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Posts posted by husker61

  1. It isn't that hard to spell correctly or add punctuation, periods, commas etc.. Just takes like a few extra SECONDS to do that stuff..

    are you one of those people that complains about every little detail that might not have done correctly in a game that your team won? isn't winning the only thing that matters? likewise, if it is legible, who cares if it's 100% perfect. maybe you are a english teacher and can't get the grading thing out of your system.

  2. I think people are really OVER VALUING the #1 overall pick. It's valuable, and more so than in the past, but you have to look at what previous trades have resulted in - you can't base it off the Oakland Raiders crazy giveaway for Carson Palmer and THEN increase that.

    and the only reason it is over valued is because it is in the colts favor. that's why i don't comment on any of the crazy mock drafts after a one sided trade for a pick the colts might not even have.

  3. http://espn.go.com/n...cinnati-bengals

    Again hate the rule not that the refs threw the flag.

    agreed. some of the rules are getting out oh hand.

    if you want to stop the hits with helmets, take some of the protection out of the helmets. if it hurts to hit people with your helmet, players won't hit opponents with it. the helmets are too well protected and players don't realize the consequences of hitting with it. it's a simple solution that will never happen.

  4. Cleveland is not going to trade both first round picks for this draft.. they will most likely wait for Barkley next year and give McCoy at least 1 more year/chance to prove himself.

    if they are targeting barkley next year, they should trade one of their first three picks for a #1 next year (plus other picks). two #1's will give them something to trade for the first pick if they don't have the worst record.

  5. your right I did say every play, it was a misspeak on my part. I meant he faces double and triple teams. Which he does, I was incorrect to say every play. Like I said mistype on my part and I apologize for it.

    Just like we have running backs to run the ball when we want to run the ball on offense we have run stoppers on defense to stop the run. Those are our linebackers. Freeney does not get paid to stop the run. Again him not stopping the run is like complaning about Peyton Manning running the ball. It's not waht they are plaid to do. Freeney is paid to get after the QB and he does a very good job at it and he is the guy we have built our whole defense around and he's the guy other teams acount for every play he's on the field. Other than maybe Mathis is there another player on defense you can say that about?

    that's fine, but how can you call a player great when they are a pass rush only player? he is being payed like he is a all time great player and he never really was. he isn't half the player the all time great de's were!

  6. part of the reason Freeney's numbers are down is that he faces double and triple teams every play

    I never said it happened EVERY play. I said it happens which it does.

    Also that's like saying people only fear Peyton Manning when he throws the ball but love it when he runs. Just like we don't pay Peyton Manning to run the ball we don't pay Dwight Freeney to stop the run. He's paid to get after the QB which he does fairly good job of.

    you DID say every play!

    if teams only ran a handful of times a year to freeney's side (like manning's rushes), you would be correct. part of being a top (i didn't even use great) de is stopping the run. i only looked up bruce smith and reggie white, and they both averaged 5 tackles per game for their careers and they played much longer than freeney when they were much older. freeney doesn't even average 2 tackles per game, and it's going down!!!

    i always liked freeney and the colt defense wasn't nearly as good without him, but when you really look at things. he just isn't close to the truly great de's.

  7. No it's not. He wasn't saying that they are or even are going to be as good as those guys, he was saying that they are going to play similar roles if our D is going to become successful. I don't think anyone isexpecting us to be as good as the Bucks were, not with all that money tied up in the other side of the ball.

    he said "you have to have talent" then listed those players. to me that is comparing them talent wise and just needing the lynch equivalent.

  8. you'd cry next year when you saw our defense without him...

    Freeney is really the only guy on our defense that teams truely fear. Bethea, Angerer, Powers, and Conner are very nice peaces but teams don't game plan based on them, well maybe a little with Bethea but not to the level they do for Freeney. Mathis is feared some what but when Freeney hasn't been there teams give Mathis the double team treatmentsthey give Freeney and role their QB away from Mathis and he really struggles. Freeney is the cog that our defense is built around. Part and I stress part of the reason Freeney's numbers are down is that he faces double and triple teams every play and QB have adjusted to three step drops and the ball is out because of Freeney. The few teams that we have played where the QB hold the ball Freeney has been a monster. Another part is that we now have a guy like Anderson and Brayton who spell him on downs and he can rest. You can't make plays if you are out of the game resting and we have spelled Freeney and Mathis more this year than any other year because for the first time in a long time we have a run stopping end in Anderson.

