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Posts posted by husker61

  1. hes a "college" back have you seen any of his film from college? the guy had holes the size of freeways. Maybe he can be productive somewhere else that has an Oline that can do that.

    I was not advocating for them before the draft I'll be honest......but then again its not my job to scout for players. Obviously in hindsight our front office got it DEAD WRONG and thats that

    Donald Brown was the wrong pick on every level we should've taken Nicks and if we wanted to take an rb then it shouldve been McCoy

    i guess it wasn't the front office that was dead wrong. LOL

  2. I was wrong.

    I take back every negative thing I have ever said about Brown.

    WIthout question he has been a huge bright spot in what has been a very bad season. With that said this cuts two ways, for years people have screamed Brown was one of Polian's biggest mistakes if Brown has finally developed into the running back Polian thought he was getting when he drafted then people have to back off just a little bit on Polian ^messing^ up first round draft picks. Again just a little bit because Gonzo is on his way out the door and Hughes needs a Donald Brown type season or he's going to join Gonzo on his way out of town next year.

    i will give you a lot of credit for saying this. with the majority of posters saying he is a bust the past two years, you are the only one to stand up and say you were wrong.

    hopefully the colts have learned how important it is to have a fb. the idea of having a dl as a fb was one of the dumbest ideas i have seen. having to keep addai in to block was wasting hes receiving abilities and giving lb's a break. it will be great to see lb's having to cover addai and brown while the fb stays in to block. this would also free up space for the wr's.

  3. So of those "better" run franchises you listed in your little rant there only one has been to more Super Bowls than Peyton Manning since he came into the league and that's the Steelers.

    Also those other teams you listed if they had a 100 million dollar QB like the Colts do wouldn't have all those other players they have. Yes they would have some but they would lose some due to the sallary cap. It wouldn't be like you would just take Manning and his contract and put him in Baltimore they would have to give up some good players to make him fit. That's why we pay Peyton Manning as much as we do he's good enough to make up for not having all-pros at every poistion.

    The Colts are a solid team built AROUND Manning. That's the key. It's built around him and when you take him out the whole thing crumbles because he's the support peace that holds the whole thing together. That's why for years people have said Peyton Manning is the one guy the Colts couldn't afford to lose. It's the samething in New Orleans, San Diego, the Giantsm New England (the way they are built now not three or four years ago) and probably even Green Bay. It's what comes with having one of the truly elite QBs in the NFL. You pay them so much money they have to be good enough to cover up holes at other poistions because you just simply don't have money and normally if you one of the truly great ones that's good enough. Yet if you lose that peace you are in big big big trouble as we have seen this season because now not only do have this monster hole at the QB spot but you have now have these other holes you could live with because you had an all world QB you can no longer live with.

    my thoughts exactly! good post.

  4. Most of you Colts fans have blinders on and can't see facts. Fact, THE COLTS ARE TERRIBLE, THE DEFENSE...TERRIBLE! SPECIAL TEAMS... TERRIBLE! OFFENSE..TERRIBLE! Undersized on both sides of the ball and SOFT! I live in Baltimore, I watch the Ravens play, I know what physical and talent is, they have it everywhere on their team but their QB! Peyton Manning made me a Colts fan, but I can see how bad this team is, and how an overhaul is needed. But Colts Hommers see a solid team minus Manning... 0-16 sure is SOLID. I am tired of the excuses, the poor run franchise, the lack of talent, Peyton has deserved so much better, had he been a Raven, Steeler, Cowboy, the list goes on... He would have 5-10 Superbowls and be unquestionably the GREATEST OF ALL TIME. Yeah I am over reacting, Manning doesn't have much time left, when the talent isn't there, it has to be seen as not there! That means the offensive line, the putrid running backs, the over rated Dallas Clarke, the weak soft defense, the horrible coaching staff, and the horrible front office! Ok my rant is over..

    i will take the colts over the ravens the last ten years. this has actually been the easiest year to be a colts fan of the 40 that i have been a fan. what has been the ravins record against the colts been over the past 10 years?

    i do agree with you on clarke and the coaching staff. 10 superbowls???????? really!!!!

  5. all this talk about getting beat by a speed rush will be a thing of the past when manning is playing again. he will feel it, step up, the de will pass behind him, and get rid of the ball. just like he has done for the past 10 years. i can see it now, all the posters here saying how much better costanzo is in pass protection next year.

    it's tough to judge line play with a bad qb sitting in the pocket.

