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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. And, uh, didn't Manning say he wanted to retire a Colt? Now if he finds a new team, will you call him a liar and say he treats us like *s?

    Post of the thread!

    But come on now, EVERYONE knew that Irsay was just not going to BLINDLY sign/keep Peyton if he knew that Peyton could not play to his abilities. Regardless of what PM and Irsay has said, WE ALL KNEW IT WAS ABOUT MONEY AND HEALTH! If you did not think that then you were either a Luck fanboy or Peyton fanboy. Who says that Irsay still doesnt want Peyton? Who says Peyton doesn't want to retire a colt? People have to realize that this decision didn't come down to Irsay nor Peyton, it came to Peyton's neck. If you want to get mad, get mad at Peyton's neck for not healing the way it should have by March. Get mad at Polian & crew for putting so much on Peyton's shoulders that Peyton literally could not hold the weight anymore. Get mad at that. Don't get mad because an owner who wants to see his team succeed would not throw $28 mill at a player who is not worth $28 mill. Sorry, that had to be said. Yeah it's harsh but some of us were facing reality ever since last year. Don't fall in love with Peyton because you feel he did everything he could to stay with the Colts. If he TRULY wanted to stay, why didn't he resign for a incentive based deal? Andrew is coming, SO WHAT! This is a business! This happens in the real world TOO! A new young prospect come into work and stays at a position until the older guy retires or leave. THIS HAPPENS! It is unfair to put this blame ONLY on Irsay. I respect Irsay for having the heart to make the tough decision. I have respect for Peyton for the memories and years he gave us, but this was going to happen. People will blame Irsay for everything but Colts fans will actually appreciate both Irsay and PM and will follow PM wherever he goes while still being loyal to our beloved team.

    Sorry for the rant. >.<

  2. So, you believe the 28 mill was still on the table, even after both parties said they were willing to renegotiate?

    Oh noooooo, I agree that this move was made because someone did not want to pay 28 mill or give up 28 mill. either way, it came down to the 28 mill.

  3. He bought you a New ferrari ( Andrew Luck ) just by not playing.

    He will hamper you huh.

    Watch the fun now. If he plays in the same division or AFC, forget Colts going to playoffs till he retires.

    AL is NO WHERE near a ferrari. And I don't care where he goes. I will still root for him and I will still remain a Colts fan. To be honest, I hope everyone jumps ship. It will feel good to lose the dead weight of fairweather fans.

  4. Good knowing ya'.

    Take care of yourself.

    I hope he is serious about his "Sending off my colts gear" offer, I'm interested!!

    All you posters that wanted Irsay to take his team back had to know that this was inevitable.

    This was inevitable whether Irsay had control or not, that is what people do not realize. Now I'll admit, if we had the same personnel, I feel this process would have taken longer, but would have the same end result.

  5. Why should Peyton take lesser money to Stay with Colts

    Because he has a contract that would financially hampered us, especially if he did not play. It was not a guarantee he COULD play or even WOULD play. I would like to see you buy a $28 mill ferrari without being sure that it even drives like one.

  6. We all knew this was going to happen. I was hoping the dream situation would happen where we resign PM to an incentive based contract and draft luck/trade pick but it looks like the realistic situation is happening. Well....can't say I'm surprised. Saw this one coming for a long time.

  7. That looks like Peyton. I can tell because of his motions and mannerisms (or it may be a Peyton impersonator!? 0.o). But nice to see him throwing with confidence. Only thing I have to say about the video is that he has his accuracy, but it seems like his power has been affected (like most have said). Like that corner throw, he usually has more zip on that pass but in this situation the ball kind of glided. I understand this may have just been practice or whatever, but when this upcoming choice that we have to make is worth 28 mill, then I think we need to look at every little thing with detail. But this vid is promising.

  8. I can't choose. I like both of their talents and I don't mind CF's attitude. I'm sorry, I am an attitude guy. Never did follow the clean cut defensive players. I always liked the smashmouth in your face players.

  9. I thought you were dead?

    Naw, I'm posting from time to time. Getting kinda tired of the Lucksters vs. RG3'ers debate and the Keep Manning/Trade Pick vs. Keep Both vs. Kick Manning to the curb and draft luck debate. But I'll comment if think I should lol. But I'm still here.

  10. this isn't a magic turnaround. this is not a 1 offeseason rebuild. how can you realistically believe we will contend for the SB, let alone make the PO's? talented youth? making an impact and being successful IMMEDIATELY?

    I have been saying this for a while. For some reason, no one wants to believe or see this. It is much harder to make a turnaround than ever before. Yeah, if Peyton comes back then it will be a big boost, but factor in teams have gotten a lot better, including our division rivals the Texans. And do not forget, the last time we went to the playoffs, that season was not all magical and good as people make it out to be, and do not use injuries as an excuse because we can not use the same excuse EVERY YEAR! It will be a lot harder than most people think.

    why not, the Bengals made to the playoffs this year right?

    To be honest, the Bengals have been drafting high and building their team for years. They have a lot of young talent. Let alone, their rookie WR was an all-star this year.

    New rules made for 3 over Marino's record. Gonna respectfully disagree...he had Reggie, Garcon, a health Collie, Tamme....and Dallas...even though he played with slippery...and still injured hands. The line would not have been as banged up as well....A HOF QB make a huge difference at the line. Look at Brady's numbers. He was throwing no bombs to receivers and still 5,235....Collie...Reggie, and Garcon all get downfield. Just my thoughts as usual...

    Difference b/w our receivers and the Pats receivers is that those guys get A LOT of YAC. They might catch the ball in the same spot we do, but any one of them can turn a 5 yard pass into 10-15yds at any given moment. And the only downfield threat we have is Garcon and he is inconsistent. I would say Reggie but he gets doubled for the most part so that takes away his downfield presence for the most part.

  11. If you think Peyton is going to have a problem and may not resign with Luck sitting behind him, then why wouldn't it be a problem if RG3 sat behind him!? Both are highly touted QB's who may go right after the other, so the hype is the same. Also, both QB's have been quoted saying they would not mind sitting behind PM. So why is it so different with Luck til the point PM would consider leaving the team? When you guys have these debates/arguments please leave the bias out of it. That's what starts these endless threads.

  12. I respect the OP's thoughts but you have to understand this is a business. Words are not set in stone and attitudes change at a the drop of a dime. To be honest, both have crossed lines and have done and said things they should not have, but that's how things go. I think we should appreciate that Irsay is willing to bring Peyton and not giving him the shaft. Yeah, he said what he said, but tell me, would you buy a $28 million car with no type of insurance if you weren't sure if it would perform like a $28 million car or even run at all?

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