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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. It's all good right now...everybody boosting up Grigson for his role as the hatchet man to the coaching staff after a 2-14 season. But if ultimately he ends up being the guy who essentially "fires" Peyton Manning, watch how suddenly fans will revile the man.

    As said before, some of us felt these people need to go years ago, we are just happy to see someone has the balls to cut them. I complained year in and year out about the same coaches that needed to go. Now that I see Grigson can make the calls, let's see how he builds this team.

  2. He is not paid 19 mil, it is an accounting thing, a cap # not an actual out of pocket number. He gets his salary plus you get to figure in what his bonus is that gets spread over the length of the contract. He has already ot the bonus and now he is playing for the actual salary this year which I don't recall what that is but he is not making 19 mil this season.

    I just know we are coming out of our pocket too much for a pass-rushing DE. He should be paid, but not like that. As someone else said, he is not a Demarcus Ware or Julius Peppers.

    You didn't use a calculator, did you? 51 divided by 6 is 8.5. 33 divided by 5 is 6.6. Gary Brackett doesn't make more than James Harrison. Not to mention the fact that Harrison is guaranteed $20 million, almost twice as much as Brackett's $12 million.

    And besides, the structure of Brackett's deal in comparison to Harrison's makes it very simple for us to get out of his deal. And I always expected that we would be after two years. His base salary in 2010 was $880k, in 2011 was $2 million, and in 2012 it jumps to $5 million. I have to believe that Polian and Irsay always intended to revisit his deal before the start of 2012. We'll also probably get a rebate on Brackett's deal for next season, because there's no way he hit his incentives for 2011.

    I honestly wouldn't have done a five year deal for Brackett. I probably wouldn't have gone higher than three years, $18 million. But still, his contract isn't that big of a deal. It will be addressed.

    Crap, I just looked at my calculator and noticed I put one of the numbers in wrong. Lol, my fault on that. So, from my understanding, our cap situation depends on addressing several big contracts? So when will these players eventually get this money that they have signed for? Or do we have to pay them what is not guaranteed? But yeah, either way he is overpaid. I would have done for 3 years $15 mill to be honest.

  3. Freeney's deal was structured so that it would HAVE to be addressed this year. I'll be shocked if we let his contract stand the way it is right now.

    By the way, the grass is always greener somewhere else. There are tons of overpaid players in the NFL, not just on the Colts.

    Oh ok, well I pray to God they address it.

    And that is a true statement, but what hampers us is the disparity. the salary cap situation really correlates with our team. To be honest, we tend to lean on a select group of players to make an impact. We throw money at those players and pay little for other less quality players (UDFA, Cast-offs, etc.). Those same players who hamper us when off the field (losing PM, losing Bob and our run D presence, etc.) are/were the same ones hampering us with the salary cap. But the thing is those players are VERY overpayed!

    for example, James Harrison makes $51 mil.6 years (That is $5.6 mill a year if you were to just do simple division). Gary Brackett makes $33mil/5 years (that $6.6 mill/year). There is NO WAY Bracket should make more than Harrison. These are the type of contracts that have put us in salary cap jail. Big contracts given to players who don't live up to them.

  4. Hugh's certainly is somewhat of a mystery. Why he hasn't seen more time on the field. If it's the obvious then you'd think they'd cut him, saving face not withstanding. He is small in Dline standards. Maybe the Colts are trying to develop him into more of a LB style player. It would fit his size and speed. Then again, it could be as simple as the fact that some kids out of college just don't hit their mature man stride until they're 25 or so. It would be a welcome surprise if he were to come on and be a solid contributor. The Colts can't wait though. They need every position(except maybe backup QB) to be an on the field contributor. As for the 34, I don't believe the personnel changes required to go that direction is worth the benefit when the 43 can get the job done.

    Yeah, I don't know why the staff does not try him out at LB. Maybe they have in practice and it just didn't work out. I think with using his speed he could develop into a nice LB'er.

  5. I think there is a handful of QBs who would have at least one ring if they had Eli's teammates, starting of coarse with all of the Qbs that have won a SB from 2003 . . . Brady, Big Ben, PM, Brees, Eli, and Rogers . . .

