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Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum


1st half grades-offense

QB: Luck has not played well, the inconsistent O-line play, less than steller play by the receivers and injuries haven't helped, but his judgement, reads, accuracy and overall production is more like a journeyman backup, than an elite player. Hasselbeck has exceded expectations, even moreso considering his poor showing in the pre season and his performance vs the texans was one for the ages, with Luck out his production down the stretch is critical. grade:D   RB: Gore has been one of the few pl



Colts/broncos- huge win

If we could bottle it up and sell it...we would be rich!!! How a team can look so pathetic vs lower rated teams, then look totally different vs elite teams...I have seen this many times, over the years, it really defies logic, it sometimes appears that guys are just going through the motions, then just start focusing????? I guess that is why this sport is so crazy popular. Bad games happen and sometimes happen vs teams you are supossed to beat, but in the big picture, what really matters is when



Enter to Win 2 Tickets to Texans @ Colts !

The drawing for 2 Tickets to Texans @ Colts is now open! Enter HERE   You must be logged in to enter the contests. Joining the forum is free.   Congrats to the Buccaneers ticket winner: Rideout18



Duron Carter

Why did the colts try so hard in the offseason to get Duron Carter and not even use him? The man is out there in practice snagging 4 touchdown catches, I mean really give the man a shot already. We want Duron!



Colts/panthers- it ain't working...

If you look at the game stats, the totals for each team, were almost indentical, rushing yards, total yards, turnovers, return yards, 3rd down ratio...so what was the difference? This team for whatever reason, starts out slow, always have, they dig a hole, sometimes huge and then fight and claw to get back in the game. The panthers are arguably the hottest team in the NFL and in the end, we had a chance and prob should have won the game....first crack in overtime and even the 2nd time, but again



Incompetent & Dishonest?

Grigson must be fired. If Luck's ribs are broken it is mostly because he is operating behind an inferior O-linedespite the obvious need to upgrade it in the draft or free agency. Instead we got another wide receiver in the draft and Herreman in free agency, neither of whom addresses that need. To compound matters, Luck is playing hurt, ? Because Grigson knows his name is all over this team, and he is trying to save his neck. In one year, he transformed this team into the OLDEST team in the NFL.

I have been calling for the firing of Grigson and Pagano for two years

If the Colts want to have any shot of ever winning a super bowl they need to fire Pagano and Grigson. The Colts for the last three years have almost exclusively relied on Luck to win games by making big plays down field. My case for firing Grigson is described below. The ciolts for the last three years have had no running game, a bad offensive line, an average receiving core, a defensive line that brings no pressure and a very mediocre to poor defensive secondary. Grigson traded away a first rou



It's Not To Understand, It's Hard to Fix

In just three short years we went from one of the youngest teams, with some potential, to THE OLDEST TEAM IN THE NFL !!!! In the last year alone, we went from a team that went one step further to a team that is in serious regression. Why? Because we replaced that group of players with a bunch of over the hill, cap-$ sucking, dinosaurs who have not improved on what we had last year. Add to that the fact that our last three number one draft choices were all wrong-headed for what this team needed.

Enter to win 2 Tickets to Buccaneers @ Colts

The drawing for 2 Tickets to Buccaneers @ Colts is now open! Enter HERE You must be logged in to enter the contests. Joining the forum is free. Congrats to the Broncos ticket winner: our_dbs_rock



Colts/saints-still looks like half empty to me

I guess it's still a matter of perspective.....half full or half empty. Half empty: The 1st 3 quarters it was almost totally team wide unproductive....half full: never gave up and with a very productive 4th quarter , had a real chance to win. Inconsistent is the key word, great in spurts, other times (most of the time) can't accomplish....anything? That is not good football, that is NOT winning football. Something is missing, not sure what it is and not sure if it can be fixed (this year) but to



Week 7 Commentary

I've been quiet all season... Well, with the exception of tweeting with @TheBlueMare every game day. I've decided it's time to make my voice heard, on this site and hopefully will be heard on other media around the area. And maybe even by the Colts.   After today's game against the New Orleans Saints, I've got to say this is not the same Colts team that has had me cheering and yelling so loud that I startle my sister and nephew, and make my mother proud. I've actually gone hoarse, sitting in my



Luck era: progressing or regressing?