  6. Let's say the offense keeps a TE in to block. They come out in a 3 WR-1TE-1RB set. The tight end and right tackle will double up on Mathis. The left tackle and RB will double Freeney. Our other DTs have been average, but haven't been able to beat double teams. So one guard blocks one DT and the guard and center double up on the other DT. Now our monster DT has been neutralized. However, the only way to neutralize a shutdown CB is to not throw the ball his way. And if he is covering your best receiver, then you don't throw the ball to your best receiver and you end up neutralizing him too. Sure, you would be able to send in a free blitzer, but if the pass coverage is weak, the QB will exploit it and beat us regardless

    this is a passing league. teams don't just have one top wr and the rest garbage. teams throw the ball to everyone. one cb only takes away one wr.

    in your scenario, the colts would have 6 players to cover 2 wr's. you can double both wr's send a free lb, and still have a lb to pick up anyone releasing from the backfield.

    the great dt has a greater impact on the whole team and there are VERY few of them.

  7. Brian Billick.

    When you really sit back and think, this guy has exactly the kind of skill set you'd want for a HC, and on top of that hes a HC that doesn't demand the GM duties. He's one of the smartest coaches to come through the NFL ranks, and was just delt a bad hand with Kyle Boller.

    The thing I admire the most about Brian Billick, is the dude can put together a coaching staff. If I'm not mistaken, the season Billick and the Ravens won there championship, their Defensive staff looked something like this...

    In 2000-2001, the defensive coaching staff included, Marvin Lewis (HC of the bengals), Rex Ryan (HC of the Jets), Mike Smith (Head Coach of the Falcons), Jack Del Rio (Previous HC of the Jags), Mike Nolan (Previous HC of the 49ers)

    The thing about that staff I love the most, is it was put together before those guys were big name guys. If we brought Brian here, and he put a staff together that was half as good as that one, and just on one side of the ball, the Indianapolis Colts will finally have a staff to match there players in talent.

    The thing I like about Brian the most, is hes not just smart, hes real. Something we've lacked in a HC since Mora. So with that, my vote for the next Head Coach of the Indianapolis Colts (If it mattered), is Brian Billick.

    those assistant coaches haven't really done anything to distinguish themselves. nothing helps a staff like having great talent, and the ravens have drafted great players on defense over the years. for some reason they just can't do it on offense, and those coaches don't get head coaching jobs.

  8. Nevis does have tremendous potential, but that's all it is at this point. Foster is not a good DT. He is a decent pass rushing DT, but he is too small to make a difference in the run game. Moala is very inconsistent, shows flashes of his 2nd round worth at times but is god awful at others. There is stats out there that I read on StampedeBlue (SB didn't come up with the stats, they just reported it) that ranked Moala as one of the worst DTs in the league. And AJ is consistent but average at best. DT can definitely use an improvement.


  9. The line and secondary work off each other. Good pressure causes the QB to throw early, which makes it easier on the DBs. Good coverage makes the QB hold the ball longer, giving the linemen more time to get a sack. Having a shut down CB could hide poor DT play while having good DT play could hide poor CB play. With the team the way it is now, I would rather take a shut down CB. Nevis has played decently at DT and we still have Foster who will come back next year, Moala who has shown he has potential, and AJ, who is arguably our most consistent DT

    A shutdown CB, if used properly, can be a catalyst for your defense. One of the reasons why Rex Ryan's defenses blitz so successfully is because Revis is there covering the best receiver. The QB gets pressured and his reflex is to throw the ball to his go to guy, who happens to be covered by the best CB in the game. That'll usually result in an incompletion or a pick. And a corner like Revis also helps in run support too. And this year, our LBs have been tackling well from what I've seen. Our run defense stats would be better if they didn't drop back 5 yards on every play

    qb's will look for the best match-up, not their #1 wr if a top corner is taking him out of the game. this is why one great cb isn't as big as the colts having incredible pressure on the qb, making average cb's look very good.

  10. All of the above plus, a HC have to be able to handle players' personalities and egos. They have to be able to evaluate ability and be willing to install a game plan that maximizes those abilities. That may include having the guts to evaluating what's working and what's not working and having the brains to tweak or change your philosophy. Look at some of our great coaches today, they change and evolve with the game and the players on their rosters.

    motivating players is probably more important than anything. that's probably why great players don't become great coaches, they are self motivated and have god given athletic ability. you can be a very good coach without being a great offensive or defensive mind. if you have both, you are a hall of fame coach.

