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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. don't expect any big signings (like mario williams level player), this is the COLTS we are talking about. Name one "BIG" signing in the last 5 years from free agency? I'm sure there are some I just can't think of any.

    Bill Polian isn't here anymore.

  2. Polian was the best GM the Colts ever had; and one of the best in the entire NFL. He kept things together by restructuring, scouting, picking, and even hosting walk-ons. Without Bill, you can forget 12 straight winning seasons.

    NO! Without PEYTON you can forget 12 straight winning seasons. We had one season without Peyton and still had Bill & co., and went 2-14. Bill gets credit for drafting Peyton and giving him weapons he needed to get those winning seasons. That's it!

  3. Alot of them are the same fans who sung the priases of Irsay for firing the Polians then trashed him when they thought Caldwell was staying only to turn around love him again when he did fire Caldwell. Now that he cut Peyton and other fan favorites he's back to being hated.

    IE when Irsay does something that they like they love him and he's the smartest owner in football. When he does something they don't like they hate him and he's an *.

    I am not going to sit here and promise people all these moves are going to work because I can't at the sametime people can't promise if we didn't do these moves it was going to work too it was pretty clear the 2010 team was on the decline and then when Peyton got hurt the bottom feel out because this team just no longer had enough talent. With that said I do think they had to be made no matter how much it hurts. I stand by my owner though, his TOTAL body of work and that goes beyond this off-season has proven him to be one of the better owners in football. If this doesn't work I am sure he's going to keep trying till he finds something that does work. Losing but turning a profit is never going to be okay with Irsay unlike some other sports owners.

    The thing that I like about the moves that Irsay makes is that they are not irrational and made off of emotion. Look how long it took for him to clean house even though our season was wrapped up. He waited until the week of the deadline to make a decision on Peyton also. That shows that his decisions and thought out. I stand by my team also. I truly think that PM left on good terms. I think they sat down and had a grown man talk and came up with the best decision for both parties. Peyton will find a job regardless of his health, and the Colts will rebuild in the right direction with a group of high draft picks and a more friendlier cap situation.

  4. he's already regretting it. If he wants fans to stop hating him, then he should spill his guts on the true strength of peytons arm and the truth about if Peyton would restructure his contract after the 28 mil wasn't paid.

    He should fly out to peyton, say, "I jacked up big time." restructure and trade that freakin #1 pick

    I dont get it. Half of the board wanted Irsay to keep his mouth shut on certain issues and keep things behind closed doors. Now that Peyton is gone, they want him to come to the media and spill everything? Can't have it both ways.

  5. That's where I disagree with you Polian put the colts in a great situation, come next season the colts will be one of the most cap spaced friendly teams. They actually planned that, this year is gonna be a hard one but next year its gonna be a really good one cap wise and not just next year either.

    I can't agree. I disliked his philosophies, how he had his hands in places they shouldn't have been, the overpaying of players who were not as good as their contracts, etc. We are in a great cap situation because we are getting rid of a lot of the weight and players contracts are ending. If we were to resign a lot of the players that are leaving, we would have our hands tied. This year we would have to pay PM, resign Garcon, Reggie, and Saturday, and fill the many holes on our team. We would not be in a good situation.

  6. Why is that the fact Manning "refused" to restructure or even agree to sign for less keep getting lost in this equation? Manning could be a Colt "if he wanted to be a Colt" ....... Irsay is not the heavy here, and Luck has absolutely NO pressure on him at all. This team is in total rebuild mode. Peyton wanted NO part of it, and I don't blame him. But to say he was "kicked to the curb" for Luck is totally wrong. Manning's health, contract, and Colt's draft position were all factors in Irsay "reevaluating" Manning's status with the team. Peyton is getting a lot of hugz and kissz here but lets not lose sight of the fact that "HE had/has the option to play wherever he wanted/wants" And Indy was not even a consideration. And for obvious reasons.

    THIS! People seem to think we cut a 100% Peyton Manning. People seem to think Irsay did this for some evil plan that will net $3 billion and move the team to LA or something. Please, the NFL is a business and Irsay was not going to let one thing hurt his BUSINESS in the future. Irsay is getting rid of the things that hampered us in the previous regime. Unfortunately, PM neck injury occurred which made him a problem also. I TRULY believe that if PM was healthy, he would be on the team right now about collect a $28 million paycheck.

    Yeah, I know. It's pathetic. We will probably go 2-14 next season without all these 'greats'......I'm off to support the Browns......

    Hahaha, I see what you did there...

    All I know is I'm ready to see some real smash mouth football, we don't have to see a horrible defensive scheme put the colts down 20 points and hope manning can play both defense and offense. Right now the colts have a chance to be one of the very few balanced teams in the NFL if they play their cards right meaning FAs, good early round draft picks and possible trades. Let's just all hope Luck isn't a bust or else I feel very sorry for Jim irsay when it comes to talking to very emotional fans

    You're onto something. I think Irsay truly wants to change the team's philosophies and agendas. Look at it this way, we are going from a tampa 4-3 to a hybrid 3-4 and signed someone from the Eagles FO. Look at how the eagles grabbed FA's and players through trades. I think Irsay is willing to be aggressive in acquiring players.

    This is the end result to what was a bad situation financially. Polian had paid 1/4 of his players 3/4 of the salary. When the top tier started getting hurt, the weaknesses of the rest of the roster become horribly apparent. With the stars getting injured more, and older to boot, you couldn't keep going like this, especially without Peyton. Once he left, there was no reason to keep the old guard around. Sad day indeed. But for us older fans, if we lived through a 1-15 Jeff George-led season, we can survive this! :D

    TRUTH! No one wants to acknowledge that Polian put us in a tight situation with the bad contracts, bad players, bad drafts, and other moves that hampered us.

  7. Throwing in practice doing practice drills is a lot different from full practice and game time speed. I'm gonna stick to what I saw off the vid and say he isn't quite fully healthy yet.

    Plus, the last time PLAYERS and COACHES told us something about Peyton's health, they sad that he was going to be able to play the first game of last season! I think I'm going to wait for the doctor to actually say Peyton is healthy.

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