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Posts posted by husker61

  1. 22 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

    I don't get this talk of a 1st round pick for Taylor. In what  universe do u see any team giving up a 1st for Taylor? I am on record as saying a 4th or 5th and the highest would be a 3rd. Whatever team goes after Taylor would most likely be looking at a one year rental. In what world would a team give up a 1st for a rental? In what world would a team give up a 1st and a new deal for Taylor?  It was crickets when he was put out their for a trade.  That's why the Colts said go out their and get a trade. It was a win win for them. He went out  there, and no one offered anything tangible. Now Taylor has been shown what he is worth. He will come off the PUP and probably ball out as he now knows he is playing for a contract.  I doubt the Colts tag him, as they will move on and get a comp pick for him. Taylor and his agent really screwed this up. He should have played the year and showed the Colts and the NFL that he was healthy and a complete back. Would the Colts give him an extension after this year if he played and had a great year? They may have worked something out. Now he will probably hit free agency with is stock being devalued even more  because of his antics. A sad story and a warning to players with no leverage on what not  to do!!!

    exactly what l have said before. This is the real world, not the fantasy world a lot want to believe.

  2. This is why I was skeptical about drafting him before the draft. I said it after the first game and now again. A nfl qb has to be a passer and be able to read the defenses first, not a runner first. Hopefully he can, but I haven’t seen it yet. For those that say he is young so he needs time, if he keeps taking hits like he has, he will never get that time to learn.

  3. Taylor has been hurt for a while, is he ever going to be the same fback as he was? Nobody knows. This is why no team is going to give him big bucks or trade much for him until he proves he is the same player he was before the injury. If he plays and shows he is a top rub again, he will get the money, probably from the colts. Be quiet, show what you can do on the field, and reap the rewards. 

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  4. What scared me about drafting Richardson was him running and getting hurt. Hopefully he learns to read the defense, check into the best play, find the open receiver, and only runs as a last resort. I only saw highlights of the game. It looked like two receivers ran the same rout 5 yards apart on the interception. Throwing there is asking for trouble. I’m not going to blame the receivers for not getting open, if they really aren’t. It could be the  routs called aren’t a good match for the defense played. A top qb would probably change the play according to the defense. Hopefully ar learns how to do this. I don’t get this “defense getting worn down”, why doesn’t the offense get corn down being on the field the same amount of time? Both lines are banging into each other, wr/db running with each other, everyone is playing hard. It’s just an excuse for not getting the job done! It doesn’t seem like the line gets the kind of push other lines get. I don’t know if it’s the talent or the blocking scheme. I feel better about this year than last because of the qb position, last year was awful.

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  5. He is in the last year of a contract, so you go out and have a great year and get a huge contract. I think he knows he has some injury issues and won’t be able to perform at that level. Why else would he be holding out, and the colts and other teams not willing to take a chance on a player that is damaged goods. He isn’t going to get the big contract until he proves he is the player he was in the past! I’m with the colts and the rest of the league, prove your worth and get the big payday.

  6. Everyone should know by now what brissett brings to the team. Time to find out what Kelly brings to the team in real games. This will let the team know if they need to draft a qb this year. 


    I think bressett is a mid level qb, so they will need a better qb to be a championship team.

  7. 11 hours ago, Flash7 said:

    If Mathis played for the Patriots, they would've already moved on. He wouldn't have made the roster this year.


    The Colts are so deprived of pass rush, they kept him just hoping he had some juice left. Unfortunately, no juice.



    the pats would have let him go after testing positive for ped's!

  8. should have been gone after testing positive for ped's like i said when it happened! he cheated, had his best year, and made a lot of money. he won, colts lost! the colts could have saved money and put more emphasis on finding another pass rusher instead of thinking he could still do it.

  9. On 9/20/2016 at 8:55 AM, husker61 said:

    mathis has been completely invisible. his play says it all. i said they needed to move on after he got caught with ped's. thinking he was going to come back like he was, was a big mistake the colts made and are paying for it now. grigson has made a lot of mistakes! everyone still hating on bill polian? he produced top teams every year with a franchise qb. the colts are going the opposite direction without polians players with a franchise qb.


    well, are all the mathis excuse makers here ready to admitt that i was right when i said the colts should cut him after getting caught cheating with ped's! i dont remember anyone agreeing with me back then.


    my only problem with polian was keeping players here too long with too big of contracts. since its still happening, maybe it was more ownership than the gm.

  10. On 10/16/2016 at 2:42 PM, Douzer said:

    Pass rushes really blossom when you have the lead. Something we haven't seen much.

    Young players like Maggitt don't typically set the world on fire in their first few games.

    Wide open receivers limit a pass rushers impact.

    5 weeks in, I'm not onboard with trashing our players. Judging now doesn't add up for me.


    the colts had a nice lead last night and he was completely invisible!

  11. i have been talking about not using high picks on linebackers for years! we get players that are too slow or too small from the draft, or vets not wanted by other teams on the downside.

  12. mathis has been completely invisible. his play says it all. i said they needed to move on after he got caught with ped's. thinking he was going to come back like he was, was a big mistake the colts made and are paying for it now. grigson has made a lot of mistakes! everyone still hating on bill polian? he produced top teams every year with a franchise qb. the colts are going the opposite direction without polians players with a franchise qb.

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