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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. lol...fair enough..he didn't specify exactly what picks they'd be. Though the trade means we would lose the #1 pick and therefore we'd lost the opportunity at Luck too unless somehow he drops from the #1 pick.

    If we could trade the #1 for 2 first round picks that would still allow us to get Brandon Thompson and Morris Claiborn in the first round, and Manti Te'o in the 2nd round.....I think I'd have to take a cold shower after the draft. lol

    If we were to trade the pick, i would draft those two guys if possible.

  2. Hey now, don't go proving the haters wrong like that. You are required to agree with the "ALL OF OUR COACHES SUCK!" crowd, or face the flames.

    The point wasn't that we had good coaches in the past, OF COURSE WE KNOW THAT (Except I didn't really care for Mudd nor Meeks), the point is our coaches suck NOW! And I think the record proves that.

  3. There's a difference between playing tough and dirty. Dirty players get personal fouls and play past the rules. Tough players play hard within the rules. Jamming and getting physical with a WR is one thing, but getting in his face and hitting him in the face is another. Finnegan's personal fouls like last week against the Titans are not wanted. He needs to clean up his act.

    Hey, I actually like it. No one is trying to make friends in football. Yeah he crosses the line which costs yards, but for the most part, I like it.

  4. I wouldn't call Courtland Finnegan a "tough" guy, more like a jerk. There's a reason why Andre Johnson unleashed his frustration on him last year... Finnegan plays dirty. He needs to fix that.

    Jerk, Dirty, call it what you want, but you can not sit there and say he would NOT be an upgrade to our team. I don't know what you call playing dirty, but if you get into the WR's face and aggravate him to the point he takes his anger out on you, you are doing your job as a CB. Tell me this, would you rather have a CB like the ones we have where we play pitty pat with the Wr's or courtland finnegan who is a jerk who gets under his opposition skin? He is a good and physical corner, something we lack. No matter how he gets the job done, he gets it done. You may not like the man because he talks trash, pushes, etc. but thats attitude.

  5. Amen to that - Peyton should have at least 3 rings by now. Sadly, I doubt that he'll get a second - especially as a Colt.

    EXACTLY! It disgusts me that the GOAT might retire with one ring. I know people will say Dan does not have any, but truthfully, Peyton is better than Dan and almost any other QB that has played the game. I appreciate we were able to get him one, but the chances we had to get him are gone in my opinion.

  6. I honestly can't believe people closed the book on Peyton already. In a way I wish we could get Luck and show those * he would be a flop. All without sacrificing Peyton,

    This is what a lot of people are saying but misunderstanding. Just because we draft Luck does not mean Peyton will be out the door. Yes the Peyton era is coming to a close whether people accept it or not, but we will not let him go.

    On topic: As someone said before, Caldwell needs to earn his respect. This is why he gets ridiculed for having the blank expression. The blank expression gives off that he is nonchalant and not enthusiastic because he has not done anything that tells us he is. His record speaks for himself and his post game conferences seem computer-generated. We as fans get the feeling that Caldwell doesn't care and is riding the wave because of his demeanor and the lack of respect he has not earned. This is a visual society, if you don't have anything on the table that shows us you care and about what you do (SB rings, good records, accolades, etc.) then we would like to see something visual that shows you are. Scream on a guy once, throw your headset, curse at the ref, etc. But don't just stand there with the same expression when we are being blown out 62-7! Even Peyton couldn't hide his frustration and truthfully, many people will think Peyton cares more than Caldwell just because of the disgust he had on his face.

    Now in my personal opinion, I don't care for the demeanor of a coach, as long as he/she gets the job done and that is not happening here.

  7. I'd rather take someone else than Cortiland Finnergan, he doesn't seem to fit are organization with the way he sometimes acts. The only problem with Pat Williams is that he doesn't really offer a pass rush from the DT position, which is kind of what Antonio Johnson does.

    The players that I would get are CB - Morris Claiborne, SS - Ray Ray Armstrong, and NT - Brandon Thompson. The difference between Thompson and Williams is that Thompson gets a great push from the DT position which allows him to get into the backfield.

    If we need depth at NT though next year, then I'd be all for bringing in Pat Williams. From what I've heard though, his only value is as a run stopper, but we still need that anyways.

    I just said Courtland because I like that he brings a lot of attitude. I admit he does act out at times but I feel like the defense has been longing for that tough guy since the fall of Bob Sanders. It seems like every good defense has that tough guy. Not saying that is what makes a defense good, but that tough guy sets the tone for the rest of the players. (Brian Urlacher, Ray Lewis, Brian Dawkins, Pat Williams, Bob Sanders, etc.)

