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Posts posted by husker61

  1. No, they didn't. Sanders contract had $20m "guaranteed," and I don't believe he even made the $20m (guaranteed often isn't the right word).


    Minor quibbles, both there and on a couple other points, but we overwhelmingly agree that those contracts didn't pan out the way we had all hoped. It's easy to judge in hindsight, though, especially when you're grading a contract on the "highest paid" criteria, which is mostly meaningless. Clark and Sanders were the highest paid at their positions for about fifteen minutes, and both were having a significant level of impact for our team at the time. I'm glad we kept both, and I wish they had worked out better for us long term, but those are the breaks.


    It really wouldn't have been as big of a deal if we had drafted better.



    sanders signed a 5 year contract (37.5million 20 million guaranteed) in 2007. he was with the colts 4 of the 5 years. guaranteed money has to be payed, that's why it is called guaranteed. the only part of his contract that the colts didn't have to pay him was his last year of base salary, maybe 4 million. 


    i didn't like the signings at the time they were done. clark, bracket, and addai have all proven to be easily replaced and sanders was hurt too much to give that kind of contract to.


    when you are drafting at the bottom of drafts, it is VERY hard to replace top players like fans think their team should always do. the old two years later saying the gm sucks "we should have drafted xxxxxx". the colts draft record is pretty good, most teams would love to switch places with the colts.

  2.  I could see us tagging Pat this off-season though.



    no way!


    there is no way i would pay him 3 million a year!


    he just got bumped from $530, 000 to $1,322, 000 this year. around $1.4 million/year is good enough. there isn't that much of a difference in punters. it won't kill the colts to have to replace him.

  3. Bob Sanders contract NEVER hurt us on the cap. Not at any point. It hurt that he couldn't stay on the field, because we lost an asset, but we never were committed to a high amount of money for him. We released him at the perfect time.


    The Kelvin Hayden deal was absurd, not because he wasn't a good player, but because a Cover 2 corner is replaceable, if you make it a priority to replace him. This is one of the instances where I never could jive with Polian's double-talk. He would say that he didn't put a premium on drafting corners because we played Cover 2 (even though Jackson was a first rounder and Hayden was a second rounder, but whatever), but then he gave a Cover 2 corner a $43m contract with $22m guaranteed? Something doesn't add up...


    Clark was a good tight end, and deserved to be paid. 


    Addai was a familiar face. I'm not going to go into your ridiculous dig at Manning.


    Brackett's contract was made necessary because we drafted Donald Brown instead of James Laurinitis (142 tackles, two interceptions), but even then, we never wound up getting hurt financially by that contract. Until this year, that is, when the cap penalties were assessed. But the release was still the right way to go.


    I disagree with your assessment of Freeney vs. Seymour; they are two different players, and Freeney is twice the pass rusher Seymour ever was. Either way, the Pats were smart to trade him when they did, and a first rounder isn't half bad for a 30 year old five-tech lineman.



    the colts ended up paying almost every penny of sanders' contract and worse, having the cap hit over all those years that he didn't play.


    clark was a GOOD te, not great like the contract he got.


    i don't think any other team would have payed brackett anything close to what the colts did.


    addai is another player that fits with the colts but not with other teams.


    you don't have to pay top dollar to players that's only real value is to you (i believe hayden was in this category also). you aren't competing against any other teams. this is the only problem i had with bp.


    i agree that freeney is a much better pass rusher, but that is it. the colts were in a really tough spot when his contract was up, but they should have cut or traded him this year or last he just wasn't worth the money or cap hit. if he plays next year it will be at a significant salary reduction.

  4. Are any of the facts posted from the article not a fact?

    Were Montana's 1990 numbers not significantly down from his 1989 season?

    they are correct, but they are just cherry picked to make the point the author wants. are my facts wrong?

    yes, big deal. you are using the best year he had as the norm. 1988 was about the same as 1990 and guess what, he was YOUNGER!. you could use 1988 and 1989 and say he got BETTER with age. and then you conveniently forget about his years with kc.

    this is what you have been doing all along.

  5. http://www.neontommy...have-passed-him

    -At age 36, Dan Marino saw his decline. His quarterback rating dropped to 80.7, his touchdowns plummeted to 17, and only in his rookie year did he produce fewer passing yards in a full season. He lasted two more seasons before retirement.

