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Posts posted by husker61

  1. haha WHAT? Are you being serious with this comment? Bob Sanders not having enough weight/muscle? The guy was maybe 5'8 with cleats on and was nearly 210lbs. Put that into perspective with a guy like Bethea who's close to 6' at ~205lbs. The guy had more than enough weight and muscle to play safety.


    i was going to post the same thing. i shake my head in amazement at what some people are thinking.

  2. Last year the Patriots gave up there first round pick for a 2,3,4,and 7 from the Vikings.


    To get up into the first round we would have to trade every pick in the draft.


    this is the type of thing i would like the colts to do. improve the team with free agents this year while there is cap space and trade the draft picks for better and more picks next year. this sets the team up for draft opportunities in future years when there won't be the cap space to improve the team. i wouldn't have a problem if they traded most of this years picks. it would be a attractive situation for the better undrafted players, with less competition for roster spots. 


    Profootballtalk reports free agent C Alex Mack hasn't taken any visits and is generating no interest.

    As Mike Florio points out, it might be best for Mack to sign the one-year, $10.039 million transition tender the Browns slapped him with before GM Ray Farmer rescinds the offer. The money around the league is starting to dry up one week into free agency, so the chances of Mack landing a deal he likes appear slim. He can earn the hefty salary in 2014 and hit the open market again next March.
    Maybe this puts it to bed.



    pretty much what i said weeks ago. 10 million for a center is a great contract!


    i can't believe there are close to 1,000 posts on this.

  4. Brown is making way more than Richardson. The Browns paid most of his contract to him before shipping him to us. He is gtting peanuts currently.


    you need to check your facts. richardson is getting 2.25 million this year and 3.2 million next year, all guaranteed. that's 5.45 guaranteed to browns 4 million.

  5. Giving Castonzo $10M per year would be a typical Polian move; way over-paying for your own guy and bidding against yourself before he goes to free agency.  


    Remember when he gave Kelvin Hayden $43M over 5 years with $22M guaranteed?


    this is what bothers me about polian now. he says cover two corners aren't worth as much as press corners, but when he was gm he didn't follow what he is preaching now. how about him downplaying a safety's worth, but look at what he did with sanders. i have always said he is a great gm and enjoy hearing his comments, but he is also a hypocrite.

  6. There will be significant cap increases in 2015 and 2016. There's no two ways about it. 


    But even if the cap doesn't go up as much as expected, our 2015 cap number will be somewhere around $100m, based on the contracts we have on the books now + draft picks. The 2016 number is less than $60m. And there are several players who can/will be released over the course of next two seasons.


    No reason to be concerned at this point. If they try to fit Mack into the picture, then you're really getting tight in future years.


    in 2015, 34 of the salaries in that 100 million are well below a million dollars. grigson has had a cake walk as far as salary cap the last two years, 2016 will show how good he is at managing the cap.

  7. it really scares me when almost all fans love the moves a team makes. i seem to recall almost everyone saying the colts had to sign paul kruger last year. that would have worked out great. and then there's the richardson trade most were loving. let's not forget jerry hughes sucks. also, pat angerer is one of the best lb's in the nfl. there are many, many more.

  8. I don't know...didn't see his comments...maybe he meant for the money they were expected to get it would be an A level signing. I agree he favors his own...thats been obvious over and over again....just thought it funny those two signings look very good.


    I think SD fans don't like it but they don't understand....what happened in the playoffs. Mathews got hurt AGAIN..and suddenly they had to play Broncos and couldn't run the ball. Brown to me is almost a clone of Mathews running style. I think its a perfect fit and perfect price but maybe I'm biased. I don't think people understood how valuable that running game was to SD down the stretch..and it just got better and also a great insurance policy. Perfect fit in my mind.


    Also, Bethea is a great fit in SF. He is just as good a tackler as Whitner (maybe not the hitter) and I actually think he can be better in coverage without concerns of run support. We know SF LBs won't need a lot of help with him coming up..and I think its the perfect scheme for him to return to top form. He was cheaper and better option than basically any other safety on the market. Byrd is in his own category...and as explosive as he is...I can't see his value being more than a top corner...but that is what NO paid him....good luck.


    I was just teasing you...I almost always agree with your opinions...Bill is biased to his guys...he always compares people to his guys...just like when he compared Clowney to Bruce Smith...it just is what it is.


    bp rated the free agents before any were signed. he said the a players get more money and years. he had the colt players rated this way. i always defend bp, but he is very partial to his players. i like listening to him, but you just have to live with the self promoting of his good moves and not mentioning the bad ones. but that's the tv business.

  9. i will reserve judgement on the contract until the details are released. i don't think he is one of the top cb's in the nfl, so it seems a little rich for my liking. there are still some corners out there that may be slightly lower rated, but much cheaper. i probably would have gone for two of them at a much cheaper price instead. i am with bill polian on the signing of first day free agents, but i dissagreed with the way he signed his own free agents (he greatly over payed in most cases).


    as far as taleb/revis discussion. the pats are only on the hook for one year, so i would have to go with that deal over the broncos deal.

