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Posts posted by husker61

  1. Drafting Keenum is just treading water until you find a great QB. There are exceptions, but for the most part you have to have a GREAT QB to win a Super Bowl and Keenum is a backup. Luck has the chance to be GREAT. I know because every scouting report says so.

    you know kenam will be a back up? you should be a nfl gm!

    what did every scouting report say about tom brady, joe montana, dan marino, john unitas, bret favre, etc. there were many qb's drafted before them so saying "I know because every scouting report says so" isn't much to rely on.

  2. I agree completely, but my point is that I think a lot of people see a college QB's stats and automatically think that the kid will be awesome in the NFL too. That was my point in bringing up Colt Brennan, many people seen him play in college and all the records he set and thought he was gonna be an all time great, but virtually every NFL scout and GM said that his skills would not transfer to the NFL and they were right.

    that's not how i took the OP. it just said he was worth a late round pick.

  3. Can anyone say......Colt Brennen?

    Just because a college QB has a high passing efficiency don't mean he's going to be good in the NFL. There is a lot more that goes into grading a QB prospect.

    just because someone is highly graded doesn't mean they will be a top qb. grading college qb is by far the toughest thing to do. that's why more great qb's have not been drafted #1 than have.

  4. In most of the trade talk being put forth, players are rarely mentioned. To want a bunch of high draft picks is all well and good, but half of all high picks don't turn out. Why not go for a few existing players in addition to draft picks? To get a high quality "known" player will, imho, more often than not trump hit and miss draft picks.

    Eg. In almost all of the talk about trading with Cleveland, nobody but me seems to be mentioning players. What about a Colts position of need like DT? The Browns have DT Phil Taylor, whom was very highly rated in last years draft and, based on what I heard about his play this year, he performed like a real stud DT in his 1st year. He sounds like the PERFECT answer at DT to compliment Drake Nevis.

    Another player, young, promising, and reasonably inexpensive QB Colt McCoy - a quality back up QB with upside developmental potential. Sure, he's not the 2nd coming, but he seems like the perfect kind of guy to have as a back up for 3 to 4 years.

    Ergo, in addition to a couple to 3 draft picks, why do I seem to be the only person advocating the inclusion of puzzle fitting existing players in trade talks with the Browns?

    Bottom line, if Manning is going to come back healthy and play top level for another 3 to 4 years, if trading the top pick I want to see a player or two that can help right now!

    top players in their prime VERY rarely get traded in the nfl, and older players on their way out get traded for very little.

  5. Bottom line is the #1 pick is overrated, everything is chance, just like there's a chance Peyton may never play again(knock on wood), and there's a chance Luck could be a bust. If Peyton is healthy u trade the pick, this is why. If a sales person comes to your door trying to sale a vacuum and he says this thing is great, I'm an expert been in the business for 20 years and its the best I've seen to date, and here listen to all these guys they say it is too. But here's the deal u already have one that's great just has a broken hose, but the repair man says it still under warranty we can fix and make it stronger(stated by a doctor) then it was before. Ok the sales man pitches this, it's out dated and old, but u just got new carpet and it's a lot less stressful on the "old" vacuum. Repair man says that should help extend the life of your current vacuum significantly. Now most people since they already have money invested in the "old" vacuum are gonna stick with what's been great for them(assuming that vacuum will be brought to full strength, which we will kno before the draft. And all signs point to yes), and maybe use the extra money(picks) to give the vacuum some help, idk a broom, a mob, maybe a rug so people can wipe their shoes off at the door. Yes I'm a big Peyton guy, but facts are with the league heading the direction it is, to protect the QB, and all the mutivitiams and health stuff on the market, it is very feasible a QB can play till his mid 40. What???? U say. No way!!! Well not very many people thought u would see a 6'6" 270lbs man run a 4.3 40 either. Not many people thought they would see 60-70 year olds competing in body building and triathlons either. Guess what people they do. And the QB is the only player on the field(when he's in the pocket) who gets to play 2 hand touch, while everyone else has to play tackle. IMO #1 pick is overrated especially if that position is filled(which we should know before the draft), and we are inneed of other positions more so let's trade down, feel are gaps, and compete for a SB(hopeing that we resign some of are FA vets). Worst case scenario, Peyton turns out no to be able to play, trade up next year and get Barkley from USC. He wasn't to far behind luck anyway. besides only3 of the past QBs taken #1 overall are HOFs, 4 if u count Peyton. Heck while I'm at it 5 if u count Luck cause all the "experts" are saying so, or atleast you luck lovers act like it.

    very good post. i hope you start posting more.