I have heard it said and even said it myself, more than once, this team cannot beat the big boys, we beat up on our lowly division foes and struggle vs the rest of the league, then I thought ....we have won some of those games, so I did some research, these are the results, each year vs teams that made the playoffs-that year:   2012: beat the vikings 23-20 beat the packers 30-27 lost to new england 59-24 lost to houston 29-17 beat houston 28-16 Colts:122- opp:151   Luck's ro



culture change

We all know that a coaching change is coming- who would be a good fit for the Colts and who would bring in that toughness, we so badly need? I like Bill Cowher?! #wishfulthinking



Colts/p***'s- come up short-again-why?

The question everybody wanted to know was , are the Colts good enough to compete with the big boys? Yes and no...before I get into that, I want to back track...this was 5 straight losses to the p***'s and the first one that was competetive, in those previous 4 blowouts, it was not a result of a team with superior talent, beating up on a lower level team. The p***'s have refined and adjusted their game plan over many years to the tune of , you have to almost play a perfect game to beat them, they



Grading Grigson (updated) draft

A look at the draft classes:   2012- 1. Luck 2. Fleener 3. Allen 3. Hilton 5. Chapman 5. Ballard 6. Brazil 7. Anderson 7. Fugger 7. Harnish Getting Luck has been well documented and has more to do with the success of this era, than anything. One of the greatest drafts stats-wise in NFL history, Fleener has been very good, Allen was actually suppossed to be the better all around TE, but has not been able to stay on the field, trading up to get Hilton h



Defining Moment

This week will answer any and all questions about the talent that Grigson has assembled and Pagano was charged to develop. I hope we win, but if not and we are embarrassed by a QB with a chip on his shoulder, you can give up any dreams of a SB appearance. We may win the division, but all roads seem to lead through New England, and that's where the dream ends.

Win Broncos Tix!

The drawing for 2 Tickets to Broncos at Colts is now open! Follow this link to enter   You must be logged in to enter the contests. Joining the forum is free.   Saints tix winner   Todays Swag Winners!



Grading Grigson (updated) free agents

I did 2 blogs about Grigson in the offseason and wanted to do an updated version with all the talk about is he or isn't he..............and as much as I have really tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, it's getting harder and harder...... A look at the free agent signings during his era ( some were aquired via trade) I have broke it down into 3 categories....Good-Ok-Not good   2012: Good: Redding Butler Freeman Overton V. Davis   Ok: S.Brown   Not good: Zbikowski Avery McKinney Satele Sta



Colts/texans- true grit

I think it's very ironic that the players who were the difference in the game were primarily the players who had a big part in the sluggish start to the season. Starting with our 40 year old backup (plan B) QB, Hasselback (18-29-213-2 TD's) had a first roster cut type of pre season, did not look like an NFL quality QB. Having a plan B, can be huge as we learned years ago, when #18 couldn't play, but with this team, it's just a plan B ( not expected to play). Last week, he did play and play well



Win Saints tix and Poster!

Saints tickets drawing is still open, Enter to win 2 tickets to Saints @ Colts click here to enter. Poster giveaway soon, Enter to win one here. (If you have already entered this drawing, your entry lasts for the whole season. If not, nows a good time ) Winner! Congrats to the winner of the Pats @ Colts tickets: kbeard.



Colts/jags- gutty win and issues still everywhere

I know it's only 4 games and there is time to get things fixed and there is still a very good shot at making the playoffs (due to playing in the weakest division in the NFL) and anything can happen, but just don't see any reason to feel very confident about this team, after the first quarter, to think that they are capable of going deep into the postseason and the be quite blunt, even the playoffs as things stand right now, are far from certain.... it's not a few things that aren't working, ther



Poster Giveaway!

We have several new posters to give away   Enter to win one here. (If you have already entered this drawing, your entry lasts for the whole season. If not, nows a good time ) These two ticket drawings are also open:   Open: Enter to win 2 tickets to Saints @ Colts click here to enter. The drawing for 2 tickets to Patriots @ Colts is still open. Click here to enter.



Two drawings open! Win tickets to These Colts Home Games!

We've got 2 drawings open right now!   Now Open: Enter to win 2 tickets to Saints @ Colts click here to enter.   The drawing for 2 tickets to Patriots @ Colts is still open. Click here to enter.   You must be logged in to enter the contests. Joining the forum is free.



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