    - Joe Montana's career may as well have ended at 35. His numbers plummeted in 1990 — just a year removed from one of the finest seasons ever put together by a QB (26 TDs and 8 INT in just 13 games with a 112.4 QB rating in 1989).

    He played in one final game in San Francisco at age 36 before ending his career in mediocre fashion in Kansas City (two seasons, 29 combined touchdown passes).

    - Troy Aikman’s demise occurred so abruptly at age 34 that he retired after tossing just 7 touchdowns against 14 interceptions in 2000.

    - Terry Bradshaw threw in the towel at 35, after two injury plagued seasons.

    - Johnny Unitas, whose longevity in the league is well-documented -- he played 17 seasons from 1956 to 1973 -- began to break down at 35. He only played in five games that year and didn’t start a single one. His play never recovered as he sludged through four more mediocre seasons with Baltimore before doing the unthinkable, leaving to sputter out in San Diego.

    - Fran Tarkenton's decline came at 37 -- in 1977 he only played in nine games. He ended things the next season.

    - Even Steve Young, who in essence got a late start after waiting for Montana to break down, had his last hurrah at age 37 before the concussions got to him.

    The examples are endless: Joe Namath (34), Bart Starr (36), Roger Staubach (37), Jim Kelly (36), Otto Graham (34), Dan Fouts (36, dropped off at 35), Sammy Baugh (dropped off at 36 and fizzled until the end at 38), Len Dawson (dropped off at 34), Bob Griese (35) — it goes on and on.

    At 34, George Blanda threw 36 touchdowns. At age 35, he threw 42 interceptions, the most ever in a season.

    It is the natural course taken by almost all the greats — father time chimes in around age 35 or 36.

    There are a few legendary quarterbacks who have had continued success past age 35, but they can be counted on one hand: Warren Moon, John Elway, Kurt Warner (late start) and Brett Favre.

    so this is where you got your ideas from, copying someones opinion. what a joke (along with the article). aren't you the one that says facts are what matters? it looks like you are relying on someone's opinion here.

    montana's last two years qb ratings were 87 and 84, just under his career avg of 92. he led the chiefs to playoffs both years (one afc championship game) and one pro bowl. how is this "mediocre"?

  6. Both Marino and Montana should have retired sooner than they did, given their declining performance. Do you really think the last few years of Marino was a pretty sight?

    montana's last two years qb ratings were 87 and 84, just under his career avg of 92. he led the chiefs to playoffs both years (one afc championship game) and one pro bowl. marino's last three were 81, 80, 67, just under his career avg of 86. you can only say the last year of marino wasn't very good, but mot even that was terrible by all qb standards.

  7. Very droll. You are mocking many people who hold PM dearly in their hearts, such that they disregard the norm of when elite QBs retire (or should retire....e.g. Favre). The average age elite QBs retire or should have retired based on their diminishing performance is 35. There are only a handful (5 or less) that are outliers from this average. They are Favre, Warner, Elway, and Moon. Some fans will argue that it is unfair to apply this average to PM, since PM plays in the new NFL where rules protect the QB. Yet they fail to realize that these new rules failed to protect PM from his most recent injury, from which he is still recovering after missing out all of last season. Given this, I project PM's retirement at age 36.

    add marino and montana to that list. this list pretty much includes all the great qb's of the last 30 years. this completely shoots down your theory. manning, breeze, and brady will all be playing at a top level in their late 30's and will add to the list.

    if you think manning is going to retire now, i have a great bridge to sell you.

  8. good or bad 40 times just make scouts go back and check tape more to see if they missed something. game play is the most important thing in evaluating a player. track guys perform great at many combine drills, but that doesn't always translate to the football field. that's where a lot of draft busts come from.

  9. This is so true, and what I don't get is that people just assume that all the extra picks they would get from trading the #1 are going to pan out.

    the same can be said about luck. many #1 picks don't pan out. you are putting all your eggs in one basket with luck. having multiple high picks spreads the risk out and you should get some very good players and maybe a player that turns out better than luck.

    if the colts don't have manning and luck doesn't turn out to be a top qb, the colts are going to be in for years of loosing.

  10. Yes, I voted no, because I don't think he will be a Colt next year. That's an opinion. That's not a statement of fact. Unlike some others, I can differentiate between opinion and fact.

    The poll question was: Do you think Peyton will be with the Colts?

    when did i say you said it was a statement of fact on your part?

    i said the facts (you use to back your theory) that manning won't be with the colts.

    i know it's hard, but just admit that in your eagerness to make your point, you made an incorrect statement.

