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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. smitty...we were in Super Bowl contention last year

    with this very same team...plus Peyton Manning...

    You remember... :unsure:

    Even if you mean 2 years ago, we all know who got us there. The league is A LOT different than 2 years ago, and even 1 year ago. Teams have gotten better while we have either slightly improved, gotten worse, or stayed the same in a lot areas. Peyton will take us to the playoffs because he is Peyton, but Peyton won't be able to pull this team together to win a SB. And this is not the same SB team we had with Peyton 2 years ago. Almost EVERYTHING was better 2 years ago.

  2. Harbaugh is doing a wonderful job of coming in a situation, realizing what he has, and using it the best of his abilities. Haters gon hate, but Harbaugh is doing a terrific. People just don't want to admit that we are stuck with incompetents we have. I never drunk the kool-aid, I always wanted a new flavor.

  3. One dimensional offense that is built around one player who is out for the year, horrible defense that is built around one player who plays on the other side of the ball who is out for the year, horrible coaching staff, bad players.

  4. I'm not really okay with a half dozen mediocre seasons until we can contend again..

    I don't know is you have seen product on the field, but Manning and one draft will not be able to put this team in SB contention. In my honest opinion, one good draft and getting Manning back will put us back in playoff contention, but SB contention. Too many complete teams out there for us to compete with.

  5. Like I said in another thread about this Polian stressed it had to be the right guy which to means a guy who understands he has to sit before he's going to play. If Luck is willing to do that look for Luck to be the pick. If Luck is not look for us to trade the pick and try for one of the other QBs who will sit. If none of them will look for us to trade the pick and draft to fill other needs.

    I feel this is the SMARTEST thing for us to do. This direction has all the possibilities and avenues covered. Smartest and safest move. No way we lose unless the situation is mishandled....again.

  6. give him the time brady has to throw and for the receivers to get deep and he could move the team, got to fix the o-line

    Yeah, that's if Painter can stop throwing flying ducks waiting to be caught by the opposing team.

    I noticed Wayne stood off to the side and down the sidelines when he wasn't in the game. That's unusual, he normally sits atop the bench near the QB. It looks like he is already divorcing himself from this so called team.

    I feel as though Wayne feel like majority of the fans on this website but can not say anything because he feels he will be made an example of (like Harris, Tryon, etc.). You can see it in Reggie's face he is disgusted and is holding something back. Most likely with Reggie, it looks it is criticism of the team (including coaches).

  7. We need to listen to one voice and ignore all the noisy negativists.Most of our errors are correctable.What the pundits and talking heads don't understand is we have been in all but 2or 3 of our games.A play here and a play there and we are 7-3.Coach Caldwell is doing a fine job.We will shrug off all the rats out to sea and finish strong.

    GREAT BP Impression! lol

    1. Luck won't make this offense hum, because the playbook belongs to Manning. Luck will be no better than Painter out there, and he hasn't proven anything. He was also pretty terrible on the biggest stage of his career, last night.

    2. Is this coach going to be available next year? What makes anyone think he'd come here?

    1. You must did not watch the game and only watched the highlights. Despite some mistakes, the loss was more on the team than Luck (sounds familiar?). Luck actually had a pretty ok game despite the couple of mistakes he made. He looked poised, calm, stood in the pocket, and made for the most part very strong throws.

    2. At this point, what difference would it be with an interim HC and caldwell?

  8. To answer the question, no. Peyton has cemented his legacy as one of the GOAT. Now, has Polian dropped the ball when it comes to Peyton.....YES! If Peyton had a NEAR complete team, he would have multiple rings. Peyton doesn't even need a complete team, just give him a near complete team it you can guarantee a #1 seed in the playoffs. Polian has failed Peyton.

  9. they are not winning because our present QB is horrible. Put just an average QB in their and we are not 0-9. Now is it the fault of Polian that we have Painter...yep and he should be held accountable for not having a better backup QB.

    You're. Put an average QB in there and we are maybe 3-6 or 2-7. This team is horrible. I don't even think a top tier QB can throw behind that putrid line without a running game.

  10. So, I'm not saying I want Polian to stay here, but it's not fair to say the Manning pick made him. He was well established as an NFL GM long before he came here.

    Criticize him if you want, in many cases it's deserved, but be fair about it.

    With me, I am commenting on Bill in Indy, not anywhere else. So far, the Peyton pick and a few other players made him (Freeney, Bethea, Edge, and a few others). Nothing else has stuck out to me (moves, transactions, etc.) during his tenure here.

    In response to the original question: What was supposed to take place during the lock out?

    As far as you guy's hurt feeling sfor people not answering your 'tough' questions: Shouldn't you pretty much expect not to be answered when you bury your question in a thread about something else? Such as what's happened here?

    My beef with Polian is that he didn't prepare for life without Manning. Prior to the lockout, Polian had YEARS to build a defense, good ST's, a running game, and a lot more. People act as if we were suppose to start building for the future because Manning was in doubt. NO! That is riding the success on the back of another person. What should have done is build for future EVERY YEAR. But nope, we did what we did and continued with our "Put the game on Peyton's back" formula. Now we are stuck with this crappy team and crappy record. His work in Indy is in question as of now.

    The NFL is a business and you do not run a business by putting all of eggs in one basket. If this was a company or something like that, we would be on the verge of bankruptcy right now.

  11. thanks im in tn. im really sorry that without PM the colts team cannot win. I cannot stand the love that is shown on these posts of how great BP is. He made one draft pick that has made him what he is today and without him he is nothing. NOthing.

    Yeah, this is unacceptable. All of the success and awards go out the window when your team can not even get one win after one player falls. That tells the world that one man is bigger than our organization. If that is the case, then the GM or whoever put together the team has failed at doing his job. I'm not taking anything away from the few good players he did draft, but this season puts his abilities in question.

  12. sigh....

    Did you watch the SB run? Manning was "average" at best in all playoff games except NE. The D won Indy that ring, and Dom and Joe were the real SB MVP's......

    Look at the staring D on that team...

    Booger, injury ended career

    Marlin, injury ended career

    Sanders, injury ended career

    Morris, injury ended career

    June, FA departure... not missed

    Brackett, injury will most likely end career

    Hayden, team just releases

    Jennings, starting for the Bears... ?? Yet he wasn't good enough for us?

    Freeney, MIA this season

    Mathis, MIA this season

    It was only 5 years ago, and if not for injury and what not this D could have been a juggernaut.

    I think Dungy had more doing with building that team than Polian did. I think Polian started using all of his power when the puppet came into play. This is for the "Polian built the SB team" argument.

  13. It's funny that people are flipping out about this now, but this has been going on ever since Caldwell started coaching here. I'm not surprised. However, I am surprised at the fact that it took so long for people to see Caldwell's and his staff ineptness. I wonder who covered that up....

  14. In all honesty, I appreciate that Bill has turned this franchise around, but I've always been a post-season guy. I was more concerned with us improving our post-season success rather than breaking regular season records. I know some people will flame me and point out the Steelers success in the post-season despite missing the playoffs a couple of times but truthfully, I would want that rather than the regular season success. I guess it's all about preference on that topic, but that's my input.

    No one remembers the regular season records unless it's 16-0 or 0-16. All that other crap will be forgotten in the next decade.

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