  6. I can't seem to get over how people think that a bunch of rookies are going to suddenly make this team SB caliber. Even if Manning were 100% which he may very well NOT be I don't think we go past the 2nd round of the playoffs next year and that's assuming we make it that far. Now you're going into 2013 and you still have a 37 year old Manning and you have to draft a franchise QB but you're drafing 10th overall or something and you're getting a Josh Freeman or Christian Ponder type player instead of a Drew Brees or Matt Schaub.

    manning will be 36 next year. one year without an all time qb and the team goes from sb contender to out house. are we over reacting a bit!!!

  7. Just wanted to get yalls opinion on him. Lets say we trade the #1 pick and DON'T get Luck, how would yall feel about picking him up about the 4th and let him sit and learn behind Manning. He's said to lack physical skill to be an early draft pick but has great approach to the game and mental intangibles.

    This all of course assuming Manning back healthy and trading the #1 pick(Luck)

    Kenum is 6'2 210 6th yr. Senior age 23(will be 24 come draft time)

    Me personally wants Jones(biased I'll admit it) but looks like he'll be returning to OU.

    Thoughts?(please don't turn this a pro luck vs. Non-pro Luck)

    i really like him also as a late round pick. there isn't anything to lose and a lot to gain. since i think manning will be healthy and play for 4 more years, i would definitely take him with a late round pick.you can always get lucky. the problem is his height (always exaggerated in all sports until the combine), the system he plays in, and consistent level of competition.

  8. I like Keenum a lot but I don't think he's as good as advertised. He played against below average defenses all year. He really didn't play against any competition this year either.

    he absolutely torched a very good penn state defense (4th best i the ncaa!). that was his only real test, but you can only play the cards that are dealt you and he did very well.

  9. There is a lot of things like 1998:

    We drafted two tackles with our first two picks in 1997. We had a very disapointing season coming off a first round playoff loss. Our starting QB was hurt for a good chunk of the season. Irsay fired the GM the day after the season. We had the top pick in the draft and we had to make decision about our current starting QB. There was supposed to be the best QB in the draft since Elway looking us in the face as well.

    Mean while Manning during his senior year finished second in the Heisman Trophy race lost to a confrence rival and lost a hard fought bowl game to a team that could end up as a split National Champion. There was also another young QB who had came out of no where to fly up the draft boards causing Manning's once sure draft status as the top pick to fall in question. Sound a little bit like another QB's college season this year?

    it really is amazing. we can only hope that we get a gm as good as polian.

    i have been thinking the same thing about manning and luck the last couple days. i remember mike francessa raving about manning and hoping he would end up in ny after his junior year. then the next year some were saying leaf was better because of his physical gifts. it's the exact same thing now. when are people going to realize physical gifts don't make an nfl qb. if they did, it would be easy to find one.

  10. You told, that teams those have been managed By Bill Polian, couldn't repeat their success after Polian's leaving.

    Last 2 season wasn't successful for Colts, so there is no chance history repeating.

    the colts were pretty good two years ago and the reason they weren't good this year is because manning was hurt couldn't play. your post doesn't make any sense.

  11. I'm sorry, but I don't see how anyone who viewed this season with open eyes can consider the Colts a top ten team. Even with Manning back, the holes have been exposed. We are rebuilding, we ARE NOT a top ten team at the moment. We WILL be again, soon, but we are not going to be top ten next season. An objective person can see this plain as day.

    If Caldwell remains.....we'll be hard pressed to make the top 20.

    Now, perhaps I misunderstood...If we are talking top 10 franchises in NFL history, then yes, I think we would be in the top ten.

    this is a thread from the beginning of the year.

  12. Im just wondering how many college QBs lately have been considered as good as a prospect as Elway, Marino, and Manning.........ZERO.

    where did you get that marino was as good of a prospect as elway? he was the 5th qb taken that year. to be honest, manning wasn't considered as good a prospect as elway.

  13. I don't think it will be this off-season but Irsay has said several times he will turn the ownership over the team over to his daughters in a few years and had hinted at the end of Peyton Manning's career as the target date. Now with that said I think that was the target date for a lot of things but I think today really changed a lot of those plans.

    i will believe it when i see it. it's easy say you are going to give up control, but just like top athletes, they can't just walk away until they have to. i don't doubt there will be some kind of paperwork done as part of his financial planning, but actual control is a different story.

  14. Firing the Polians, means we will be rebuilding. Expect drafting Luck and trading Manning. Irsay even says the obvious.. that we are indeed in rebuilding mode. This makes sense for Irsay, who wants his daughters to take over his reign... it means HE is ready to move on as well. Pretty obvious, but i guess it has to be said for others to finally believe.

    how many owners have walked away from a team unless they are really old or in poor health. this has to be one of the craziest things i have heard!

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