CB, I mean what WR would want to face a 6'5" 250lb corner back, plus with his height and reach it would make it difficult for QBs to drop passes in over his head.  Move Bradshaw to guard, with his leg drive he would be able to move those DTs out of the hole and really open some running lanes.  Move Chapman to LT, at 380lbs by the time a defender ran around him the QB will have released the ball.  Lastly, move TRich to DT, based on his runs he likes to stay in the backfield anyways so that would just take advantage of his skill set.


    Oh yeah, and of course, have Patty Mac be both a place kicker and punter to free up an additional roster spot.


    how did you leave out pat mac playing safety since he is a great tackler, saving THREE roster spots.




    Just to make it clear, I, in no way, agree with the premise of the OP. If Nicks has a solid year next season, it would be stupid to let him walk. So don't lump our arguments together. My only argument is, Nicks was not a necessary acquisition AT ALL. It was yet another reactionary move by our GM, just like the Trent trade. I don't have a problem with this move overall, because it wasn't near as costly as the Trent trade, but it still was not needed. Even more so if we truly plan to commit more to the run this season, with more 2 receiver sets.



    i don't think wr was a pressing need ether, but the nicks signing is advantageous because it gives the colts options next year and insurance this year at a cheap price with no long term ramifications. if nicks performes, the colts don't have to spend a top pick on a reciever to take wayne's place. being able to draft the best player instead of for need is the best way to draft, that almost always gets teams in trouble and keeps them there. all this is more important long term than worrying about 2 receiver sets this season.


  14. I agree.  They stepped up last year when Reggie went down and now they get to lose snaps for it.  It especially affects TY's growth as a WR by taking those snaps.


    Yes, it was nice to get a FA WR for help, but the cost (not money), IMO, was not worth it.


    having other top receivers around ty gives him a better chance of getting open and catching passes. it's better for everyone when a defense can't concentrate on one player to take out of the game. he is not the type of receiver that can consistently beat double teams.

  15. it's a good risk for the colts, i don't see much of a down side. wayne's future is uncertain (injury/contract) so if nicks performs at a high level the colts will have more options next year. if wayne comes back to past form, it's even better. the replacements last year showed flashes, but were nowhere close to being able to replace a #1 or #2 receiver. could they down the road? maybe, but i'm not willing to risk it.    

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