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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. I believe Donald Brown is still a good running back, he's just not the primary back everyone thought he would be. Instead of pushing a square peg into a round hole, I wish our coaches would utilize the players to their strengths. Donald Brown needs better blocking upfront to run between the tackles. I think we should use him like Reggie Bush was used in New Orleans (swing passes in the flat, the stretch play, etc). Jerry Hughes should be moved into LB hybrid in the mold of Urlacher (not saying he's as good as him), but let him use his speed in blitz packages, so opposing QBs don't have enough time to pick apart our DBs. Speaking of blitzes, I thought Coyer was brought here to be more aggressive, what happened??? Gonzalez is a bust, in the same regard Bob Sanders was a bust! I know Sanders was DPOY (yada, yada, yada), but he was injured WAY TOO much to be worth his contract.

    Yeah, he's a FIRST ROUND THIRD STRING running back.

  2. I have no problem with him going for it in that situation. We were down 20-0, I wanted to go for it but expected the conservative move, which indeed happen. If we didn't make it, then I would commend Caldwell for having balls, depending on the play call. If it is a stupid play call then OF COURSE we're gonna hammer him. But if it was a well ran play that didn't work out, then that's ok, it's on the players not Caldwell then.

  3. How long will it take to build this line? How will long will it take for this line to develop? How long does Peyton Manning actually has to play (not what you think, but what has a doctor said?).

    Once again, the bust with Tony Ugoh, letting go good players, and disregard for the line in the FA and draft (until now) has destroyed it. It will take a lot of time to build such a line and we do not have that time because Peyton doesn't. We are really in a tough situation.

  4. We are talking about a 4-year trend of first round busts. Second, all the busts that we had looked fine their first year, but they never got better or got worse.

    I don't know HOW Donald Brown and Jerry Hughes looked good their first year. Many people were writing them up as busts after their first year but people ran to their defense and said give them a fair chance (which is correct).

    But this was another impulse pick of Bill Polian. It was after the SB and I feel Bill Polian was bent on the fact that we lost the SB because of Dwight Freeney and him being handicapped by his injury...WHICH IS THE WRONG REASON WHY WE LOST THE SB. Bill Polian decided it would be best to find his replacement for the future now by drafting Hughes.

    And what made me mad about this pick is that we could have drafted ROGER SAFFOLD OR DEXTER MCLUSTER, but nope, we draft a back up. Now I know people will come at with the "Well why draft Andrew Luck as back up?" question, well, because the most important position on our team is in jeopardy. At that time, Dwight had a injury that could pretty heal before next season without a problem. Peyton had an injury where he had to go outside of the country to use an illegal operation JUST to make progress (we still don't know where his progress is now).

    I HATED this pick. And I guess now we can write down Jerry Hughes as a bust, seeing as no one wanted to take him off our hands.

  5. I respect Jim Irsay. Have no problem with the man. It's Polian, the puppet, and the other puppets i have a problem with. Jim Irsay actually does something when he sees something wrong (even though he should now), those 3 things I listed just continue to "do what we do" even when we are suffering. Irsay gets a pass from me.

  6. i just dont get it. Almost everybody is hoping we go 0-18 in order to get luck, who IMO is still an unproven and raw college QB. Sure he's good, but thats only at a collegial level. Scouts have called him the next big thing or the next manning but that has also been said about other number 1 picks ( ryan leaf, alex smith, *carson palmer *hes mediocre* etc )

    What we need to do is draft defensive players. Once peyton comes back , our offense will be the same as it was 2 years ago but sadly i cannot say the same for our defense. If wayne is not back, then we have collie who can carry the load, maybe garcon can improve his catching , if not then there are some very good receivers in this upcoming draft. BUT this all starts up from the FO...peyton built this stadium, he IS the team, the least they can do is give him one more ring!

    NEVER heard Alex Smith nor Carson Palmer be called the next big thing. Yes, people have said they will be good coming out but that is it. And truthfully, they were right. Carson Palmer led the Bengals to a couple successful seasons while he was there (until his little drama act) and Alex Smith has finally blossomed once a good HC was put in place who knew how to use his strengths.

    Now Ryan Leaf SMH. I hate when people bring him up in this discussion because EVERYONE knew Ryan Leaf was a *. In a draft interview, he said he would go to Vegas and gamble his money after the draft day (which he did). He then proceeded to show up to the first practice late and it went downhill from there. I don't think Luck will follow in his footsteps.

    Onto the argument, I have nothing more to say about it. As said before, it has been discussed MANY times and it seems both sides are not budging. Not saying that neither side is wrong but the discussion is pretty much at a stand still with people going back and forth.

  7. I would definitely think Tressel (seeing as he had a pretty successful career in college, despite what happened) would take the reigns.

    But this just hit me, if the Colts are all about signing people who are clean and doesn't have any baggage with them, why did they sign a college HC who was being looked at by NCAA for multiple reasons? :/ I'm not disagreeing with the move but it seems like it goes against our style.

  8. I think it was only a few people that posted the same thing 5,000 times, which makes it look like more than there really was.

    I understand but it was more than those few people who were Caldwell supporters. It just so happen those few people you are talking about were the most active.

  9. what???

    Answer me this, If it's not the coaches fault, who's fault is it?

    If it's not the coaches then it has to be the Polians, who put this garbage team together. It's one or the other, there's is no other answer.

    Caldwell: we all know why

    Coyer: scheme sucks, and he refuses to make adjustments

    ST Coach (however you spell his name): ST has sucked for years!

    Polians: for drafting and putting this team together.

  10. Yeah I did.

    20-0 is not completely out of control when it's that early in the third quarter. Lots of teams have come back from worse than that in less time before. Any competent coach would have kicked the fieldgoal there.

    Yeah they have, that's because they kicked it up and adjusted (something we don't do). They took chances and played aggressive (something we don't do) Most people count a team out after 21-0.

  11. I think he's gone next year. His hit is only 587,750 in 2012, we're definitely taking a QB in the draft (Luck or not), Peyton's coming back.....I don't see how a pedestrian QB like Painter fits in?

    Agree, that would be the better move.

  12. The game was not out of control at that point. It was only 20-0 very early in the third quarter and there was no reason trying to get all crazy and go for it on 4th down like the game was on the line.

    Holy crap you did not just type that. That has to be a typo!

  13. Oh how the times have changed. Two weeks ago people were jumping up left and right to defend Caldwell, saying how he lead us to the SB, and got us to the playoffs the next year. Now.......everyone wants his head on a stick. SMH You know, some of us knew Caldwell was a bad coach before the SB.

  14. No fan ive seen ever declared painter the future of the colts, but they have said that he is the backup for the colts... and he is. Painter with protection like most good QB's produces... the colts were putrid at pass blocking causing painter to make quick reads.

    I have seen some, I can't quote them but seen them. Some proposed we keep Painter and build a team around him.

  15. we obviously need help at the safety position so how about bring bob back? hes gonna be a free agent and i doubt any other team will offer a contract with injury history so we can get him cheap. thoughts?

    If you mean a couple hundred thousand cheap then I'm all for it. But I think we have spent enough time on Bob in the past. We gave him a lot of chances and his injuries hindered him. Thanks but no thanks.

  16. I feel like Courtland Finnegan is a MUST. If we were to get him and then draft a good CB with one of our picks, our starting corners would be Courtland Finnegan, Jerraud Powers, and the CB we drafted on the 3rd Wr (he should be able to contribute playing there). We would be set at corner and all it took was one year, of course we're gonna have to free up space but that should be easy with players leaving.

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