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Posts posted by BleedBlu8792

  1. You already know that Bradshaw is rated as a premier blocker..

    ..and Brown's been with us 4 years....I know he's good...

    What little I've seen of TR at Cleveland ....was usually OK..

    But Bradshaw and Brown are better......in my opinion

    I wish people would read what's written.


    Brown is NOT good, and it seriously showed last week among numerous times in years past.. Is Brown improved? I'd say so, but to say he's good is a HUGE stretch. I think if he had picked up that block on Wheeler last week, I doubt Irsay/Grigson go as aggressive as they did today in getting another guy in here, but I think that was the ultimate nail in the coffin to say "we just don't trust the guy anymore". Lets not also forget that Richardson also caught 51 passes last year as well. The Richardson/Bradshaw combo will be leaps and bounds better than Bradshaw/Brown.

  2. Why not? Del Rio went from head coach of Jags to DC for the Broncos.


    Plus Norv left San Diego head coach to be OC of Browns.


    Oh I agree.. But when it comes to ego, that's a whole different story. I would really hope he considers it, because I DO believe we have the playmakers on defense for Rex to make us THAT good. Again, look at the Jets, across the board I don't believe they are really any better than us, BUT he has them playing very well. I bet he would LOVE to have our secondary as well, especially having Landry back.


    Like I stated before the draft, Rex made a very mediocre front 7 look very good because he knew he could create enough pressure with his blitz packages, while also knowing his secondary could hold up as well. I believe our front 7, now, is better than anything he's had in the past couple of years. On top of that I think our secondary is more than capable of holding up, if put into better position, to help the front 7 do serious damage. Rex is very creative when it comes to scheming with what he has, however Manusky is not and its showing. This secondary should not have given up 300+ yards to Tannehill.

  3. If the Defense tanks this year I could see that. Remember Pagano replaced Ryan in Baltimore so I could see Pagano bringing Ryan in to run the D IF we fire Manusky and I don't think that's a sure bet but I wouldn't rule it out.

    It would be a good way for Rex to get out of the spotlight and clean his slate. I would be all for Rex as the Colts D, but would he want to come back as a DC?

  4. He's what we have..Bradshaw is very good but cant be relied on...

    .....he's had some good games...we've discussed it many times....he's still carrying that No.1 tag

    ..which makes just good no good....and we need another good game tomorrow...against a fairly good defense, I think

    Cant be 1-1 heading for SF and Seattle.

    You'll come around and get down with Brown

    haha... And Brown can be relied on? OooooK...

  5. http://www.nfl.com/player/camnewton/2495455/profile




    Cam Newton is listed as 6'5", 245 pounds. Terrelle Pryor is listed as 6'4", 233 pounds. Andrew Luck is listed as 6'4", 239 pounds. 


    So he's actually bigger than Pryor, and very insignificantly smaller than Newton. But quite honestly, all three are about the same size. To say that they're not is nitpicking at its absolute finest.


    I'm not really sure I would rely on their information as being completely true. Marvin was listed at 6' and having stood by him, and I'm 6'3, Marvin wasn't 6' with cleats on. Cato June is another example in that they had him listed at 220 and even he admitted in an interview that his listed weight was "generous" and that he played closer to 210 than 220. Not to say that their profiles are "way off", but I wouldn't call them competely accurate either.

  6. I see a lot of complaining going on on the board this week. I kind of had a suspicion that we were going to see this. I think there are a lot of high hopes this year and rightly so. I myself thought that we were a little ambitious with our expectations. That doesn't mean I don't think we have a good team I just think with all the new additions it'll take time to gel a little bit.

    I still think this defense lacks a true difference maker on the line of scrimmage. Maybe Werner develops into that. I still thinks that Mathis does a nice job at OLB but I think he's more natural as a down DE. We need a true stud DE/OLB that the offense has to account for on passing downs.

    With that being said I'd like to address the play of one Kelvin Shepard on Sunday. I realize he is not the starter and is filling in for an injured Pat Angerer and or Kavell Connor but Kelvin didn't look too good on Sunday and I thought for a guy who has been in the NFL several years it was a pretty pathetic performance on his part. Hopefully he redeems himself this week.

    I think the D-line did fairly well, however I don't think they were fully prepared for Pryor, and it showed no doubt. I will give them a pass on this one especially being the first game of the season and against a RO QB at that. Now, if we are still making the same mistakes against Kaep then there are issues, but being this early its way to early to judge if this is what's to expect for the rest of the season.

  7. 2nd year Luck......16th year Peyton........Just sayin

    I'm pretty sure throwing the ball away doesn't take "years" to learn let alone 2. Luck is just stubborn, and I mean that in a positive way, in keeping the play going instead of throwing it away. He seems to believe in his abilities to finish plays even if it takes being hit, rather than just throwing the ball away.

  8. Come on. You are seriously making me want to stop coming to this forum.

    Yes, we could have played better, but 90% of the raiders success came on garbage "backyard" style football after the play had broken down. You cannot seriously be sitting here talking as if the season is in major jeopardy.

    Our team is very good. Our D will be MUCH better as the year goes on, especially against more traditional qbs. The offense will get more opportunities and put up bigger numbers.

    And all of you hypochondriacs will be back here talking playoffs again next week when we are 2-0 and our whole team looks better.

    Your middle two paragraphs have already been reiterated numerous times. None of the posters on this thread are worried about the rest of the season, however the Colts played sloppy for the better part of 2/3's of the game and I don't see how anyone can deny that.
  9. I agree....just hard to go to 3 WR sets when the Def. is constantly in the backfield. However, not being in the 3 WR set also had an inverse effect.....they were rushing DBs off the edge.

    It works well. Peyton's been running it for years, as has Brady. However, they recognize what's coming pre-snap and are able to deliver the ball quickly. Hilton would be perfect for the Amendola/Welker role. Luck just needs to recognize what the D is doing and get a receiver in a shorter/quicker route for a quick check down.

  10. Most of the teams we play performed descent in week one. The chiefs dolphins and rams look good. Titans seem to be improved and even the chargers look good enough to give us trouble.


    Lets go ahead and crown the Broncos as champs while we are at it because it makes COMPLETE sense to make judgements for the season based off week one.. :thmup:

  11. Yea we need Conner or Angerer back for Dolphins, Sheppard can't pursue and tackle like they can, Sheppard be running in quicksand then when he is in position he can't break down and make the tackle.


    Angerer with his club-foot isn't any quicker or faster than Sheppard. At least Sheppard can somewhat handle tackling a ball carrier on his own without being dragged 5+ yards before someone comes and helps. I really hope Conner is good to go for this weekend.

  12. To be honest the biggest worry I'd have after today's game isn't stopping Kaepernick. I'd be more worried about keeping Luck upright against that 49ers pass rush on the O line's showing today. Maybe this is why we brought Matt in :P


    Luck, Pep, or both didn't adjust to what the Raiders were doing. They were hardly diguising their blitzes, and it was poor recognition of getting out of the play the Colts were originally in to something much quicker to nullify their rush. This isn't giving a pass to the O-line, but they weren't getting any help either. They will get it figured out, I hope. I know I discredited Oaklands defense, but I came away kind of impressed. That front 4 isn't that bad at all. 

  13. Offensive line isn't built for this offense, at least not while guys named McGlynn & Satele are starting.

    Pep will find out soon that this is not the offensive line he had at Stanford that gave Andrew so much time he could've made sandwiches for his team and still have time to throw

    It's an exaggeration, but still pretty accurate haha

    Pep will also find out he's not facing soft Pac-12 defenses either.

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