  11. To your last question - the answer is a complete and total inability to stay healthy. How anyone at this point can think bringing Sanders back is a good idea is mind-numbing to me.

    Sanders will be unemployed or retired in 2012.

    i completely agree!!!

  12. Easily Mathis

    Manning (assuming he is back) has made White, Gonzo, Tamme, *insert no-name TE/WR* into studs. Offense has never been a problem for the Colts recently in the playoffs, it's always DEFENSE. 07 Colts couldn't stop Billy Volek and if they did the Colts probably would have won that game. Yes we lost Freeney but it was Billy Volek.'08 Colts couldn't stop Sproles in OT, Manning never got to touch the ball in OT. '09 Colts gave up 18 points in the 2nd half after allowing only 6 in the first, couldn't stop Brees. Could be attributed to Freeney leaving. And last year the defense couldn't stop Mark Sanchez with 52ish seconds left or the Colts would have won.

    i couldn't have said it any better!!!

  13. 2005- Marlin Jackson: Played good but he eventually found himself on IR a couple seasons.

    2006- Joseph Addai: I think Addai is an overrated player. He is a great blocker, but he cant run and that is the most important quality of a running back. He also has been hitting the injury bug.

    2007- Anthony Gonzalaz: A good player but he has been injured more than hes played.

    2008- None

    2009- Donald Brown: He hasnt done much in his first 2 years but he is improving id like to see him play full time next year.

    2010- Jerry Hughes: He can get pressure but needs to get sacks. If he cant prove himself next year hes a bust.

    jackson was a very good cb before he blew out his knee. how is that a bad pick?

    the colts bad running game is because of their line, not the rb's.

    gonzalez has been hurt every year.

    you could make a fortune if you can predict what players are going to get injured. i bet teams are calling you all the time.

    i hope i am wrong but i do think hughes is going to be a bust.

  14. What players has Bill Polian signed to deals that you feel were horrible contracts when signed?

    almost everyone is missing the point of this. he said "when signed", not after seeing how things turned out.

    i didn't like the sanders contract when it was given to him because of his injury problems. not a popular opinion at a previous board.

    i didn't like clark's deal at the time because i felt manning made him. not a popular opinion at a previous board.

    i didn't like hayden and bracket's contracts ether. they just got too much money.

    i didn't like the caldwell signing.

    i did like the simon signing, along with just about everyone else at the time at the colts forum at the time.

    it's funny how peoples opinions change on players like sanders, clark, simon, harrison, james, after they have seen how things play out.

    it's like betting on sports, whatever opinion everyone has, go the opposite and you will usually be on the rightside.

  15. @Ky and Husker- Incorrect, I agreed with the notion of the #1 overall pick sitting for YEARS! I am not the one who asked for an example, therefore my counter proved exactly what I agreed with, a #1 is not sitting for years. So great argument tactic on your part, assuming you know my viewpoint. Go read any thread where I post abotu this topic, I am saying it is not logical for him to sit YEARS under Manning, Get your facts straight!

    nowhere in the post you agreed with did it say sitting for years.

    Where does it say I agreed with sat for any amount of time. Interestingly it doesn't say that!

    "Seriously people come on. Please name me 1 number 1 overall player that sat for any amount of time. All im asking for is 1. Its not going to happen. We are either gonna draft luck and trade peyton(please god, NO) or we are gonna trade this pick for a kings ransom. Look at Andy Dalton. He's a 2nd round pick. Thats right 2nd rounder. And he has started since DAY 1. Thats how the h3LL i know. The most hyped QB since probably the modern day draft and you people honestly think he is gonna sit for any amount of time SMH."

    Thats the whole quote, I could have agreed with any one part of that and said +1.

    if i only agree with a part of a person's post, i will delete the parts i don't agree with.

  16. Seriously people come on. Please name me 1 number 1 overall player that sat for any amount of time. All im asking for is 1. Its not going to happen.

    "sat for any amount of time"

    @ Cantbestopped +1

    Thats one player who sat his entire rookie season, and then he started year two! Everyone else from that very small list played their first year.

    "sat for any amount of time" is what you were agreeing with.

    Yeah, you just asked for one example. So you are given one example and then you claim that one example doesn't prove anything. Great arguing tactic.

    LOL. i don't know why it is so hard for someone to just say they were wrong.

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