  11. I wish both sides would stop talking to the media. I don't like how Irsay keeps saying stuff to the media and having the media twist his words and all that. Get together with Peyton and figure it out. Then report it to the media when it's all over. With that said, Irsay owns the team and can run it how he sees best fit.

    i agree. when owners start getting this involved in things, it's usually not a good thing for any sports team. they should sit back, sign and the checks, and let the football people that they hired make the football decisions.

  12. ruksak, you can't argue with the frog. his facts that manning won't be with the colts are correct and everything else is wrong. he completely rejects the fact that most players (excluding db's) that have had this surgery come back and play at the same level. he talks about multiple surgeries, but the only one that really matters is the last one. now if he had to have the last one multiple times, THAT would be a major problem. it's like jetting injured, having physical therapy, then having a scope, and then having a major surgery because the others didn't work. the last surgery is the only one that matters. then there's the ludicrous manning being on the roster and the colts only winning 2 games. his and others speculations are correct and ether's are wrong.

    no one is going to change their opinion. that's why i have stopped arguing this point. i will just wait to see what happens.

  13. Anyone else think it's funny that now we're taking Bill Polian's word on injured Colts as gospel?

    He might very well be telling the truth but if he told me that Unitas was dead I'd be checking for a pulse.

    Guess that's how big a difference a few months can make.

    the difference is he worked for the colts back then and no team is honest about injuries. now he doesn't and can be honest because he only answers to himself.

  14. according to polian marvin harrison is just about ready to come back from his knee injury and bob sanders is good to go

    can you give me a list of gm's that are honest about players that are hort on their teams???

    teams just don't do that. this is a rediculous arguement.

    former players, coaches, and gm's are the ones that give the most honest oppinions. they aren't in the business of keping team secrets any more.

  15. i have said from bay one that if manning can't play the colts should draft luck. and i am sure 99% of the fans feel the same way. saying people that think manning is going to be ok to play are only partisan manning worshipers is wrong. could manning not be healthy, yes. could luck be a bust, yes. could you keep manning (and he isn't able to play) and draft luck (and he is a bust), yes. all those serarios mean the colts would be a bad team for a while. in my opinion keeping manning and trading the pick for a lot o f very good picks is what's best for the team. if manning isn't quite the same (still better than most qb's) at least the colts are putting a much stronger team around him. then in the future you wouldn't have to have a great qb with a below average team to win. making it easier to draft a good qb to continue winning.

    the problem i have with some people that say the colts should have luck over manning is that they believe everything negative about manning that is from unnamed sourses, but find reasons to disregard everything from players and the former gm (a great talent evaluator) that have actually seen him throw.

  16. Who said it was okay to disrespect Peyton? Why do we have to disrespect either one?

    I respect Peyton becuase he's one of the best of all time and for what he's done for my town and my franchise and for doing it the right away.

    I respect Luck for what he has done in college and for how is handling himself right now. I respect RG3 for the same reasons.

    I think you can respect all three and just because you respect one doesn't mean you disrespect one of the others. I am not saying you did this but I've seen a lot of people who jump down people throats who say we should draft Luck as it some how means that person doesn't want Peyton Mannng here anymore and how dare someone suggest we draft Luck.

    Personally I want Manning here next year and I want Luck. I am willing to look at things though and realize it's probably at best 50/50 Manning is back next season and if he's not I'd hate to see him go but Luck isn't exactly a bad fall back plan. There is nothing wrong with someone saying man I want Manning but I don't think he's going to be here next year so I am cool with us having Luck. It doesn't mean that person wants Luck over Manning and it sure as heck doesn't mean that person thinks Luck is better than Manning which some have turned that into.

    Again I want to be clear I am not saying you've been one of those people just kinda got going on that because of this thread.

    i was directly responding to frog's post. i havent said anything bad about luck. i hope other teams think he is the next comming and give the colts a boatload of picks for him.

  17. For obvious reasons, I think that it does not benefit the Colts to have its fans disrespect a draft prospect that the Colts are considering with the #1 overall pick.

    For obvious reasons, it is not in the best interest of the Colts to have their fans claim "Who needs Luck when we have Manning" such that it provides any impetus to Luck to provide an Eli-Manning-like statement to the Colts, thereby eliminating an option that the Colts might want to take.

    but it's ok to disrespect manning, one of the greatest of all time??????

    this is just comical.

    keep digging!!

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