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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. Mark Cuban is the coolest owner in sports

    If you are a Dallas fan yes, otherwise he is just loud mouth rich man who tries to buy the free agency up and cries when something doesn't go his way.

  2. This would be a good acquisition and I'm hoping our FO is looking into this. If Asante Samuel got a 5th, we definitely should go for this guy. This would definitely make a defense look better.

  3. I don't understand why so many of ya'll saying we need to draft a db. Have you looked at our roster? We have numerous one year, two year and rookies at that position. I can understand a Claiborne or someone of that caliber to be a shut down man, but other than that what is the significance of adding another rookie DB?

    Right! I rather wait next year to use our top pick on a CB rather than using one of low picks this year on a CB. I like how the FO attacked the offseason, buy the defense, draft the offense. My guess next year will be buy the offense, draft the defense.

  4. I would have no problem drafting a guy who played through an entire championship season on a bum knee that can heal. I forgot which game he sat out, but it was evident he was out because the opposing rushed for like 320yds. Besides Luck, Chapman is my favorite pick, then TY Hilton.

  5. I think people are forgetting about the signings we've made before the draft. We addressed some of our needs on defense. It is obvious that the direction of this draft was to accomodate Luck and make his transition to the NFL as easy as possible. I believe that Grigson wanted to address the defense early but players that he wanted were gone and Allen still being available made a pick for defense expendable. I loved this offseason. We almost have a defense put together (CB & LB still need to be addressed) and our offense is essentially put together. Now, when I say I put together, I do not mean we have a top 5 offense/defense, I mean we have players in place. This is a good start for the new Colts. I am excited and ready to see who will blossom. Me personally, I want to see Chapman play because I think that is our sleeper pick.

    Edit: To be honest, I can see Dwight Freeney being dealt at the trade deadline to a playoff contending team. My guess was he would be traded for Asante Samuel, but that didn't work out.

  6. I want to draft Fleener as much as the next man, but I do not want to reach. TBH, a lot of teams feel set at the TE so I'm hoping we draft JJ and fleener slides to us or we trade some later picks to get him. Picking a TE with a 2nd round pick is pushing it.

    EDIT: Gleen or JJ and I will be happy.

  7. No surprise. Knew he would be ours since last year. Only thing that was going to stop us from drafting Luck was if he messed up at any workouts or injured himself...he didn't do either. Welcome to the Colts Luck. It's ironic how his last name is Luck and our logo is a horseshoe (destined to be a Colt?). Like Kiper said on ESPN just now, this year he just needs to focus on adjusting to the NFL. We have a lot of holes that will not be filled in one year, maybe by next with the cap space.

  8. I am not condoning bounties. My point was football is a violent sport and how do you separate what was part of a bounty and what was just a normal game speed occurence. It would be tought to award the Colts compensation without awarding every other team that got a player hurt against the Redskins some kind of compensation.

    Well, it's good that we have actual footage of Williams so now we can at least decide what are the "bounty hits/plays". I would go and say everything he said from the sitting on people knees to head-hunting are the bounty plays. It's a difference between playing to be physical and dominate your opponent and intentionally harming someone and their career. Even in boxing, a sport where you HAVE to dominate you're opponent, the sport does not allow for someone to go through life/career threatening injuries. They will stop the fight before the boxer even goes to work on whatever he is targeting. A boxing coach might tell the boxer to target a weakness (say a cut, broken rib, etc.) but it's for different intentions, not to harm the opponent but actually win the match by making the ref stop the fight. What Williams was trying to was mess with people careers which is a no no.

  9. I think your 100% wrong here. I met the guy at the Chantilly show and he was the most humble athlete I have ever met fame is not getting in his head at all. The whole thing about him turning you guys down has been completely fabricated. Irsay made it seem like he asked yesterday and was given a "NO" for an answer. When infact before his proday he told every team he was not doing private workouts at anytime. He wanted as many scouts at the proday as possible and he is keeping his word. I think this whole thing is Irsay getting over on you Colts fans he now has a built in excuse if Luck bombs and is a bust. If hes a bust Irsay can tell you guys hey we had to draft Luck because RG3 didnt want to play here. He is dooping you guys. RG3 is known for his good character it's always yes sir no sir he graduated from highschool and college early and with honors. And to insinuate he is like Ryan Leaf is insane. Ryan Leaf was an immature headcase there is no comparison that statement was actually pretty ignorant.

    I feel where you're coming from, but I had this thought in my head even before this. I have nothing against RG3. Only reason why I even mentioned Ryan Leaf is to bring up how the fame affected both, and I clearly said "STARTING TO", not "IS". I have my thoughts about him because I have read his interviews, analyzed how he acts in public sometimes, etc. To me, he likes the spotlight even though he is humble. But like one person above me said, he is still a kid at heart. I am not saying these because "Irsay says so" or "I am a delusional Colts fan who will make stuff up in order to seem right". I am pretty sure he is a nice guy. Doesn't mean he won't have a cocky attitude. Maybe the Ryan Leaf reference rubbed you wrong.

  10. He would fit in nice with Pags scheme. If it wasn't for Ngata becoming a freaking monster, Gregg would might have kept his job as a Raven. I remember one year, not too long ago, he had 97 tackles in one season. That is amazing for any tackle or defensive lineman. Like the OP said, if things don't work out in the draft, he would be a nice one year rental.

  11. I have to say, I almost despise the short passing game of the Pats. I know it's very effective, but if that's the route we go, I'll be disappointed. They don't even mix them up all that well. It's kind of like "I'm going to throw another 6 yard curl to Wes Welker and you can't stop it"....Uuugghhhh!

    I hate it too, but it works. Only problem is that the Pats had no way of stretching the field so at one point it will become stoppable. But doesn't that short passing game remind you of those unstoppable plays on Madden? Like you know it's coming, you stack everyone to that area, and still can't stop the same play.


    if only we had Andrew Luck in this situation


    :/ He would have creamed Tracy Porter...

    I literally LOL'ed when I was watching the SB. Manning looked so helpless. All I could do was shake my head and give PM his props for trying.

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