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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. I don't think we will build the monster all in one year, but I think we prepare as if we are monsters every single game. I think we prepare to win the division, and I think we prepare in the same way a playoff team would.

    I've seen teams do those things with less talent than this team. The major caveat to me is injuries. If we get bit hard by the injury bug then I think it will get very tough because we lack depth in certain areas.

    I agree with preparing, but my expectations are different. And yeah, injuries determine teams who do well also. Giants just happen to get healthy at right time and make a stride to win it all.

  2. I can't even honestly say that the Colts team we had that took a major butt whooping from the Jets in the first round of the playoffs I think in 2001 was more talented than what we have now. That defense was definitely worse than what we have now, and offensively I think we may even have more weapons than that team had. We just need to jell some, and find some identity which I think we will.

    See, the playoffs is a different animal in itself because getting in the playoffs mean you had the talent, you had the luck and chances to compete every week and get in. Now when you get in, it's all about GAME-PLANNING and EXECUTION and shows how good your coach really is. Just look at our history, we were good enough to be a top 5 team almost every year, but the fact that coaches gameplanned against us and use the talent they had to exploit our weakness, we were getting bounced. See, I can't really compare the season to the playoffs. You can go 16-0 during the season but also you can also lose i the playoffs and go home.

    But I agree, we will jell and find an identity, but that takes certain types of players and skill levels. We are not going to have the monster identity we want without having better talent at the o-line, d-line and line backers, just won't happen. You look at teams that win it all and you start to see the same thing.

  3. Sorry there is nothing crazy about quoting the Giants because they are no more than an example of a team that made an in season run to make the playoffs. Teams with lesser talent than the Giants have made a run to get into the playoffs. We have seen teams like Seattle, and The Rams make the playoffs with .500 and losing records but yet you think we should not entertain this? You did not hear me speak of Superbowls in my thread, I said winning the division and making the playoffs. Pagano himself has spoken of making the playoffs, Andrew Luck has spoken of making the playoffs.

    If you feel like winning the division is an impossible goal, then you might need to revise your thinking.

    I'm sorry, when I say SB I mean just winning in general, I didn't feel like typing the entire phrase out lol, my laziness.

    But Giants> Seahawks> Colts. Rams made the playoffs because they play in a weak division. So do the Seahawks but they are better talent wise than us. We do not play in a soft division.

    Look I'm not saying it's all about talent, but if you want to compete with other teams than you have to talent. Don't get me wrong, I want the Colts to go 16-0 this year but I don't think it's in the best interest of the team going forward because we have that can not be fixed with different mindsets and morale. Blocking techniques can not be fixed with a different mindset. Tackling can not be fixed with a different mindset. Those things are taught and if you have skill then that makes it easier for one to learn them and hone them.

    Grigson is active because that is his job, to put out a competitive product on the field. If he was do tank and do what other GM's have done, he would be out the door. And also, GM's know that EVERY moment there is a chance to improve your team that you may never get again. Hence the VD trade. are we gonna wait and try to draft our CB of the future, or trade right now and get our CB of the future. Opportunities arise and it's up to the owner and Irsay to take advantage.

  4. Why would you put yourself in such a mindset? Do you really think the colts are sitting there saying "Besides we really don't have the talent this year, let's just be happy getting a couple little wins and growing" Do you really think they are not focused on winning the division? You will not be building any Monster thinking that way, a monster starts in your mind first.

    Grigson is not aggresively looking to add people and talent to this team this year for the purposes of getting a couple of little wins and making little strides. I listen to Pagano all the time and he talks about making a run at the playoffs. I've seen him cite the Giants as example. That's the type of mindset you have to have even at this point in the process! Monsters set big goals even when they are in the pre-monster stage.

    I've played football, we probably all have, so we know the mindset of players during the season. But from a FAN perspective, that is how I see it. Let's be real here, we just do not have the talent to win it all. No one wants to admit that but that's just the truth unless something magical happens and our players just play lights out, but that will not happen. That is why coaches research so much about players so we know what we are getting. If it was all in the mind, then all Caldwell should have done is go out and say "Hey look defense, even though we are undersized, can't tackle worth crap, and put a lot of stress on our QB to win games, let's play like an all-pro and win it all."

