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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. Because this makes Manning expendable and many folks don't like that. I too am a die-hard Manning fan, as well, I believe he offers us a real chance to climb right back on that horse (gratuitous pun). But I am not so foolish to think that retaining Manning is worth losing Luck. I want the middle ground. In my purview this is the best case scenario for the 'now' and the 'later'.

    I agree with everything you said. Middle ground it is.

  2. To be honest, it doesn't matter if there was no Kalil, Luck, RG3, Claiborne, Richardson, etc. What matters is we are looking at an aging QB who has undergone 4 operations on one neck and is right now worth 28 million, and do not know if he will be able to play or not. No matter who we draft, that will still be an issue. So I guess my answer is in the middle. I don't want to boot PM out but if a business decision has to be made for the best of the organization, then the decision has to be made. Whether it's reconstruction of the contract or releasing him.

  3. Let's just say I'm glad you are not running this franchise.

    Claiborne is a straight up stud and we see a shake up from what we expect in the real draft every year....events that digress from what we see in mock drafts. How do you know Claiborne would be available later? He is the best CB prospect of all time.

    Mario Williams going #1 is a perfect example of this. Reggie Bush, who was considered by the media to be the best player in the draft, wasn't taken first so everyone ripped the Texans. They also could have "traded" out of this spot....but you don't know who would have snagged their guy in MW if they did. You don't know where teams value certain players.

    How can you ridicule people (and I mean NFL coaches, analysts, scouts, forum posters,etc.) for saying Luck is the best QB prospect of all time and then say Claiborne is the best CB prospect of all time? Seems like someone is drinking a different flavor Kool-Aid.

  4. absolutely. they think he can throw the ball 50 yards consistently and still lead this broken team to a championship. crazy.

    we are at least 4 to 5 years from SB contention. I'm ok with that. These jokers want one NOW NOW NOW!!!!! ahahah

    The problem is these people look at the past and believe we can rebuild this team in 1 year by trading ONE pick and become SB contenders again. Thing is, those teams were not as bad off as we are. So those same people need to realize it will take years for this team to return to SB contention, which will take years away from PM's age and health. It's kind of funny because people do not realize that by saying "build a team for Peyton", they are also saying "Let's waste some of his years" because this is not a one year project. We are in a tough spot when it comes to Manning, but it seems most people see it otherwise.

  5. We will have Peyton this year. And besides, Painter and Orlovsky proved that they were solid back-ups. It was the defense that did us in.

    *Facepalm* I can see why you think QB is not a need.

    1. NO ONE knows if PM will be playing again, so you are willing to make such a move and build around a player that people aren't even certain can physically play next year?

    2. Yeah, Dan-O and The Painter really proved to be serviceable backups. Let's depend on them another year.

    As I predicted, fans have deleted last season out of their brains and act as if it never happened.

  6. This is Irsay's team. He can say what he want to who he want and if someone does not like, you do not have to follow this team. I understand it is PM, but Irsay is not going to roll a red carpet out for him and throw money at him just not to play. Irsay is handling like any other owner of a business would, he's handling like a business first without emotions influencing his decisions. Irsay is protecting the TEAM first, not Peyton. I for one as a fan do not want ONE player hindering our team's success, even if it is Peyton. Peyton IS NOT bigger than this franchise. Peyton IS NOT bigger than any other player on this team. He is a player who signed a contract just like any other player so he will be treated like a player, not a God, icon, etc. I'm sure Peyton will get his feet rubbed by Irsay and Indianapolis when the time comes, but right now, he is a football player who is EMPLOYED by a team under contract. Do I agree with how BOTH parties are handling the situation, no. But I'm not gonna sit here and paint Irsay a villain because how he is "handling the situation".

    EDIT: Please put up with my typos because I don't feel like going back and correcting them lol.

  7. http://msn.foxsports...k-report-021412

    If Peyton wants to play, and can be his old self, he stays. Period. Irsay is leaving it up to Manning.

    Irsay never had plans to cut Manning, wasn't so excited to have Luck that he wanted Manning out. It was all hogwash.

    Granted, everything still hinges on whether or not Manning CAN play, but if he can, Irsay is leaving it up to Peyton.

    This is the end of this debate (for now).

    EDIT: Derp...This thread just went up on the Colts forums. Can never be the first anymore...

    A lot of Peyton fans ran with this to the point they threatened their fanhood! lol

    But yeah, Irsay is saying "That was my turn, now it's your turn.". This is a business statement by Irsay and what I expected him to do. Irsay is putting the company first before the employee. He is basically saying I will take PM back unless he can perform. I will not throw money at a player just because his name is Peyton Manning.

  8. ??? If one has been reading between the lines through out the last few months then the team's intentions have been "clear as could be" ... No conspiracy.. just a change... it happens all the time.

    That's what I'm referring to, the media hysteria, the interviews, speculations, etc. Nothing would have stopped it. I wasn't commenting on whether we were keeping him or not. I actually believe we are keeping him with him signing a heavily incentive contract.

  9. politician? You really must not understand what sitting behind Peyton Manning would mean to anyone besides Luck.

    Just to be the devil's advocate, Luck did say he would embrace the experience of sitting behind PM.

    And for the height argument, I agree, height does not mean anything. But if we go with the shorter player, it's gonna take a longer time to build a line that can do that. We would also have to tweak our blocking scheme.

  10. 'If' would have been a better word choice on my part, clearly, since my attempt at humor was lost.

    Oh, and the old 'defense wins championships' is great, but untrue. The Giants ranked 25th in points allowed, 27th in yards allowed, 29th against the pass, and 19th against the run. 27th in total defense. Packers 5th, Saints 25th, Steeler 1st, Giants 7th, Colts 21st. There are plenty of ways to win it all. You don't have to be a one seed, you don't have to play at home, you don't have to stop the run or run the ball. All those things were true, but not any more.

    I think it has come to having a defense that can make plays rather than a shutdown defense. In today's NFL, you rarely have those teams that can play shutdown defense, and tbh, they haven't had much success as to winning the SB. Only two teams comes to mind that has won a SB in this decade with a shutdown defense, the Steelers and the early 2000's Pats, and even they have 1st-Tier QBs. I agree with you and think we should build a strong offense and a defense that can make plays when we need them. I know people will say "Well isn't that how the Colts were built?" NO, they were not built that way.

    The landscape has changed, we don't necessarily need a top 5 defense anymore.

  11. I agree with the majority. I am a Colts fan til death do us part, but I have to take the Pats success over our success. We have the GOAT and only have one SB and some regular season records to go with it. I appreciate what he has brought us, but what kills me inside is knowing it could have been more only if PM was handled right.

    But also, I like how the OP and title talked about the Colts and Pats but turned into a draft Andrew Luck vs trade the pick post. ;)

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