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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. Yeah I said it. So much hype and drama for someone that hasn't taken even 1 snap in NFL.

    If you follow football you should know that most of the times these hyped up QB's turn out to be just average and even busts.

    It is very rare and uncommon for anyone QB to just come in and be a superstar. RG3 is no exception, he has the same odds as any other great college QB. Those odds are to turn out average or bust.

    If he will be so much better than Andrew Luck, then how come players like Gino Toretta who have won the Heisman and been inducted into the College Football HOF come out and still suck?

    There is a QB in this years draft that willbe a star in this league, and he is not RG3.

    So lock it up, I said it here first. RG3 will be a bust. Just like any other QB who has yet to take a NFL snap.

    See how easy that was. And I know GT was not a high draft pick, I'm just going off your assumption that AL will be a bust because he has not won the heisman.

  2. Well that would suck but would be pretty bad ramifications if Luck got hurt after we drafted him too.

    Well, at least he won't cost $28 million.

    Personally I am sickened by the way the man is being treated. All of this hype surrounding some rookie is just ridiculous especially when there is a real proven megastar NFL quarterback on the roster rather than the latest media mirage.

    Is Peyton Manning's neck proven right now? If we were certain about Manning, we wouldn't have half of the recent threads going on.

    I mean seriously, all of the people that are claiming we have "thrown manning under the bus", would you throw $28 million at something that is not certain? Would throw money at a house if you weren't sure it could survive a hurricane and you lived in Florida?

  3. I can't say I disagree....I still have the 09 version...and candidly I meant to say Madden 13 not 12...my bad. My brother has '12 and it's the same commentary...just seems kinda "lazy" they haven't updated it least THAT over 3 releases.

    I have never played anything other than Madden so I can't compare it.

    I understand what you are saying though. This off-season has me itching to try the next madden out. lol. They might get a "rent" from me.

  4. Is there anyone else who is getting more excited now for Madden 12 with all the new changes to the Colts roster?

    I know this is off topic, but no. I am tired and fed up with the Madden series. Lately it has become a roster update. year in and year out they have called the same stuff something new. I didn't mind that they haven't added any new features because it is not much they can add, but when you give us the same animations, slightly better graphics, and the same CRAPPY franchise and presentation (announcers, halftime shows, etc.) then you have lost me. I am big on presentation and franchise mode. NFL 2k5 got both and it was only 2004. I am not a 2k fanboy, but that game is better than a lot of new maddens. But to conclude before I wrote an essay, until I see better presentation, better physics, more realism, and a better franchise mode, EA will not get another dollar from me for Madden. I have not bought a MAdden game in 3 years and have not missed it. So I guess I am doing something right.

  5. I think the problem was the Polian - Dungy mix. Polian was forced (he didn't want Dungy, Irsay did) to find players to fit Dungy's Tampa 2 scheme. Polian decided what he would do was to spend all of the money on the offensive side and let Peyton get the lead and the defense to hold it. Every year, we had the youngest defense in the NFL. We gave away our best linebackers over the years because we didn't want to pay them. We would replace them with undrafted free agents and the sort. We were so successful that Irsay couldn't change.....until now. This was the perfect storm (actually a horrible storm) but the right time to start over. This time he wants to be balanced.

    This is how I totally feel (except for the handicap the defense part). I feel like Irsay did not like the direction of the team, hence why we are signing all of these 3-4 coaches. Irsay could not criticize Polian and act because Polian's strategy was working. It was flawed but it was working, it was putting butts in the seats and we were competitive year in and year out. I feel that Irsay was so fed up with the way things were going, that this year was the one thing that finally pushed him to cut ties.

  6. As a Colts fan I don't have to make any decisions about PM's future. Irsay refers to the Colts as a family then as a business. Which is it? Both are quite different. But when you just start hacking away at your family core or the foundation your business was built upon you cause more problems than your fixing. Peyton does not have to be cut, or let go, or traded for this team to survive or rebuild. You can't just cut your head off and survive. He is the head or leader of this Colts team! You can lose an arm, leg, or other member and still survive but not your head. He will be a great draw for other talented players to want to be a Colt. If you say how can we take a chance on PM being healthy next season regardless of what he has done for the organization, fans and team then my question to you is how can we be sure that any decision we make at any position especially QB is going to work out favorably? You can't and Peyton looked great in 2010 and can be still. Peyton is not going to >>> his team, fans, or organization over. If he isn't healthy then he will not play of his own choice! Trust and honor will make a business or a family better but anything less than that can erode them at their foundation.

