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Trent Dilfer's "double Talk"


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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2012 - spam posted this 5 times
Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2012 - spam posted this 5 times

The Fleecing of the Colts Fans by Payton Manning:

As A fan of the Colts; I pay for the team to be able to operate. I buy the tickets, I buy the jerseys and other things liked signed footballs. I plan my families vacations so we as a family can cheer on our hero’s and it takes my life’s saving every year to make this happen.

This is why I feel Payton Manning is doing nothing but stealing from us when he signed his last contract, Knowing full well he wasn’t going to play, and still don’t know if he will be playing next year, and if so, at best will be a rookie season all over again.

Payton should be ashamed of himself for demanding payment of 28 million dollars for a bench-warmer full of what-if’s. That’s my families money don’t you think?

If the Colts can afford to pay Washed-up Garry Collins 4 million to get his butt kicked for 3 games, I am sure they would be willing to pay our bench warmer the same for a chance for both side to be proved worthy next season.

Hey Payton we want our money back, You get paid to play, so you don’t collect multi-millions until you are able to EARN THEM!!!

What happens if we pay the 28million and Payton is still worthless? We the fans LOSE while we regroup with our first round draft pick we so earned this season.

I just hope it is for Payton’s replacement after a refund from him, and the Colts learned a valuable lesson. “Never Give Your QB Every Snap in Practice”. A team must have a back-up QB that has some Gel Time with the team to be able to help the team. In all honesty Painter would have been a great Colts QB if he knew what to do with a team; or more to the point if the team knew how to play with him… Football is still a TEAM sport isn’t it?

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This whole Manning debacle has really woken me up to the fact that the sports media is going to only say things to boost their ratings. Some of these so called experts have contradicted themselves so much its sad. What's the more intriguing story? Manning staying put in Indy or Manning choosing which path to go down? They will only talk about what keeps people intrigued when the fact is they have no clue what will actually happen. So lets make up some crap so people will listen to our craptastic thoughts. I can't even listen to most of the ESPN radio shows without wanting to scream.

Me too.

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I agree the Colts havent had the best of Luck ( pun intended ) but what about over the entire league? Hasnt there been more non first round QB's take there team to the Superbowl?

Off the top of my head Drew Brees was a 2nd..Brady was a 6th....Jake Delhome was undrafted.....Kurt Warner was undrafted.

I know the chances in finding one of those guys is really small

What if we take Luck and there is a deal on the table for a kings ransom in picks...Just like everyone felt when we didnt take the Ricky Williams/Saints trade..We could have traded up to take Edge and still walked away with picks....

I think we would be ok trading the pick. Getting by with Peyton/Dan O untill we groom a young QB.

Yes, there will always be those non-first-rounders who become great QBs, but they are outliers. And because they are outliers, they become the source of endless fodder for articles that wax nostalgic about how the underdog can succeed.

But consider this: 24 of the last 45 SBs were won by teams that were led by a first round QB. That's a majority. Considering that there are about 240 other non-first round picks and the unlimited pool of UDFAs, what are the chances that the first 32 (or so) picks in every year's draft are represented in this group of SB winning QBs?

1. Joe Namath - Super Bowl III

2. Bob Griese - Super Bowl VII and VIII

3. Terry Bradshaw - Super Bowls IX, X, XII, and XIII

4. Jim Plunkett - Super Bowls XV and XVIII

5. Jim McMahon - Super Bowl XX

6. Phil Simms - Super Bowl XXI

7. Doug Williams - Super Bowl XXII

8. Troy Aikman - Super Bowls XXVII, XXVIII, and XXX

9. Steve Young - Super Bowl XXIX

10. John Elway - Super Bowls XXXII and XXXIII

11. Trent Dilfer - Super Bowl XXXV

12. Ben Roethlisberger - Super Bowl XL and XLIII

13. Peyton Manning - Super Bowl XLI

14. Eli Manning - Super Bowl XLII

15. Aaron Rodgers - Super Bowl XLV

You have a right to your opinion.

However, I think it would be best if you also look at the data.

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I don't know. However, it is not comparable to the college situation.

College players usually graduate within a 4 year time frame, so there isn't much time to beat a cohort.

Well, that was my point. I am not 100% sure but it took Manning more than 4 years to beat Brady in an important game. So I just don't see what your factoid was aiming at. But, to be honest, I am "a little bit" biased haha

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Well, that was my point. I am not 100% sure but it took Manning more than 4 years to beat Brady in an important game. So I just don't see what your factoid was aiming at. But, to be honest, I am "a little bit" biased haha

The fact that the majority consensus of scouts rate Luck above Barkley is not due to my bias.

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So here is the deal - I hear what Dilfer is saying, and what some on this board is saying. The problem is, we are assuming (in March/April) that Manning is 100% ready to roll as a QB. One of the posters above says he'd rather have a 75% Manning for the motivation - well, that may make players "want to play for him" but that will not squeeze the ball between three defenders in the perfect window like we are used to. 75% arm strength means that throw is incomplete or a pick - not a winning combination.

I think if we are sure we had a 100% ready Peyton Manning, then of course you keep him and it makes a lot of sense to trade the #1 overall pick to bolster the roster as much as possible. The trouble is, we don't have a 100% healthy Manning - in fact there is constant speculation of just how long this nerve regeneration will take. I happen to be a Nick Foles fan as well, but there is no question he is a "prospect guy" that would benefit from sitting behind Peyton for a couple of years to learn. So what if we draft him in the second, then he has to play right away because Peyton is not ready yet? Then we risk turning a talented guy into a Chad Henne or David Carr, who had talent but played before he was ready and took too much of a beating for it on his confidence, body, etc.

I am by no means an NFL scout - but when you are facing a situation where you don't know if your superstar is ready to go (or can ever go again - nerve regeneration is a very tricky scenario), and you are in position to draft what "experts" have said is the best prospect since Manning/Elway, it would be foolish to pass that up. If this were last year and there was no clear standout guy, then maybe you trade it. But all we have to go off of is what the expert scouts are saying, and they rave about Luck (and not Foles, Tannehill, etc.). I would hate to be the team that passed on Luck only to sit there for potentially the next decade while he is successful and we are playing quarterback roulette (note - I acknowledge that there is no guarantee Luck will be successful, I am just basing this opinion off of what the "experts" have said).

I never said I'd take Peyton at 75% for motivation... I said I'd take Peyton at 75% period. At 75%, Peyton Manning is better than about 90% of the rest of the QB's out there at 100%. It's obvious though

that Peyton will not be in Indy next year, whether healthy or not. Irsay makes that perfectly clear in his actions as do some of the fans. Not most but some. I just find it unsettleing that as Peyton fights

to stay in a city that he loves and has given everything for, that so many are quick to walk away. And that as he fights to stay, he's accused of grandstanding for his own agenda. There's not another QB

that I'd want on my team. But like I said, this is a meaningless conversation, Irsay has already made up his mind. Regardless of what the doctors say, EVERYONE knows what's coming and that is seeing

Peyton wearing a different teams jersey next year and that will be a very sad thing to witness... ...

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