    This is true, I just think PM would be more successful than the ones you named.

  6. "Rest of world declares Baltimore the worst city ever."

    HEY! I happen to live in that city and it isn't as bad as people say it is. Maybe because I'm used to it. lol

    But on topic, Ravens/Baltimore fans are known to do this (I live in Baltimore). Ravens fans tend to keep their mouth shut when things aren't going well but when they are on top you will see every fan come out of the cracks and support the team and talk trash as if they weren't downplaying them 10 seconds ago. When Flacco messes up, they want to trade him. When he wins, they love them. When the Ravens lose, they always knew they sucked. But when they win, their the best team in the world. their are some good Ravens fans but majority of them can tend to be very fairweather,

  7. Hold them horses. Chuck Norris just killed an entire rain forest for what you just said. Tebow may be good at football, but your talking about Chuck Norris, the guy who fought Bruce Lee and only came away with a a broken neck, and several broken limbs......


    But this is Tim Tebow! He's just starting out and is already giving Chuck Norris headaches (is that even possible?). We're talking about a guy who on draft night called himself and told himself what team he was going to!

    Tim Tebow vs Chuck Norris, we do not want this to happen. This battle may open up another dimension!

  8. broncos vs patriots I BELIEVE IN TEBOW. but for the broncos to win, they cant turn the ball over against the pats like last time. should be a fun game to watch

    texans vs ravens unlike the bengals, the ravens can stop foster and have a much better offense

    giants vs packers probably the one team outside the saints that can give the packers a fight, but rodgers is no matt ryan and he will score points

    saints vs 49ers- there is no way the 49ers can keep up or slow down the saints. this will be over by half time

    Broncos vs Pats: Safe pick is the Pats but if Denver's defense can hold the Pats offense, look for this to be an upset.

    Ravens vs Texans: This is my upset pick. With Andre Johnson back, the Texans will torch the Ravens pass defense (their weakness) which will open up the running game for Foster. Foster won't have 100 yds, but he will have the crucial yds that will move the chains and maybe one big run. 21-17

    Giants vs Packers: AR will light it up as usual and the defense will make Eli sweat. 34-17

    Saints vs 49ers: 49ers have the defense to slow down the Saints but do not have the offense to keep up. 42-21

  9. Hahahahahaha....ever work for a major corporation? 25 years ago they established a POLICY of promoting minorities over non-minorities. Pull your head out of the sand, it's the USA, it's today, it's the real world. Are you DN in disquise? She talked like that.

    How do you think we got Caldwell as HC to start with, because he was a great coach?....riiiiiiight.

    First of all, what does affirmative action has to do with football? I am not going to get into a debate about the pros and cons of affirmative action because this is a FOOTBALL forum. But It sounds like you have some type of anger inside of you so I'm going to drop the discussion. Am I Dn? No, are you angry and pulling the race card, sounds like it. If you weren't so "angry", you would have seen I agreed with you, but I only wanted proof to see it for myself.

    And please, do not tell me to "pull my head out of the sand". I take that as an insult. I am an US citizen (have been ever since I was born) and college educated. I am aware of the history of our country.

    And please do not reply. I don't want this to turn into an argument and the mods have to step in.

  10. Its because that HOF coach (cough) doesn't have all his "tools" anymore since he got caught.

    Think its a coincidence he's back to the success he had at his previous coaching job?

    I certainly don't.

    Yeah, I agree. They've had the same regular season success (if not better), but their playoff record since then has been ugly. I believe it's a direct effect from the spygate.

  11. You are aware of Dungy's self avowed agenda to promote as many minorities into positions of managment in the NFL as possible, right? Not my words, HIS, on national TV, more than once. HE brought it up, not me. Don't even begin to think Caldwell got his job as Head Coach of the Colts because of his outstanding ability as a head coach. There's high school football coaches with more ability than that.

    I couldn't find a quote but if you can find one, present it.

    But if that is his agenda, then he should be called out on it. It promotes discrimination and racism.

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