    It doesn't work like that. Yeah, morale and mindset are factors but so is skill and coaching. We don't have skill at the vital areas that will get us far in the season. Teams talk about making the playoffs and winning because that's what the whole game is about. I didn't say I want us to deliberately lose and play like crap, I LOVE it when our team competes and comes together. All I'm saying is no matter how much we believe we can win a SB, no matter how much we believe we can become a top 10 defense, the skill isn't there.

    And to quote Giants and say "mindset" is crazy because the Giants have talent galore. They might always end up in the top 5 at the end of the season but it's mostly because of execution, mishaps, injuries, etc. Not skill, size, speed, etc. Those are our problems. And speed, skill, size isn't created with a mindset, you have to draft those things.

  5. I'm with GoColts here, it's fun to realize where we are at, but it's way TOO early to get out hopes up. You really don't see breakout players and teams hitting strides until after the trade week. And to be honest, we don't have the talent right now to be competing for a playoff spot. Not saying it's out of the question because we have people in place, but I would rather for us to develop this year and continue to build the monster.

  6. A lot of people were complaining about the Lilja release right after it happened. It was a move that made little sense. He was still a good lineman who went to the probowl the very next season after being released and is still starting for the Chiefs i believe. What really makes the move completely *ic though was the fact that they had nobody to replace him. Then they went out and signed 2 castoffs with more injury concerns then Lilja himself who were absolutely terrible and didn't even make it out of camp. So they were apparently so worried about Lilja's health (even though he played all 16 games), that they felt the solution was to bring in more injured lineman who weren't as good. That was an absurd move and sums up nicely the last few years of Polian's butchering of this team.

    My point EXACTLY! If you're going to let go talent, ESPECIALLY in the OL, then you better have some talent coming back. If you're going to pay for players, it wouldn't hurt to spend a lot of money on the OL.

  7. Bad pick.

    Bad decision.


    These are the kinds of deals I hate to see criticized in hindsight. Two players that were playing well at the time, who were good fits for our schemes. I do think Hayden was overpaid a bit, but Brackett's contract wasn't that big, we didn't pay him very much of it, and it will be off the books this year. What hurt more than the contracts were the fact that the players missed a ton of games in the years immediately following the contracts. Bob Sanders goes in that category as well, although he was obviously much better when healthy than either Hayden or Brackett.

    We resigned Lilja instead of Scott, because Scott wanted more money. He didn't get it; he went to Tennessee for the same money we offered him. I don't blame our front office for that.

    What's ironic is that Lilja wound up missing the entire season after we resigned him, then he had a subpar year the next season. And now, we complain about releasing him. He was overpaid, he wasn't playing well, and he had significant injury concerns. I wish we had given Scott a little more and let Lilja walk, but this was a sticky situation.

    Kind of agree. But would make a bigger case for Mike Peterson, and maybe even Marcus Washington.

    Cato June was awful.

    - We overpaid for Manning. Manning came out and said he was willing to take a pay cut and earn way less money so that it can be used to build a team around him. Our owner didn't listen and still paid the man, I'm pretty sure PM is not going to turn it down. Regardless if PM could play or not, that contract would have hindered us in the long run. If it was such a good contract, why is he not here?

    - Kelvin & Gary: I was ALWAYS suspect about this defense because I knew that the defense played the way it did (besides 2006 playoffs) because of the way Peyton was playing. The Kelvin contract was crazy and Gary's was overpaying, not by much, but still too much for him. So maybe I have bias towards this issue but I think only maybe 3 players on our defense deserve to be overpaid to keep. I didn't like the contracts, and seeing as they are no longer with us my hunch was right.

    - Lilja, we should have resigned again. He had his ups and down but you just don't let a OL with SOME skill walk because it will be even harder to find another one with SOME skill, hence our situation now. Scott, this is one of the players we should have given a little more money. We were successful on offense because at that time PM had all day to throw because he had one of the best pass blocking lines in the game, gotta spend the money to be the best. We can't just let OL who shown they can play go for nothing. Trust me, I know that PM is an OL's best friend, but there's no denying how good our line was.

    - I'm actually in the minority when it comes to Cato. Cato June wasn't a typical LB for us, but he is/was a good LB. He's physical, he's a run-stopping LB. He gets burnt but he's one of those dirty LB's. I'm just saying this hurt us because we have yet to replace him.

