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Posts posted by husker61

  1. Husker.....You must be a young man.....no shame..

    There's more than one future NFL QB who ran back kicks..

    Cordell Stewart..Joe Theisman...

    ..and they were good at it..

    Walter Payton led the league in KO returns...

    ..It would be a good use of RG3's talent no matter who drafts him...

    ..and playing indoors in prefect conditions......his speed would be intimidating..He is worth considering if we go QB early

    ..and Jason..His web site profile says he is the fastest man in college football.

    Now I have not raced him.....so maybe they're lying..

    But he still holds the Texas 110 meter hurdle record..

    ..and he's not Tebow..He throws 30 times a game../He's worth a look for a QB project

    you may be setting a record for being wrong.

    i saw unitas play, maybe that's young to you.

    using what ONE qb did for one year almost 40 years ago and a gimmick qb as examples are ridiculous! walter payton was a qb????

    a personal website profile??? now that's an unbiased view!

    you don't draft qb projects with the 2nd pick in the draft!!!! teams that do this are perennial losing franchises!

  2. He is the single fastest player in college football

    Olympic caliber speed..something we need..

    He can run back kicks until Manning retires...

    ..and he wont mind not starting immedaitely and learning under Manning

    I'm like you Bro.....I didnt like him the first time I saw him...

    But the more you watch...he starts to look like Michael Vick's cousin

    this is one of the craziest things i have seen.

    you would have you franchise qb running back kicks??????

    how many world class athletes have been elite qb's over the past 40 years????

    what if he doesn't have the elite football iq you would need to "learn under manning"?

  3. Well, I think its to early to say Newton is a success now with this being his first year, he has done some amazing things but I just cant say he is successful yet, to me a successful qb brings wins to a team gets them championship. or at least takes them to the big game. That to me is success. so to your list Ill add my thoughts

    vick - agree

    carr - agree

    palmer - disagree, I think palmer should be considered average

    manning - agree

    smith - agree

    russel - agree

    stafford - disagree, He has been injured most of last year and only played in 10 games in 09. So I would say he isnt a bust, but he is earning a name for himself this year no doubt about it. Id label him as inconclusive

    bradford - disagree, I think bradford is a bust but then I think its to early to call him a bust or a success.

    newton - disagree, Its to early to claim him successful, he is playing on a bad team, and has a losing record..but he has put up some amazing numbers...so yeah he WILL be successful eventually, but to early to tell.

    Being average and injured doesnt equally successful to me. So I say out of all those only Three are possibly Successful, Vick, Manning, and Newton..Look at the other qbs taken though in those Drafts..Rogers was in the 05 draft and is very successful. Drew Brees was in Vicks Draft Class. and has had a better career, Carson Palmer is the best qb in his draft, but is he worth that first pick..I dont know because Im just judging by his pro career.

    But Im not just talking about the 1st pick overall. Im talking about the first qb taken in the draft period, whether they are number 1 or number 10..just saying in general..

    so that's only 3 out of 6 busts in a very small sample.

    i agree on the incomplete grades for recent picks, but since you only went back 10 years, that doesn't leave much else for examples.

    all of the discussions (specifically this thread) are about the first pick of the draft. qb's picked later in the 1st round are usually nothing close to the 1st overall qb pick because then they would have been taken #1.

    will you admit that a qb taken with the first pick in the draft has a much better chance of being successful than any other qb taken? this was my original point.

  4. Thats not true, you go back and research the first qb taken out of the draft and see how many of them became successful, had winning records, or became the face of the franchise. If you look at what qbs came out of later rounds of the draft and compare them too the very first one taken out, you will see...I only researched ten years back and know for a fact there are more successful qbs taken later than the first one taken, whether it be the first over all or just first qb period

    you are just wrong and i will prove it.

    an average of 12 qb's are drafted a year going back to 1991. that is about 230 non 1st overall qb's (i'm sure it is similar going back further). how many have been successful and what is the percentage? maybe one every year? that is one out of 11. first overall picks are a MUCH higher success percentage! you conveniently forget haw many qb's are taken every year.

    the last 11 years:

    vick - successful

    carr - bust

    palmer - successful

    manning - successful

    smith - average

    russel - bust

    stafford - he is playing well now

    bradford - good, bad, and hurt (inconclusive)

    newton - successful

    there are only two real busts on this list. what is your idea of successful? these qb's have been drafted by bad teams, so how do you judge them on a winning record? vick, palmer, and manning have all been the face of their franchise at one time.

    who are the non 1st pick qb's that are successful the last 10 years? are there 50? there has been over 100 drafted.

  5. Again similar to how you want to put all your chips on a unproven rookie. I'll take the future first round HOF and arguably G.O.A.T, over a rookie anytime. Peyton took a team twice as bad as this 10-6 last year all while playing with the injury that he has now fixed! I know, I know it is kinda surprising to think that a surgery is actually meant to fix somebody's injury and not ruin them. If the surgery is a success then Peyton could easily finish his contract, playing at his normal level the whole way or even, here comes the scary part!... BETTER then he has before. With his injury healed, arm strength back to where it was 4 years ago and still the maturity he has developed from playing with this horrible excuse of a team for the last 4 years, one can only imagine. Especially if he comes back to an improved team.

    So you asked why I would put all my chips in on Peyton? The answer to that is because I believe we have yet to see Peyton play at his highest level.

    i completely agree!!!!!!