  10. so brown is making about the same money as richardson. i would much rather have brown and a first round pick than richardson, and it's not even close!! this is a major screw up by grigson. he has made some good moves, but bad ones also. if you take away andrew luck, that fell into his lap, has his moves been that impressive? would allen, fleener, and hilton be as good with a lesser qb? i hope he does turn out to be a top gm, but i just don't see how so many people think he is there already.

  11. Also, I very much doubt anyone is going to be "laughing at the Browns" for retaining one of their best players. That's just stupid talk. You say we are paying a center left tackle money.....Are we? He hasn't signed the tender, which means we aren't paying him anything. Stop acting like you have any idea what is going to happen this year or next year because you don't. 


    the clock is ticking, time will tell.


    you don't know ether, but that doesn't mean we can't both give our opinions. you seem i little touchy on this subject. i guess it's the browns track record that has you worried.

  12. When he signs a long term deal, his signing bonus and guaranteed amount will be much larger than $10million.  Jason Kelce of the eagles signed a 7 year 37.5 million dollar contract with $13 million in guarantees, so I could easily see Mack signing a 5 year 35 million with 15-18 million in guarantees.  In addition, if Mack plays under the transition tag and gets injured, yeah he gets the 10 mil for 2014 but then in 2015 he would not get anywhere near the contract at that point.


    if he doesn't get hurt, he gets the same or bigger signing bonus next year. 10 million in the bank and another 15-20 million next year by your estimates of his worth. if he has a career ending injury he may lose out on around 7 million, but if not he gains another 15-20 million totaling 25-30 million. he can take out a 7 million insurance policy for the year, and he's way ahead of the game.


    I bet he would be much happier to get a guaranteed 40 million. 



    When did I say anything about a 40 million dollar signing bonus? Do you even know how contracts work?



    What does long term have to do with anything? We either have an all pro center this year or we don't.....it's really that simple.


    signing bonus, guaranteed salary, it's all the same thing.


    you are happy to have him for one year, great job. next year you can do the same for 12 million, and everyone will be laughing at the browns for paying left tackle money to a center like they are now. i disagree, but if you think this helps the browns long term, good for you.

  14. What does the Superbowl have to do with keeping your good players. So what you're saying is that because we aren't Superbowl contenders, we should just let our good players walk?


    How do they have less leverage? Very few players want to sit there playing on a one year deal, even if it is for $10 million. I bet he would be much happier to get a guaranteed 40 million, than sit on a 10m deal and rick blowing out his knee. 


    you would be willing to give a center 40 million signing bonus for 4-5 years? you are right, he would jump on that and you would kill your salary cap for years. you keep leaving out the ONE YEAR part of the scenario. how is having him for ONE YEAR going to help the franchise long term?

  15. Why do you think they will not still sign him to a long term deal?  All the Transition tag does is prevent Mack from becoming a FA.  They still have plenty of time to work out a long term deal and from the article I read, Mack didn't want to sign a long term contract until he had a chance to sit down with the new front office.  The transition tag gives them the time to do that, with the added benefit of both the Browns and Mack may get a chance to see what the market is for him this season.


    there just isn't much of a incentive for him to do so since he is guaranteed 10 million this year. remember, he's a center, not a left tackle. it's like a signing bonus, and he can come back next year and do the same. he will get two signing bonuses. i said the same things last year about macafee. what did the colts gain by franchising him last year?

  16. You're acting like we didn't try to sign him to a long term deal. It was Mack's decision to not sign, so we did what we had to to retain him. 


    i never said that. what good is signing him for one year? they aren't any where close to being a super bowl contending contending team. now they have even less leverage to retain him long term than they did before this move. they had to get a long term deal or move on.

  17. How is retaining one of your best players a bad decision?


    it's one year! what are they going to do next year with him? it's just a bigger problem for them. you can't build a team on one year contracts. you have to have long term certainty. at some point they will have to compete against other teams for his services, better sooner than later. they just gave him a signing bonus without a long term deal. next year he will get another one from someone. what did they gain? he isn't going to get them to the sb this year. they need a long term plan.


    i said the colts tagging mcafee was a terrible decision for the same reasons. this allong with the tr and hughes trade have me on the fence about grigson, time will tell with his drafts.

  18. I'm guessing no, but I am hoping yes. I don't want to pay a center 10m for this season and I'm not so sure that he would negotiate a long term deal knowing he is due 10m for one season. 


    that is basically what i posted. the browns backed themselves into a corner with a bad decision again. they just gave him his big signing bonus, and he can come back for more next year. next they will reach for manziel or some other qb, you just know it will happen.

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