  8. I agree. Castonzo is our only good lineman. We need interior linemen in the draft or via free agency next year.

    We'll have the money next year. Our first pick (or 2) should be on the oline, our big money target should be an olineman or 2, that would fix the problem in one year.

  9. It's all about having monsters on the o-line. I want some.

    I knew the moment when they drafted Anthony Davis and Mike Iupati in the same draft that their oline was going to be beast! And I knew about Bowman also and knew he was definitely a steal in the draft. He was an all-american playing next to Sean Lee at PSU. I feel as though if the 49ers didnt take bowman, we would have taken him because he was only 2 picks away and we ended up taking Pat Angerer.

  10. We all knew RG3 was going to be good and it only helps him even more that he was going to a decent team. Factor in the Saints meh defense, a good running, reliable WR's, a respectable defense, and a coach who knew how to manage the game, all he did was perform and he did that well.

    I am concerned that he is kind of Vick-ish and that may lead to injuries. And as someone else, he did make more rookie mistakes than Luck. Luck was running for his life most of the game also.

  11. I agree 100% Yehoodi. It is far better to take our rookie QB lumps now with Luck than ride it out with Manning for 3-4 years of Playoffs contention. Nobody really knows how good Luck will be, but if he is protected with a decent line, surrounded by weapons, and given a stout defense, his level of success should increase rapidly. In some ways, I wish the Colts and Pats were in the same division like they used to be. However, at this stage you'd probably eat us for breakfast so maybe the current division set up is better as we rebuild our squad from the ground up. I do feel sorry for NE having to put up with the constant gimmicks of Rex Ryan and the NY Jets though. I respect Rex Ryan as a DC, but I wish he would just keep his mouth shut sometimes.

    I think you guys are going to have smooth sailing and win your division without any trouble whatsoever. Your TE's & WR's looked fantastic! And your running back Ridley looks amazing!

    Luck has already shown if given time he can pick apart a NFL defense as good as any veteran QB. We just now need to make sure we build the right way. Give him more weapons and a good defense, and then let him loose.

  12. Nope, no 2nd thoughts, no 3rd thoughts, nor 4th.

    The window was closing for Peyton in Indy, we dont want to admit it but it was. There was no way we were going to be able to field a team around Peyton and his price tag. We would have regressed if we kept Peyton. And at the time, we had a once in a decade chance of picking the next big thing. It was time. It was earlier than expected, but it was time to let Peyton go and give him the best chance of getting to the SB NOW (keyword: NOW), and that was not with the Colts.

    Now as far as Peyton, only difference I see is that he can not zip it in between defenders as good as he used to. He can still throw most passes with good power, but putting it between defenders was kind of difficult for him to do.

    I don't think Peyton is gone for his ability to play, it was more of an economic decision and I agree with it still. It's hard to watch him play for another team but I feel good knowing he has a legit chance to win it again.

  13. May be the best two word post ever....love the positive spin!! :thmup:

    LOL, ya know. You can't really say much. He came over 2 weeks ago and his first game is against a top 10 WR. What did people expect him to do? I think people got caught up in the fact that we had a new type of player on our team (and a good one) and expected a lot out of him. He'll adjust, and once he does, he'll be almost lights out.

  14. The turning point was when Freeney left with his injury. The Colts defense was causing all kinds of issues for the Bears to that point. When got hurt the pass rush left the game with him, again like I said before probably more so because of the attention he demands when he's in there can then be switched to other players. Once the pass rush stopped working Cutler was able to stand back there and pick the Colts defense apart like any good QB is going to do if you give him time.

    This. I hate Freeney's price tag but I know what he brings to the defense.

  15. See, this may sound strange, but DB is not one of those running backs that can create for himself. Some running backs can take a crappy line and make it look like the best in the biz. DB NEEDS a good oline to do what he do because he is the type of RB that shows his skills in space. DB's skills don't have the skills that show up in the backfield or at the LOS, but in space once he is in the second level. If given the chance to get to the 2nd level, he can produce. But if not, he will get stuffed. He can not break tackles at all.

  16. He was at most a decent nickel CB here. Whatever happened to him after that must have been good, whether it is coaching or scheme or determination to improve. I think it was more of the scheme that made him play like crap here.

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