  6. the term great gets thrown around way too much in sports. in my oppinion the true test of greatness in performing at a high level under bad conditions. this year has shown what manning has been performing with. breese turned a bad team around. i like brady, but that team is pretty good without him. rivers has struggled when he doesn't have all the pieces around him. rogers has only been a starter for 4 years, so we will see how things go with his career.

  7. I created a post very very similar to this a few months back, when everyone has hard for Luck..just to show not very many qbs picked first have been successful, but those qbs that have been picked up later in the draft have shined tremendously...like Brady for a good example...Was a 6th round pick I believe, and is considered one of the best..Rogers, is earning his name for one of the best...Drew brees, not sure when he went, but look at his career...Dan Marino Drafted 27th I think in 83, Brett Favre Drafted 33rd overall by the Falcons and I think he sat on the bench before going to green bay...So I mean Franchise qb's dont necessarily come from the number 1 pick, only a few good ones like Manning do

    just because you can pick a handful of great qb's out of hundreds that have not been the 1st overall pick doesn't mean anything. the percentage of the first overall pick qb being successful is much greater than the non first overall pick qb's. it's like finding a needle in a haystack and saying it's as easy as finding a needle in box of hay.

    perception is much different than reality, but nothing is a guarantee.

  8. Just playing Devil's advocate here....

    None of those players you mentioned (with the exception of Peyton) were being built up like Luck is now. Every analyst today that I have read says Luck is a better prospect than Bradford, Stafford, all of them except Peyton

    agreed! a lot of those qb's were stretches, picked just because those teams needed a qb.

    and if you go back further, 3 of the 7 qb's that you didn't show are hall of fame qb's and plunkett won two sb's. and the other ones aren't that bad.

    1970- bradshaw

    1971- plunkett

    1975- bartkowski

    1983- elway

    198t- testazerde

    1989- aikmam

    1990- george

  9. this happens a lot at the end of the year. i remember the commissioner threatening teams about not playing to win games at the end of the year.

    why should the colts play top players and take a chance of them getting hurt when the game not only means absolutely nothing, but they benefit if they loose. young teams that have had losing records for a while need to build for next year, a veteran team that has won for years doesn't. they know what it takes to win. these games should be treated like pre-season games. see what the back-ups have and that will help for next year.

  10. i can remember brown's rookie year people saying he should be starting instead of addai because he looked good at times when he got a chance to play. then he has had some nagging injuries and the colts line has sucked in run blocking. does anyone really think any back would do good running behind a line that allows linemen to hit the rb in the backfield constantly! the ol run blocking is improved this year along with a real fb and that is the reason for his better numbers.

    do people knock chris johnson for 10 short runs then breaking a 50 yard td run? that's been his career. you can always find something to knock someone.

  11. hes a "college" back have you seen any of his film from college? the guy had holes the size of freeways. Maybe he can be productive somewhere else that has an Oline that can do that.

    I was not advocating for them before the draft I'll be honest......but then again its not my job to scout for players. Obviously in hindsight our front office got it DEAD WRONG and thats that

    Donald Brown was the wrong pick on every level we should've taken Nicks and if we wanted to take an rb then it shouldve been McCoy

    i guess it wasn't the front office that was dead wrong. LOL

  12. I was wrong.

    I take back every negative thing I have ever said about Brown.

    WIthout question he has been a huge bright spot in what has been a very bad season. With that said this cuts two ways, for years people have screamed Brown was one of Polian's biggest mistakes if Brown has finally developed into the running back Polian thought he was getting when he drafted then people have to back off just a little bit on Polian ^messing^ up first round draft picks. Again just a little bit because Gonzo is on his way out the door and Hughes needs a Donald Brown type season or he's going to join Gonzo on his way out of town next year.

    i will give you a lot of credit for saying this. with the majority of posters saying he is a bust the past two years, you are the only one to stand up and say you were wrong.

    hopefully the colts have learned how important it is to have a fb. the idea of having a dl as a fb was one of the dumbest ideas i have seen. having to keep addai in to block was wasting hes receiving abilities and giving lb's a break. it will be great to see lb's having to cover addai and brown while the fb stays in to block. this would also free up space for the wr's.

  13. So of those "better" run franchises you listed in your little rant there only one has been to more Super Bowls than Peyton Manning since he came into the league and that's the Steelers.

    Also those other teams you listed if they had a 100 million dollar QB like the Colts do wouldn't have all those other players they have. Yes they would have some but they would lose some due to the sallary cap. It wouldn't be like you would just take Manning and his contract and put him in Baltimore they would have to give up some good players to make him fit. That's why we pay Peyton Manning as much as we do he's good enough to make up for not having all-pros at every poistion.

    The Colts are a solid team built AROUND Manning. That's the key. It's built around him and when you take him out the whole thing crumbles because he's the support peace that holds the whole thing together. That's why for years people have said Peyton Manning is the one guy the Colts couldn't afford to lose. It's the samething in New Orleans, San Diego, the Giantsm New England (the way they are built now not three or four years ago) and probably even Green Bay. It's what comes with having one of the truly elite QBs in the NFL. You pay them so much money they have to be good enough to cover up holes at other poistions because you just simply don't have money and normally if you one of the truly great ones that's good enough. Yet if you lose that peace you are in big big big trouble as we have seen this season because now not only do have this monster hole at the QB spot but you have now have these other holes you could live with because you had an all world QB you can no longer live with.

    my thoughts exactly! good post.

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