  8. Bill Polian isn't making defensive suggestions, he's managing all football operations. The coaching staff is hired BY Polian with full agreement of what general schemes they are going to run as a prerequisite of their employment. There can only be one person truly in charge in an organization, and Irsay gave that responsibility to Polian (just like in Boston it is Belichick, and in Dallas it is the owner himself - every team has someone.) He isn't egotistically over-reaching, he is doing his job. I think it is highly unlikely that he is micro-managing the defense, he's just speaking for the team and letting us fans know that the organization isn't any happier with the defense then we are, and that steps will be taken to fix it. What exactly would you prefer that he say or do?

    It didn't take Polian ten years to see that our scheme was flawed, the scheme was only put in place after the LAST season in which we gave up more than 30 points per game. It was done for solid reasons, and the team has had nothing but success with it until now. And however much of that success you want to attribute to Peyton, don't forget that many of those years the defense was in the top ten in the league in points allowed, and the entire point of the scheme was to allow them to manipulate the salary cap to afford Peyton and his toys in the first place. The fact that this years team has issues and that they are considering changes does NOT mean that they have been using the wrong scheme for ten years. The league changes, available personnel changes, and you adjust. It is Polians job to recognize the need and lead the change.

    On your arguement about Polian controlling the defense, he's doing that. When you sign a coach because you like the type of defense he runs, then that is controlling and picking based on preference. I understand he is the GM but you essentially draft and sign by caliber and quality, not because of a personal preference. You go out and sign who you think will make this organization succeed, the way the organization succeeds is for the coaches to handle. You bring up BB and Jerry Jones, PERFECT EXAMPLES FOR MY ARGUMENT. BB gets the players he wants, the GM signs them. JJ gets the players HE wants, JJ signs them. Get the point? I'm not saying what BP doing is wrong, he has the power.

    Speaking about the 10 years thing, I was referring more to the fact that our defense (and team) has had the same problems for 10 years and it takes BP this long to FULLY address one of them. And also, it IS the scheme. Even if we had Revis at CB and Suh at DT, playing 7-10yds off the WR's will kill us! You said it yourself, the league changes so why are we using an outdated scheme that people has figured out?

    And also pertaining to this "the defense was in the top ten in the league in points allowed", this was because at the time opposing teams thought it was best for them to run the ball and kill the clock in order to keep the ball out of Peyton hands (which didnt make a difference). Also, the "bend but dont break philosophy" allowed teams to drive the field which also took away time. In a nutshell, the leads PEyton gave us an easier time on defense and our games weren't really back and forth but more stop peyton and run the ball down their throats.

  9. So basically what I'm saying is that all you need to do is to address your needs by adding the right players, which for us would be CB, SS, and maybe NT (1-tech DT). Then you get the right coach with the right scheme to coach the players and then... WHOLLA! Your defense is fixed!

    We will probably get these guys through the draft, which is the way I prefer the colts to do.

    Courtland Finnegan, Pat Williams, and a player in the draft....done! We only really spend a lot of money on one player (finnegan).

  10. Strength and conditioning training has nothing to do with our injuries. We have bad luck, period. This was our best draft in years, we just got bit.

    Really, bad luck EVERY season? I mean, not just one or two seasons, but EVERY SEASON!

  11. The Colts front office had better decide quickly as to what they want to do with Manning because they do have an out with him before they have to pay him that huge bonus. I believe they owe it to him sometime after the draft in 2012 and once that's paid he basically has the Colts franchise wrapped around his finger for the next four years, ouch. Go Colts!!!

    I'm kinda mad at Irsay for not giving Peyton the larger paycut that Peyton wanted.

  12. Yes he was.. It's easy to ignore draft hype when you're always have a 12-4 or better season.. It happens EVERY year.. hes just the talk of this year... Last year it was Cam Newton.. year before that was Bradford.. Its as constant as the seaons

    Do you pay attention to how they rate players when it comes to people coming out of college? To be honest, it sounds like YOU have been listening to ESPN and listening to the hype of every QB that comes out. No one in there right mind would compare Cam Newton to Andrew Luck nor Sam Bradford.

  13. If we spent a first round pick for a tackle in 2012, theoretically, moving Castanzo to right tackle, Jillana to guard, and putting Matt Kalil at LT would make it a top 5 line right away. Theoretically of course.

    Yeah, that is a very young line. They may have talent but it will take time for them to gel and learn in the NFL. We are not gonna be able to just draft and plug them in as if they are veterans. This is what I don't get, people say we need to win now with Peyton but advocate relying on a bunch of draft picks to develop.

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