    Anderson is a nice adation but if we didn't have Freeney or Mathis people would be complaining about him for the same reason he got released in Atlanta he doesn't get a pass rush enough and teams sure as heck don't fear him like they do Freeney. He works best in a system like the Colts have, where he can come in a play run downs and let Freeney rest so he can come back out there and get after the QB with fresher legs.

    teams only fear his pass rushing ability, but they LOVE him when they are running to his side of the field. he doesn't get "doubled or triple teamed on every play" on running plays the tackle easily pushes him past the play and passing plays he is chipped by a 2nd player. i can't remember the last time i saw him triple teamed on a passing play

    a part time player can't be payed what he is making now.

  9. This is OK but this is what I Think

    R1 Andrew Luck QB -- This Guy is a for sure Pro Bowler some day And if he were to learn from peyton manning for a 2 or 3 years he will be that much better

    R2 Brandon Thompson DT -- We can not stop the Run for $#!* and he is a for sure start next year along with NEVIS and he can get passed the line and stop the run better then any other DT in the NFL

    R3 Trevin Wade CB-- he is fast great hands and the boy has got Hops he is not a start right away player but he will in the next 2 years plus we have the wrost CB set up ever

    R4 Mike Brewster C-- he is a big guy and we need to plan for when jeff saturday retires and he is by FAR the best Center in the Draft

    R4 B.J. Cunningham WR-- he is big fast and catches as well as Larry Fitz we need to plan for reggie leaveing so i think Cunningham is the best fit for this team

    R5 Matt Reynolds T-- he is haveing a rough year this year but last year he was exspected to be a top 10 pick and fell to R5 from injury but i think if we give him a year of learning he will be a great T

    R6 Ryan Miller G -- he is a monster he is 6'8" 360lb he is very fast and very physical he is the kind of G that would sit Behind Ryan Deim for 2-3 years and come out and go to the probowl the next year

    R7 Bobby Rainey HB/KR-- i can describe him in two words Darren Sproles he is 5'6" and is the fastest Player I have ever seen, He can catch and return

    this is what i think

    you aren't getting luck with the #2 pick.

  10. I don't remember when he got the award, I'm just talking in general that he's been cited for it. Also, I meant to say that I think Bill has a big hand in this draft and doesn't leave it all for Chris.







    no one else has won it 6 times (goerge young has 5) and with 3 different teams, that makes it even more impressive . that's why he is the best right now, despite what a lot of fans here say.

  11. So he's not a running QB, as the nut huggers on here claim...yet when you compare his rushing attempts in the bowl game last night to his complete passes, its a 40/60 split percentage-wise

    as a matter of fact, this "pass first" QB, as some of you try to call him, had double digit rushing attempts in every game this season but two...and ran over 20 attempts in a game...

    if you go back over his college career, in 2008 he had MORE rushing attempts than complete passes...he had 173, 149 and 161 rushing attempts in 2008, 2010 and 2011....and that is a "pass first QB" in some of your opinions? seriously?

    Baylor's SENIOR starting RUNNING BACK has 364 Total Rushing Attempts for his college career...but the JUNIOR QUARTERBACK has 528 rushing attempts to an even 800 complete passes...i guess "technically" that means he passes more than he runs...but not by a very large margin

    great posts!

  12. Seriously?!? He was paid $11+mill this year, and counted $16+mill against the cap. Next year it will be more. And he's not getting paid to make tackles?!?!?!?!

    How would that work with any other player other than Dwight "Spin myself outta play" Freeney?!?!

    i eluded to the same thing in another thread a couple days ago. i really think the colts have to renegotiate his deal or cut him. take the 5 million hit but save 14.5 million. while he is a top pass rusher, that is all he is now. no other team is going to pay him any where close tho what he is due next year from the colts.

  13. why does it really matter who is in the pro bowl or any other all-star game?

    players make up injuries to not go, and most of the one that go don't play hard. why should they risk getting inured for nothing!

    the regular season is all that really matters!

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