    We know what Peyton has done for us and what he will do for us, but we can not pay him $28 million just for him to get hurt and retire. No way around it. We can not handicap ourselves for the next 4 years because we want to show Peyton support. Believe it or not, this organization support throughout his entire career, definitely financially. Now on the football field, I feel it could have been done a different way but the point is this organization did whatever to appease him. Just because he is Peyton Manning, do we have to throw him even more money if he can't play because we "owe" it to him? Riddle me this, if it was Jeff Saturday with the neck problem, would you bring him back? Maybe he hasn't as much of an off-the-field impact as manning, but he definitely gave us a very good center to watch.

  7. When did Irsay make this clear? Didn't he say quite the opposite? Hasn't Peyton been seen throwing? Is the fusion not 100%? Who are you to tell him to "come to grips with reality"?

    Just curious as to how you think you know this.

    What assumptions? Most people know for a fact it's best to keep Peyton Manning once he's healthy. We know he wins. Any pro-Luck argument is based entirely on assumptions, as he's proven nothing against good college teams, and he's done nothing in the NFL.

    Which is more outrageous? Knowing what Manning will deliver when he comes back? Or assuming some college kid with a pedigree no different than any other touted prospect will win multiple Super Bowls? That's how far some of your Luckies are reaching, and it's based on nothing. Absolutely nothing. Like most of your arguments.

    Just to play devil's advocate, it's a chance any rookie QB whether it's Luck, RG3, or Moore is gonna stink it up. So you think if Peyton was to go, we should draft a rookie and sign a proven QB?

  8. I figured he would get picked up as a position coach or assistant. HC? NO WAY! OC? Ehh, it's a possibility. I just felt Caldwell was overwhelmed and had the wrong people around him also. He needs to tackle one thing and focus on it.

  9. Are you still going to give credit to him if we get worse? What if we are a sub-(.500) team 3 or 4 years after Luck starts playing? That's the most likely scenario, anyway. What if we turn into the Jets, where we are all smash-mouth talk, but we can't deliver results? What if Irsay becomes more like Jerry Jones where people are virtually afraid to work for him?

    Just saying, all of these things could happen, or it could turn out to be a wild success.

    That is the nature of the business. As fans, if this was to happen, we will blame him for whatever happens, but we will have to give him his respect and a pat on the back because he took the risk and did his best to give us Colts fans the best product we can get. It's a difference between a bad owner that makes dumb decision (Snyder, Jones, Davis, etc.) and an owner that will the necessary steps and risks to get better. Irsay is obviously the second one. Irsay isn't going out and signing the biggest the names and throwing out cash, he is building this team strategically and signing experienced personnel to lead this team.

    Either way, Irsay will get props from me for trying (if it was to fail).

  10. In my defense, I am not throwing PM under the bus. I mean, EVERYONE is aware of the elephant in the room so it has to be discussed. If PM is ready to go, then cool. But we have to discuss him not being able to go and making the tough decision because it is reality. It is possible that PM may not play football again. Doesn't mean we disregard it and think everything is gonna be fine.

    But I'm all for keeping PM, but I'm also a realist. So, if the decision to cut Peyton has to be made, then it should be made in a respectful manner.

  11. Irsay.....waited too long to put his "butt on the line" this is his team and I think he should have made changes 2-3 years ago. Like not put Caldwell, a rookie HC in charge.

    For years I wanted change! I wanted Polian gone (because of his ego), I wanted a new defensive, I wanted a new coach, and some more.

  12. Yep.....3-4 more good years with everyone intact woulda been nice but it rarely ever works out that way.

    I'm fine with these moves and I think we'll be back strong in a couple of seasons.

    I understand what Irsay is doing also. He's trying to play both sides of the fence at the same time. If Manning is good to go for 3-4 more years, then he will have a good coaching staff and hopefully the players to go along with it (pending how we play the draft and FA), if Peyton is not good to go, then the next QB we acquire will have a good start with a strong coaching staff and high draft picks to start off fresh.

  13. In my opinion, change was needed. Whether it was with Peyton or not. A lot of things had ran their course and were becoming old (Polian, defensive scheme, no run o, etc.). With Peyton's future as an NFL player in the air and the #1 pick in our hands, I feel Irsay took the risk and started over fresh. Do I disagree, no, I think it was a good decision. Only time will tell if it was the right the decision.

  14. To be honest, I agree with everything you have said, but you sound like more of a Peyton fan than an Indianapolis Colts fan. No one player is bigger than the organization, even if it's Peyton. If we have to make a hard decision, then so be it. Just as long as it's respectful and doesn't hurt the team. I'm not an advocate for cutting PM, but if it's the smartest and best decision for the franchise, then I will watch him wherever he goes but will still be a Colts fan first.

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